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Started by brads3, May 18, 2018, 07:08:25 AM

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Nah...that's just twisting my words around.
There's never enough deco stuff!!!
Fiat panis.


LOL i thought you wanted to see how long it could be done. food hasn't been much of an issue once i adjusted for the climate. there has been shortages to slow down progress.


YEAR 14-16

       there is  extra laborers but they are young.since they won't move out,un-educated bannies work as laborers from 10 to 16.then they move and take up new jobs.other than clearing land, they aren't productive.they clear the northwest corner and then help build barns for the new the fall they scavenge for food.
     the wheat and chili farmers start harvests at 90+% in august the orchard is at 80%.the other farmers are left to themself.snow comes in late is a decent year the wheat,chili, and beans average 400,orchard is 629.beets and turnips are 330.the forest is over 1500 plus fish before winter.

      Kristophe brings 6 chickens and 4 sheep.the sheep can graze near the hospital for now in a nordic sheeprun.
during the winter,Demar brings tobacco,NF flax,and cucumber seeds.1 bean field will switch to cucumbers.

        keep up with more houses,the firewood limit is raised to RK woodcutter will be built near the industrial market.this should improve the firewood outputs.if we need to help move logs,a vendor can be sent to the market.for now it is just storage.
       a 10x15 pasture for the chickens will go beside the dairy pasture.we do want to move the sheep away from the hospital.a 16x16 pasture near the river will be cleared.
       even thou we turn away 11 nomads,our education level is down to 20%.i handle it well.the only issue is trying to boost extra food.the iron ore has been used up.the blacksmith will make stone tools and the iron collector will help move that we have sheep,the textile limit is doubled to 800.
       merchants bring more seeds.none will offer any corn seeds.

        year 16 will be very soon as the snow melts we need to clear fields.7 nomads arrive in may.a couple,a teen couple,and 3 young workers.they will tend to the sheep and fields. the villagers are grateful for a small group.they had sent larger groups away.the 2 couples will get large colonial houses and 2 small colonials for the young single year beans,spinach,lettuce,and squash will be planted.our wheat will expand to 4 fields.

      we send another worker to help the forester.this should help our wood production.we are using logs faster than we can clear land.this is our biggest obstacle.
pic 1: sheep and chcken trade
pic 2: cucumber,flax,and tobacco trade
pic 3: RK woodcutter
pic 4:Dense forest check
pic 5: yr 16 stats and nomads
pic 6: more fields and chicken pasture
pic 7: sheep pasture and colonial houses


YEAR 17-19

      Iron has hit the limit.for now, i rather not raise it.we'll dig a stone quarry for the miners.the laborers do need to haul in logs.they will clear trees near the mine they cleared trees they found more herbs.i doubled the herb limit to 2000.there is plenty of storage for them.

     the chicken pasture is full and i am getting feathers and bonemeal.i didn't enable the tropical greenhouse mod.bonemeal will have to be traded out.the dairy pasture is almost half full as well as the sheep.

       in year 18,we will build 1 house and the old dairy. that will make a variety of items from the milk.a colonial tailor for the wool and a pine loom and flax field are added.with so many workers,i sent 1 to the mill and 1 the bakery.
        with the extra textiles,i need to increase the trading.hoping to get different merchants,i decided on the CC dock is universal so will bring a variety of goods.a dock storage barn extends it's storage will work to ship the feathers and bonemeal.
         we had a warm summer but an early  frost.crops did better.several averaged 500 each.the food limit is raised to 25, 500,textiles and herbs to 2000.

       this set of nomads will have to work to increase our logs.a bridge across the river is needed.3 couples,5 children,1 young laborer and a 25yr old single male.with these groups coming larger, a boardinghouse will be built near the hospital.this will give the nomads a place to stay warm.the bridge will take time as we are short on stone and logs.2 more workers were sent to the quarry.we also took 25 stone in trade for wool coats. construction across the bridge will wait til next spring.

         a merchant brought the nomads and took feathers,bonemeal,and some pelts.these nomads did arrive with 525 food.sending out a deer hunter,they did produce some of thier food.

         the lack of education does take a toll to logstone,and firewood production.this leads to shortages, and we struggle to clear more logs and thatch.our construction is now a year behind.

pic 1: rock quarry
pic 2: old dairy
pic 3: pine loom and wool tailor
pic 4: CC dock trader and storage
pic 5: yr 19 stats and nomads
pic 6: colonial boardinghouse
pic 7: westlake bridge



      population 110 in 22 houses plus 14 in the down to 12%.our food production is holding well.we have dairy cows,sheep,and chickens.we grow 10 crops plus flax. our trading has expanded to 2 trading posts.we started processing food with a dairy and bakery.we have 2 woodcutters and tailors
       as we clear land we have used the materials.shortages of logs and stone have slowed progress.the laborers are kept busy til mid to late winter.once the stone and log production is stable,things should get smoother.
the dense forest mod has took over the meadows.there is more trees covering the map by now. how much will this affect food or thatch?will the thatch grow as well with the shade?     
        with so many young un-educated workers,it is hard to judge when houses are needed.normally i would build houses as they graduate,1 house per 2 adult workers.up to now,i could click the original houses to locate any 16yr old females.this is a challenge since it looks like there is extra workers needing workplaces and houses.the new housing strategy is to subtract the labor count from the adult population and divide that by 2.not counting the incoming nomads.
      i do think the 3 year cycle is working.with it the food reserve is ahead.the education combined with the cimate,has the fields producing at 400 instead of 500 on average.logs,stone,and going to iron ore tools would take care of our shortages.we should see good progress with the next 10 years.

pic 1: yr 20 stats
pic 2: production
pic 3: inventory
pic 4: food graph
pic 5: citizen graph and limits
pic 6: Dense forest check


When my settlements have reached a certain point, where I don't need the fastest growth as possible (I think you are there now), I don't look much on the number of families/adult girls/adults. When I need to expand some production, workers need to live close and need houses. I make an estimation, that in this area we will need say another 3 houses. So I build 3 houses. I often keep the menus open to see where move in. Of course this strategy only work, if there are adults living by their parents, ready to move out.


ours has been build when we have resources and  no nomads in the boardinghouse. i got behind 1 year due to shortages and it stays about 1yr behind.1yr clear land,1 to build the town,1 for nomads,a 3ye cycle or system was working til the shortages.


YEAR 20-22

       we have 4 couples living in the boardinghouse.3 families are going to the forest. since we have pear seeds,a pear-walnut forest and some grapes will be planted.the walnuts will continue to supply logs. the pears and grapes will increase food.log cabins and a RK storage are planned conserve thatch,a nordic hunter is built.these fit well without crossing the north stream.while the pear and grapes are planted,there will be a boost in will work out to see how the dense forest mod affects these areas.
        13 vikings stopped by and rested in our barns.they were hiding from the indians.they stayed a few nights and headed on.they needed directions to a fort to buy more muskets for their corn war.

      to conserve stone,we switch to rough tools and need an iron ore mine.the last family in the boardinghouse is given a large colonial house and expands farming near the bridge. 2 fields of barley and a rockmelon field can be planted.

      we did have a slight tool shortage even with switching to stone tools and back to rough tools.with 4 miners bringing in ore,the blacksmith should stay help the blacksmith,a young aprrentice will be added.since he can't be added to the main blacksmith shop,a mini workplace smith is built beside it.
      we traded for rice to keep items flowing out of the dock trading post.a rice paddy had to be started near the dock fisherman.otherwise the bannies would eat it all up.

      15 nomads arrive in  july.they got lost in a storm on the way and are late.this will bring the education down to 10%.since 4 are sleeping on the floor,we will need 2 houses quickly.a cabin is added to the forest and a small colonial near the new is mid way thru winter before we are over a tool shortage.we did make more seed trades and added lhamas to the holding pen.

pic 1:mixed CC orchard forests overview,the gatherer radius covers most of the whole forest,there is a little overlap.the grapes will open it up along the lake

pic 2: zoomed in,
pic 3: blacksmith apprentice
pic 4: rice paddy added to the dock fishing pier
pic 5: RK iron ore mine
pic 6: yr 22 stats and nomads
pic 7: barley fields


YEAR 23-25

       we overcome the tool shortage.the lhamas need a has already been cleared for help our tool and stone issue,a multi mine and quarry will be dug.3 of the nomad families will add to the mining.the other works the pastures.

       since this is a  1.06 version of CC,i do want to test the can cut firewood until we get stocked up.i also send the laborers to plow new fields. as expected 26 nomads arrive.6 of these will need to expand our food production.4 fields are layed out along the river road already. with the larger group, another boardinghouse is needed.

      we traded for pigs.we also add more houses.

pic 1: multi mine and quarry
pic 2: CC lumbermill
pic 3:lhama pasture and salthouse
pic 4:  yr 25 stats and nomads
pic 5: second boardinghouse
pic 6:more fields and housing along the river


YEAR 26-28

          1 boarding house is almost empty with 1 big family left.the other has 4 couples with children.a second rice paddy and a reed farm will be built,the reeds can be made into ropes for a tobacco dryer.the workers clear more land and plow  more fields.

       in year 27,i want to build houses for more town children that have grown up. a candle shop will use up beeswax.a new blacksmith to make better tools for the mine and quarry workers.a beef butcher will mean we need a meat locker and market.i adjust the flax back to 1 field and plant the other in tobacco.
      logs are still being used as fast as they are cut.more land has to be cleared and the forest will have to expand northward soon.we also are using stone.more workers are sent to the multi mine and quarry both.

     30 nomads are going to be a handful.we would need 10 more crop is down to 6% and definetly slowing the workers down.since we are behind on materials we will not take this set.i would rather use the time to catch some things up.
      the dock workshop is switched from ropes to fire bundles.a nordic mine and quarry are started to increase our stone.a dryer for the tobacco is built but will require crates.we send 400 tobacco leaf to the CC dock trading post as well as 150 coal.

pic 1: candle shop<top left> and new blacksmith<bottom right>
pic 2: dock workshop and reeds
pic 3: field berry trade, this merchant pays more for marble. these berry seeds grow as blackberries but in fields not orchards
pic 4: rural market and cow butcher and meat locker,note the RK has changed the modded markets textures and path
pic 5: yr 28 stats,did not accept the nomads
pic 6: general store


   yeah, you all are caught up. normally i try to stay a day or 2 ahead of the posts.i have lost ground slowly over last week..with the 3yr cycle, i was trying to stay at least 3 days ahead even. i was sick a couple days but fumbled around at trying to play.then sunday was race day.and then i hit a day i tried to chase the gremlin down. as it is, i have to replay a year to catch myself back up.


        there are 31 fields and orchards to plant. each field a different crop except the grains.there are 4 wheat,2 barley,2 sorghum,and 2 oats. a huge half breed dairy pasture produces 750 milk and 960 beef.2 small pastures of chickens and pigs.and 2 medium pastures of wool from the sheep and lhama. plus 2 rice paddys. some of the CC crops do better in the cold climate.most do about the same as the RK.
CC onions and field berries are overproductive.

       as soon as the farmers are on their fields,the laborers head across the bridge and start working on the new forest.the builders need to finish the quarry and nordic mine.

      i have a crash.the modders and i said this was "play at your own risk".this year has been repayed and repeatedly saved.i saved several in different slots. luckily because 1 save was late enough i couldn't load and hit the pause to stop it.the crash seems to happen as the month changes from aug to sept.replayed august and again repeatedly save.each time trying to find anything that might cause it.quite tedious but if i can save it right before the month change and pause it,i have a chance of finding the it an item or storage issue or a building issue? some might be fixeable by mod order adjustment or not using a particular building. some are internal calculations that we cant see.sometimes the gremlins will mess with ya and then go hide, so the error will go away on its own.this one acted that way since the crash came later for whatever reason.
      after way too much time of following bannies and boats around, it appears there is a glitch to the oats between the RK,CC,and NORTH mods. very odd. not sure why a crop would do that.the farmer harvests it but no production shows to the crop menu or the is he still carrying the weight of what he harvested or did it disappear totally? i did delete the fields and drop back farmers.he did not stop to store anything.he went on to work as a laborer though he remained tagged as  a farmer.
         solution is to check KIDD's colonial mod to see if it adds oats.after this game, adjust mod order and debug test every crop.for now,replay this year and have the oat fields planted in barley.

pic 1:deer butcher and bridge
pic 2: tobacco field and dryer
pic 3: oat crash. farmer has cleared a row but shows no oats to his inventory nor does the field. a strange glitch


I've noticed on your last picture that you rely on large not so close barns for crop storage. Perhaps you should build some of Kid's storage carts between the fields.
There's never enough deco stuff!!!
Fiat panis.


good morning,GATHERER. more barns might help some but the climate is rainy and temperatures in summer are low.when it gets above 70 things grow fast. here that doesn't  happen often. most of the summer is in the 60's.that combined with the education level so low,the fields are producing way less than is a good test to see what produces better.

       can't understand why the oats grow but can't be harvested. that is what caused the crash. the farmer would clear 1 row but not show any soon as he gets to the next row it crashes.


YEAR 29 replayed

           wow,there were more saves than i thought. 2 farmers switch to planting barley instead of oats.there is a quarry and nordic mine being dug.the mine requires thatch,so the bannies concentrate on clearing land.the mine workers will need some houses as well.
      these un-educated workers are not very efficient. there are more quarry and mine workers than i normally have.i also sent another worker to the sawmill to help with firewood.since we never have enough firewood,thatch gets burned quickly.there is 22 working to dig stone.if the weather would be better,the fields would produce 400 each. with the rain and early frosts,we have more fields under 400 than above.



       population 218,6 % educated with no school.49 houses and 2 boardinghouses.growth has been stunted due to our lack of materials. food reserve has been used up.
       you can see that as the education level fell farther,work slowed down. even the laborers seem to move slower or carry less.if we struggled for another 10 years and added 2 more forests to supply logs,i could get the education to 0% and probably survive it.with schools,it will take the 10 yrs to start to see progress.either way i need to regroup.

pic 1: market puzzle food market
pic 2: yr 30 stats
pic 3: production
pic 4: inventory
pic 5: long food graph
pic 6: citizen graph and limits
pic 7: dense forest check


Quote from: brads3 on May 31, 2018, 07:16:05 AM
       can't understand why the oats grow but can't be harvested. that is what caused the crash. the farmer would clear 1 row but not show any soon as he gets to the next row it crashes.

probably because the bucket of cotton that drop on the ground is failed ? as soon the bucket should appear , it crashes ?
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