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Started by Glenn, March 06, 2022, 08:23:55 PM

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Very interesting reading, thanks for sharing view.  It is beyond me that Trump who was impeached not once but twice would be allowed to run for or hold public office ever again.  In my opinion he and several of his cohorts should be in Federal prison for treason and other high crimes. 

These are certainly troubled times we are in.  We can only hope for the best.


I am not sure I can agree about your circle @Glenn
We are talking about very special people, not ordinary people.

With power comes responsibility, but power corrupts.
Only a few reach that level of power. It can be seen, to a
lesser degree, in criminal environments, where a leader
has the authority to do what he pleases.

Ordinary people can be duped to follow authority, but I am
sure they will not easily 'fall off' from right-left thinking.
To them, there is no circle, only the extreme.

Those few that, according to you, should overlap at the other
side of the circle, are people that can not be described by
right-left. They are often considered either mad or god-like.
They have left the 'ordinary' left-right and fallen into a
special group. A cross between nihilism and egomania.


Kidd, you may well be correct, in that, perhaps we should add a spur at the bottom of the circle I theorised.

A spur at the point where the violent extremists of left and right wing political evil overlap, and become one.

Or perhaps we could create a special section, a category, a hinge pin at the bottom of the circle that joins the two extremes together.

For you are correct – there have only been a handful of individuals in history like Hitler and Stalin who could be said to epitomise true evil.

People who need a spur or a hinge pin that points directly to hell.


In my first post on Ukraine I mentioned that Sir Halford Mackinder, the English geo-politician believed the Earth had a "Heartland" centred on the Eurasian continent, and whatever country controlled this territory would ultimately control and dominate humanity.

I also mentioned the "Long Cycle" of power politics that has plagued the western world every century for the last five hundred years, and how by using these two concepts I predicted in my thesis written in 2004 that between 2020-2025 the Western world would see the beginnings of the next great conflict between the Great Powers.

In the weeks that have followed my comments anyone who has been paying close attention to the conflict would have noticed that the concept of the "Long Cycle" has been mentioned twice by President Biden in an attempt to place what is happening in Ukraine into a wider historical context.

The reason I mention this is because last night on youtube the CaspianReport published an interesting piece on how the "Heartland" theory is central to understanding why Putin has invaded Ukraine, and why the Baltic States, Moldova and Poland are on Putin's target list if Russia wins in Ukraine.

I would add Finland and Sweden to this list, and from what I can see both nations are already well aware of the dire circumstances they now face.

This report is well worth watching as it will open your eyes in a way that my words cannot.

I mention this not because the West after twenty years of blindness and naivety finally understands what is at stake in Europe, but to reiterate my opinion that NATO's policy of fear based appeasement towards Russia will only make what is happening all the worse.

Here again NATO is thinking short term – remember Putin has the patience that Hitler lacked.

At best, by not committing their armies to confront and stop Putin while his military is relatively weak and ill trained, all NATO is doing is delaying the inevitable and allowing Russia's armies to redeploy, rearm, retrain and learn from their mistakes.

Even if Ukraine prevails in the coming fight and forces Russia to retreat from eastern Ukraine and Crimea, only a fool would believe that Putin or any other similar Russian tyrant that follows would not try again.

The wheel of the "Long Cycle" has been turning for hundreds of years – it's not going to stop now, and NATO's cowardice in confronting Putin will only delay the inevitable wider conflict and the West will lose the opportunity to nip Russian aggression in the bud – to put out the fire before it becomes a firestorm.

When I wrote my thesis I believed this wider and far greater conflict would commence in the decade 2040-2050, now I fear that given everything that is happening in Europe and more recently with China in the South Pacific that this timeline has been rolled forward by a decade or more.

I pray it hasn't arrived already.


In my posts on Ukraine I mentioned that Sir Halford Mackinder, the English geo-politician believed the Earth had a "Heartland" centred on the Eurasian continent, and whatever country controlled this territory would ultimately control and dominate humanity.

I also mention how you can see the "Long Cycle" of power politics at work interplaying with the Heartland Theory and the war in Ukraine.

So in that regard I would draw your attention to another report published by CaspianReport on   2 October 2018 as it makes for interesting comparisons to what is now happening in Ukraine and in the United States in regard to Donald Trump and his brand of right wing extremist politics.

By watching this episode it will be easier for you to understand why, some three and a half years after the episode first aired, that some people are calling Alexander Dugin a modern day Svengali, or a Grigori Rasputin - a guiding light behind President Putin's evil intent.

Anyone who has been closely following the war in Ukraine would have seen Dugin mentioned on several occasions.

It may also explain why Mr Trump still refuses - even when asked - to say that President Putin is an evil monster.

Perhaps we should ask why this is so?

We could speculate that Mr Trump is scared - if he condemns Putin, then Putin may respond by disclosing specific information in regard to a possible Putin, Trump and the Russian FSB link, bearing in mind that a few weeks ago Mr Trump asked - not for the first time – for President Putins' help in undermining the American political process to help further Mr Trump's extremists right wing political goals.

This link between Putin, Trump and the Russian FSB, has long been speculated about, and by Mr Trump failing to condemn President Putin we can hypothesise that there may be more to the story as to why the American extremist right continues to undermine American democracy both in its legal basis and more recently its political traditions.


I had those same thoughts about Trump from the start.  If any states should be investigated for election fraud it should be the states that went to Trump in both elections.  I found it hard to believe that that many people in this country, especially those with children and grandchildren, were that stupid and ignorant to vote for him not once but twice.  Something is seriously wrong with the system, the people, or both.


Yes, I agree American democracy is far from perfect, but having said that so is democracy in general.

However, the overriding principle of any democracy should be to fix its flaws when found, not make them worse.

In democracies you have law and then you have tradition.

In Australia some for these laws are - voting is compulsory and equal representation is set by an independent body called the Electoral Commission - both federal and state.

There is one federal commission and multiple state commissions.

But it wasn't always this way - voting wasn't always compulsory - it was introduced a century ago when voter turnout dropped to the less than 50 percent.

Now voter turnout tends to be around 95 percent.

Nor was equal representation always fair and just.

One state - Queensland - had a rigged voting system - gerrymandered - where a corrupt right wing government could be elected with 20-30 percent of the vote, and thereby stayed in power for more than twenty years.

It was so bad that in the May 1972 state election, the Premier - Governor in the USA, emerged victorious despite receiving only 20 percent of the vote which allowed him to form a coalition with another right wing party.   
A government seat - electorate, would have 4-5,000 votes whereas an Opposition seat would have 25-26,000 voters.

The gerrymander was eventually overturned by people power, but not before an extremist right wing Premier abused one of the nation's most sacred electoral traditions.

The tradition was - if a federal senator died in office then the Premier of the state which elected the senator would appoint a replacement senator from the same party, thereby doing away with the need for a byelection - the replacement then served out the balance of the dead senator's term.

In this case the Premier, who by the way was completely corrupt, refused to do so, and for the first time in the nation's history appointed a senator from another Party in an attempt to shift the federal balance of power and this in turn set in motion the greatest attempt in our history to pervert and override our democracy.

That was fifty years ago and Australian democracy still shows the scars left by few greedy, corrupt, and power hungry individuals.

A nation's democratic traditions are every bit as important as its laws.

Laws do not foresee everything, and they have loopholes – all of which are fixed/remedied by tradition.

Perverting democratic traditions lays the ground for authoritarian control by moving parts of the political process and political accountability away from the people.

I see that in what has just happened in the USA where the GOP has said it will no longer participate in presidential debates during the 2024 electoral cycle.

Here again the question should be - why?

I like questions - it helps see behind the veil - see what they are hiding - what they really meant or intend.

Why does the Republican Party leadership believe that putting their presidential candidate on display for national and worldwide accountability and suitability for office assessment is now no longer in their best interest?

Why does the Republican Party now spend so must time persecuting minorities, vilify personal choice, and perverting the right to vote?

Such actions show a clear and continuing shift to the extreme right.

Remember the further away any political party moves from the moderate centre the closer a nation is to danger of evil that is found in the political extremes.

One of my favorite television shows is an American show - The Handmaid's Tale

I wonder?

Having said all that, forgive me for being rude – but I feel like turning my head and GOPing on the floor.


On the 6 March I made the following observation in regard to what China's options were in regard to the war in Ukraine.


Given what is happening in Europe, China has several long-term strategic options which it would now be evaluating.
1)   Do nothing at all and pick up the pieces with Russia in the years to come.
2)   Help the West
3)   Strike at Taiwan
4)   Take back Russian Manchuria as it is still claimed by China as being historically controlled Chinese territory.

Depending how things go for Putin in Ukraine one of two things will most likely happen.

If Putin wins then China will see the West as weak and the Taiwan option will moved to the top of the list for evaluation.

If Putin loses then Russian Manchuria will move to the top as it's an opportunity China may never see come again; - Taiwan however, can wait for another day.


Given what we now know about how the war in Ukraine has gone, and how it is progressing, I would like to draw your attention to point 4 and what now may be happening in China, and what may happen if point 4 turns into a reality.

So in that regard you may like to watch;

He gives a reasonable explanation of what could very well happen if point 4 turns into a reality.

You may also like to read the following article cited by Jake Broe.

It was published on May 31.

Human nature, cause and effect, great power rivalry, and the generational cycles of power politics – when, if ever, will it ever end.

Only time will tell where we go from here as it appears point 4 is quickly becoming a very real possibility, whereas given President Biden's recent commitment to use military force to defend Taiwan may mean that point 3 has been put off another decade or longer.

China may even trade off recognising the independence and sovereignty of Taiwan for the Wests acceptance of it reclaiming its historical territory in Russian Manchuria, and this could be determined by the outcome of Chinese 2022 Party Congress later this year and the leadership outcome.

Russian Manchuria is the "safe" option, Taiwan is not.


Oh. It became quiet. Also here.

But Ukraina is short on ammunition. This winter will be very hard. The hardest so far.

Some of my pupils are ukrainian refugees. They are like russians most of them speak russian and ukrainian. They are much closer to russian culture than to western european culture. Nice people. They even sit together here, in my classroom, russians und ukrainians. Young russians that escaped Putin because they didn't want to die as a soldier. They imrision young people and send them to war. Imagine - you make a joke about Trump ans they arrest you and the next day they'll send you to the front line.

It's estimated - some say 70.000, some say 120.000 russians died in the ukrainian war. Nice, innocent men, not all, but many. And those who escaped on each side sit in my classroom and agree on this question only question: "Why we are at war with each others. We don't even hate each others we are the same people.

A few days ago Putin said - historically this terrain belongs to us. A hundred thousand young people, average people like you and me with silly ideas playing games on PC are dead for historic reasons.

Madness it is. And stupidity. Both meat each other. Thats why you changed subject from Ukraina to Trump. How they work hand in hand and form power. Power from the depth of hell. Zombie abocalypse. Stupid men marching. Voting for the mad man. that's why you started with Ukraina and ended up with Donald Trump.There is the red line - the madness bulging from the cravices running through nations  all over the world.

Coincidences. Seismographic coincidences. Shatter human foundations. 

UNO, Geneva Convention, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union - all the foundations - the temples of democratic order began to collide.

And Ukraina runs out of ammunition.

Much talking here, even well educated talking. Goog, good. Go ahead. Do your homework, get good grades with good opinions.

But east of my home there are men killing men. Not much politics there. What Ukraina really needs are weapons. And electric heatings.


Yes Fantozzi, you are correct, I have been thinking about what you said while I was outside working in the garden, in that, I started talking about what one delusional dictator is doing to Ukraine and ended on a man who wants to be dictator of the United States.

What can you really say about such people when right wing extremists are on the rise everywhere – the United States, Europe and South America.

A tyrant can only be a tyrant with the support of similar, and weak minded minions, and in Trump's case millions of brainwashed, armed cultists – I shudder to think what will happen if Trump is re-elected or what his cultists will do if he is sent to prison or deemed ineligible to stand for office. The United States is definitely in a no win situation, and when you look around the world at what happened historically where other similar circumstances have occurred, the answer has always been violence - it's only a matter of how bad it will be. And while violence is abhorrent and should be avoided wherever possible, no matter what happens over the next twelve months in the United States, the nation will never be the same again.

And in that regard, REALLY; why is a man who staged a coup during which people were killed ( in his attempt to destroy American democracy), is being allowed to run for office for the third time so he can install himself as dictator, is beyond comprehension. Abandoned is correct – there is definitely something wrong with the model of democracy being used in the United States and the system needs, indeed must be reformed in order to stop such events from ever happening again.

The only positive, if you can call it such, is that, more than one and a half years after this discussion was started, no rational person can have any illusions as to the true nature of Putin and Trump, and what both men would do if given the chance.

Not a month goes by without the Russians saying they will nuke and invade one European country after another, or Trump describes how he will destroy American democracy, build concentration camps, and do whatever it takes to remain in power if he is re-elected.

We all tend to forget that Hitler was elected to power, as was Putin and Trump, with the only saying grace being that Trump was too stupid and too unorganised to seize power first time around -  but not so this time.

And this in turn is being reflected in American politics and the current lack of funding to help Ukraine defend itself, and by doing save the rest of Europe from being overrun.

I will close with an observation, in that, the recent attack on the Russian railway in Siberia came as no surprise, other than why it took so long to happen; I have been waiting for more than a year to hear such news - but with so much else that needed to be done in the war effort, by entering the conflict the North Koreans seem to have pushed the Ukrainians over a line, a line which will, I believe, see the Russians getting what they dish out -  if they attack the Ukrainian electricity grid again this winter then I expect we will see the same happen to Moscow and other cities in Russia, and with them, if American funding to Ukraine isn't restored, a pipeline or two - Ukraine will see no other way.

PS    In as much as the railway attack will impede the flow of armaments from east to west, the reverse is also true -  I wonder what the Chinese are thinking? Is now the time?


I am not sure I want to get into the politics here point by point. But I will answer your question as to why things are happening and why TRUMP.

the answer is simply people don't trust their governments. the media news just portrays what our governements want them to.  much of what people are told to believe is just lies.

and that applies to so much of our world's, not just the day to day news, TRUMP/elections, etc. It also applies to past history. remember our education was also influenced by what thed government wanted us to be taught.

take away what we were taught or told to believe, if you will, and we don't know much. then our own research will lead us on trips down numerous rabbit holes. taking off the glasses that the world governments want us to use and the reality that we see is quite different.

again my inteent is not to start am arguement or fight here, but to get you to look beyond what the governments want you to know and ask yourself "does what you see really make sence?".


Yes Brad, you too are correct.

Most people never think too deeply about anything as their life is already cluttered with living -  work, families, university, sport etc; the list goes on.

A person can only take in so much at any given time and if they try too hard they may uncover a truth that shatters their belief system and by doing so undermine how they have lived their life and what their values have been all that time.

So in that regard please forgive me if you think I am being too heavy which is why I stated this as a separate topic - people can chose to read it or not, but if it's the middle of the night and your house is on fire, a good neighbour will wake you and sound the alarm.

All a person has to do is ask why?

Why are they doing this, why are they doing that? What is their agenda, what is their belief, what is their motive?

Should anyone ever care to comment I will respond if they like.