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Thank you all modders

Started by Milksoup, April 08, 2020, 06:03:55 AM

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I just wanted to put a thank you out there for all modders.

I'm returning to Banished after several years not playing it and the Mods do breathe a little fresh air into the game.  I'm not going to mention specific names as I'll leave someone off but I've got a bunch of mods installed so all you heavy modders deserve my thanks... Lol...   

Even those of you whose mods I haven't installed.

Thank you!  You all deserve the thanks.   ;D

I do have one general question though... What are the funniest or silliest mods out there.  All the ones I've found are very tasteful and match the tone of the game.

Are there any ludicrous ones out there? 

I'm tempted to try and set up a taco "truck" flour, lettuce, beef and tomato for tacos or flour fish and cabbage for fish tacos.

Is that too ambitious for a first attempt as a mod?

I've done plenty of Photoshop and graphics work in my day but never 3d modelling so not sure if I'm going to be out of my depth.


Nice to find new faces :) Welcome @Milksoup !

A mod that is a little 'off' is my Forest Deep. I don't know if I was ever serious with that one.  ;D;sa=view;down=212


I can only tell you that here on the forum is a lot of info if you want to start making models.
Some moments are just cruel learning. Some are try-try-try...try again.

The best is to download Blender since it is free, no thousand dollar price tag.
It is fully capable to make all things needed for Banished. Except for animations.
There is a flaw in the program and the .fbx output. Maybe it has to do with settings.

Most cave-ats in Banished code are covered in different places on this forum.

Make a test. Model a cube and texture it. Export and write the code for it.
If it works, you have a hint on how difficult it is to work with Banished and 3D.

Whatever your choice, I wish you luck in what you do. :)


@kid1293 and @Abandoned

Lol... That's exactly the type of thing I was looking for...

I'm going to add them both this evening. ;D

I am not going to do my own mod right away, I'm going to try out all the new mods I've found first...  Hopefully I'll figure it out...  If not, I'm sure I'll have fun failing... Lol