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4 Grand Challenges!

Started by seanth, April 30, 2019, 01:42:06 PM

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Each year in a Earth system modelling class I teach, we finish the class off by playing Banished. The students work in teams to see which team gets the highest score in four(4) challenges. Full details are in a file I provide my students. Obviously the details are different for WoB, so here's the basics:

Time limit: 50 years of game play

Necessary mods:

  • Cold Realism mod — This mod increases the difficulty of gathering food from the forest by having mushrooms, onions, berries, etc. die when the temperature drops below 0°C

  • Realistic Aging mod — The rate at which your Bannies age is changed to be closer to reality. One year in the game is now one year of aging for the Bannies.

Provided save files:

  • Hunter-Gatherer.sav -- This file starts the player out with a Town Hall and Trading Post. All you need to do to get nomads is build a marketplace.
  • Agriculture.sav -- This file starts the player out with a Town Hall and Trading Post. All you need to do to get nomads is build a marketplace. This file also starts the player out with seeds necessary to engage in agriculture.


A Trading Post exists in all of the provided save files. It's there only to make it easier for nomads to show up. DO NOT USE IT TO MAKE TRADES. Trading is against the rules

CHALLENGE #1: Hunter-Gatherer-No roads-No trade

Here, you will start with the Hunter-Gatherer.sav save file. Establish a colony anyway you see fit, but you cannot build any roads or tunnels. Bridges are allowed, however.

Your Bannies do not have access to any seeds, and since you are prohibited from using the Trading Post, you cannot acquire any. You must rely only on any combination of hunting, fishing, and the gathering of wild foods from the forest. NOTE: Forest lodges are allowed even though planting trees could be considered agriculture.

This is the hardest challenge. Good luck.

CHALLENGE #2: Hunter-Gatherer-Yes Roads-No trade

This is similar to Challenge #1, uses the same Hunter-Gatherer.sav save file, but as you establish your colony you can build any sort of road or tunnel that you like. Bridges are still allowed.

Your Bannies still do not have access to any seeds, and since you are prohibited from using the Trading Post, you cannot acquire any. You must rely only on hunting of deer, fish, and the gathering of wild foods from the forest. NOTE: Forest lodges are allowed even though planting trees could be considered agriculture.

CHALLENGE #3: Agriculture-No Roads-No trade

Here, you will start with the Agriculture.sav save file. Your Bannies brought a large assortment of seeds with them when they were forced into the wild, but you can't build any roads or tunnels. Bridges are, surprisingly, allowed.

CHALLENGE #4: Agriculture-Yes Roads-No trade

Do what you did for Challenge #3, using the Agriculture.sav file, but now do it with roads and tunnels. Go ham and make a landscape of cobblestone streets if you want. Just make sure you can raise enough food for your starving, huddled masses.


Having a large population does not mean they don't live in a soul-crushing hellscape. The final score will be a function of both population and happiness. The rubric works like this:

    Population alive * fraction of happiness.
At year 50, Team A has 70 Bannies alive, and their happiness is 4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5/5=0.9)
            Final score: 70*0.9 = 63
At year 50, Team B has 140 Bannies alive, and their happiness is 2.25 out of 5 stars (2.25/5=0.45)
            Final score: 140*0.45 = 63



Hunter/Gatherer-No Roads:

  • 2019 "Team Fantastic": Pop=301; happiness=4/5; Score = 240.8
  • 2019 kjoenth: Pop=259; happiness=3.5/5; Score = 181.3
  • 2019 "Team Wildfire": Pop=146; happiness=4/5; Score = 116.8
  • 2018 Undergrad Team: Pop=143; happiness=4/5; Score = 114.4
  • 2019 "Team Go-with-the-flowchart": Pop=112; happiness=4.5/5; Score = 100.8

Hunter/Gatherer-Yes Roads:

  • 2019 "Team Fantastic": Pop=211; happiness=4.5/5; Score = 189.9
  • 2019 kjoenth: Pop=236; happiness=4/5; Score = 188.8
  • 2018 Grad Team: Pop=195; happiness=4.5/5; Score = 175.5
  • 2019 "Team Wildfire": Pop=80; happiness=4.5/5; Score = 72
  • 2019 "Team Go-with-the-flowchart": Pop=75; happiness=4.5/5; Score = 67.5

Agriculture-No Roads:

  • 2018 Grad Team: Pop=320; happiness=4.5/5; Score = 288
  • 2019 "Team Wildfire": Pop=254; happiness=4.5/5; Score = 228.6
  • 2019 "Team Go-with-the-flowchart": Pop=204; happiness=4.5/5; Score = 183.6
  • 2019 "Team Fantastic": Pop=192; happiness=3.5/5; Score = 134.4

Agriculture-Yes Roads:

  • 2018 Grad Team: Pop=206; happiness=4.5/5; Score = 185.4
  • 2019 "Team Fantastic": Pop=192; happiness=3.5/5; Score = 134.4
  • 2019 "Team Go-with-the-flowchart": Pop=133; happiness=4.5/5; Score = 119.7
  • 2019 "Team Wildfire": Pop=169; happiness=3.5/5; Score = 118.3


This is quite cool. I may take this on when I'm done using my newfound deco mods and ready to actually "play" banished again!