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Started by brads3, July 12, 2018, 06:19:46 AM

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 :D Hehe, I can handle a few hundred bannies, not more!
Good luck! :)


i always read them or at least check all picture :)
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glad to hear someone is paying attention. i have tried to label pics different at times if i find something odd. it does go slow for the moment but will get better.
       food here has been harder to produce. there are several differences causing it. TOM's happiness norseman need educated more than the bannies before.there is climate differences too. the growing season is warmer and longer but the RK crops produce less than CC's did.a fair setting plays like a normal mild, but with less outputs.

   for lack of a better explanation ,it is like the game took the North and did an average of it and CC and the RK.without the North mod things went way  left.caused a bigger change than i expected. as i get more used to it,i should get better at adjusting to the changes.


YEAR 17-18

          while the magazine is being built,the laborers begin to clear land for the south wall and more roads are layed out.then the 2 side gates will be built.

         finally the merchant has brought strawberry seed.those will help our health.we have gained squash and strawberry seeds.

       a weird glitch slows us down.there is 8 spaces that we can not build on nor level.i tried to run a road over it and had them remove it to see if that woud solve the has not worked either. thought it was a road that wasn't finished or needed finsihed before it could be deleted.anyway it is dead space and will be worked around.this does delay the south  wall.

pic 1:east gate
pic 2: west gate
pic 3: a weird glitch.dead space can't be built on


I also read the blogs/village images from everyone but sadly not respond much on them  :-[

You are a die hard @brads3 with using so many mods together but sure a good thing you won't give up on it. :)

[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


EMB,you is late to the party. you was on vacation when i started planning this.i did add a couple of your mods for this though.this map has been treacherous.took too long to set the mods. even now somethings seem wrong.mostly climate and nomad counts from KID's well. challenging but not game breaking.



            a cemetary will go near the dead spaces.before they run the south wall,i needed to do some fixing and leveling to the river patch.a placer mine will go there and 1 on the main river.1 for gold ore and 1 for silver.another farm house and barn are needed to the east to empty everyone from the barracks.they have 1 large family living there.
            i figure we need at least twice as many houses and workers to run the shortage did slow things is behind.there is also material needs to build the fort pieces. military supply,building supplies,coal,cloth,and iron.

pic 1: east placer mine,note the snow covered water patch,even thou i leveled the ground when i debugged and tweaked the river,much of the ground had to be re-leveled to  build on it.

pic 2: west placer mine

pic 3:far east farm.


I usually read all your blogs too. I like it very much. We play very different and it's always nice to see, how it can be done with a different approach.

Of course it's harder to produce everything here with Norsemen. As I looked into it, you lose production between 10 and 35 % when your Bannis have 3 stars happiness compared to 5 stars. It pays off to try to make them happy.


hi,NILLA. yes and no,here with the lack of education it is hard to say it is the happiness. as education drops below 40%,there is less food. think it is a combination of several changes. i had hoped to get things stable with 3stars. the indian village was.when i tried to expand it has become more challenging.



          yes we are behind on getting the fort was neccessary to get food reserves built back up.100 citizens in 26 is up to has also improved.we need grain and limit will need to be raised this year.
         as we add nomads,farming will expand.hopefully we can add some production buildings and increase trading soon.the indians do want more houses and a small still.

        other than material needs,the fort should be completed soon.then i can start phase 3.if something doesn't work well,i will start farms south of the fort.the east has a nice area to set up more the east of the last field, a mountain juts out from the map edge.there is plenty of space going south to the lake for farms.that should leave room for at least 2 forests near the jut out mountain.

       even with only 3 stars, things are stable as long as education holds above 40%. as soon as i expand, it takes lots more bannies to produce enough food. 1 big difference seems to be the laborers work slower.
pic 1:year20 stats
pic 2: production
pic 3: inventory
pic 4: food and citizen graphs
pic 5: far east mine mountain


Of course the laborers work slower. That's the effect of the 3 stars. No education brings less production; less food from each tile, less firewood from each log, less stone from each rock, less clothes from each textile. .....

The missing stars make everyone work slower; from time to time, they need to go to a suitable idling spot. If there's an idling spot close to the work place (or if the closest idling spot is very far away) they don't spend much time on the road, and you don't lose much production. Maybe at the beginning of the game you didn't have any idling spots, people just made a brief brake on the place they were and you didn't lose much production. Later after you've built some markets, trading ports or other buildings with a happiness circle, they will spend a lot of time walking between workplace and idling spot.

It may take "for ever" to clear land. A Banni makes one cut, then walks to the market to idle a short time, walks back, makes one cut, gets home to eat,  back to work,  makes one cut, and again need to idle.....With only 3 stars you'll need a lot of patience. Believe me, it pays off to make as many as possible happy!


YEAR 20-21

         the indians will get 3 teepees and a still to make honey mead.they add another small beehive near the orchard to have more honey.all their workers can be put to work including the burial ground.they do have plans to trap deer and have built a stockade pasture.they say the bears are scaring the deer so this will help keep them from running away. the indian village is completed.

      while the builders were busy with the walls,the laborers hauled supplies for the 2 smelters. along came 9 settlers. a small group for once.6 adults and 3 children.2 families will move to the mine and production still waits for iron,2 will start working the placer mines for silver and gold ores.
     we traded for 4 chickens and a open run was set in the farm corner of the might need fenced later.4 more houses have been added,2 to the fort and 2 to the mines.they will work as laborers until we get some iron.

     happiness did go to 4 stars for a short time.not long enough to have an affect.

pic 1: honey mead still and a extra beehive
pic 2:indian village overview
pic 3: smelters
pic 4: south gates and wall


YEAR 22-23

         we'll add a fort blacksmith to make muskets and some wells.the laborers are busy plowing 2 more fields.

          should point out that this is the CC plus the frontier addon mods. the frontier had some production and storage issues.hopefully they will fix them soon and update the modular mod. hence,my build requirements are from the CC. most anyhow,as the teepees are a mix of the 2 mods.the fort pieces are harder to build but will work  better. i do wish KID would add to his pantation fort will be interesting to see  what he and ABANDONED have came up with.

          17 settlers arrive.they are ready to mine.too bad they didn't bring iron.a pair will start the smelters.the rest will move east and work to increase food and is probably the wrong move but will speed things up. it will hurt the food reserves but push ahead on other things.
       the farm village will get a town center with a school,church,and a RK random mine is dug.more fields wil be will drop for a short time while getting this area built up. a nordic wharehouse will serve the production area.this will take time and hopefully the food recovers quickly.

pic 1:RK random mine and start of a production village
pic 2:farm center for the east farms


YEAR 24-25

         we can plant corn finally.we also took in a lot of food by trading. wow,that was a push. i do hope food will increase soon. the payoff is the random mine and a sawmill.we can split the chickens to the new pasture.the indians trapped 4 bison.a stable has been added to the fort, but needs fencing and our food will need to improve before we feed them any corn.

         a cemetary,tavern,and fishing is planned for the farm center.for the tavern i'll make my old NMT ake stall market,some wood walls, and a roof over. it is rough but will keep them is gaining just not fast enough.there is a granny park near the chapel.

         yes there is a lot of clean up and some decorations to do.for now i need to keep pushing food up.

pic 1:farm center now has a school,market,and chapel with a small park.
pic 2: year 28 stats
pic 3: rustic self-made tavern


YEAR 26-27

           that was scary.i almost bailed out and restarted the it is, the food is recovering.that was a daring push.more fields and a larger pasture will be cleared.

         i did check on the indians. 16 yr old students are showing some happiness.even thou they walk to the fort school,and have no church there were 2 with full happiness.evidently,lack of education will bring happiness down. seems to be more ways to get them to full 5 stars than needing all catagories covered;ale,spirit,diet,trader and market. i can't say which affects production more, happiness or education.hopefully more players use the happiness and we can debate which should have more affect.

        since we are out of iron ore,the multi mine will need to be dug.for now the fort BS will make wood tools.the other mini workshop will stop making coats to make stone tools.this should solve several issues.the iron  will help.the pasture was on hold until the tools were more stable.

         i did make adjustments to the mod order to try to figure out the nomad counts. the nomad well brought small groups but it does jump and send larger groups.i had a group of 9 then the 17.once it jumps the next few sets will also be this case, the set at yr 26 was 15. reloading the save before the large group might have reset that group smaller.not sure why it does that or if there is more of a range to the random number of nomads than i think.

       nomads are a double edged sword. they are needed to speed the game up and to the same time it takes several years to over come these larger groups.many are sent to clear fields.then i try to use some to build more at the fort and others to gain towards future ideas.all that while RED's  education and TOM's happiness works against is a battle of wits.
pic 1: multi mine not much to show but it does work out.we survive and build tools and food up