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Abandoned - Darkstone Castle - Story 55

Started by Abandoned, March 31, 2020, 10:52:16 AM

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  This is the 55th story in the Smallville Series and is a continuation from Darkmoor Haven story 54.  It is a continuation only so far as this story is being told at the end of story 54 back in Darkmoor Haven in year 82 SVT.  The story is being told by Hilliam, one of the dark elves who came to that settlement in year 67 SVT, she is telling the past history of the settlement in the Dark Forest that she and the other dark elves came from.  It is located much farther south along the same river, down near Monkstown #7  and Pirate's Cove #33.  It was an old settlement dating back even before Smallville.

Map  #  270756305     Valley,  Small,  Mild,  disasters Off,  Medium Start 5 Families

Mods enabled in load order:

Starting and Map Changing Mods: Banished UI Maps, Labor Window, RK Minimized Status, CC Light Rain, A8 Japanese Trees (vanilla), Jinxie Natural Decorations, Kid Tree Replacer Only Pines, New Flora Edit, New Trees, Family Starts

Tweak Mods:   Fishing Dock 25%, Increased CC, 1:1 Alternative, Rocks Respawn

Major or Must Have Mods:   An Empty Square, Nomad Sign Complete, Storage Crates, Jinxie Bitty Village Set, Kid Abandoned Places, Kid Gothic Fantasy, Kid Gothic Fantasy Deco, Kid More Houses Dark, Kid Old Town, Kid Old Town Ports & Pirates, Kid Workplace

Supporting Mods:  Kid Coven (update, testing), Kid Deco Plants, Kid Gothic Tithes & Tributes, Kid Market Carts, Kid Washing Mod, Smuggler Cave, Tiny Chopper, Tiny Quarry

Mod Note:  There is no new mod in this story only a small update to Kid Coven mod, one new building has been added.

So, weary traveler, like Averich and Emmalynn and the others, you want to know about Darkstone Castle in the Dark Forest.  Where shall I begin?


Chapter 1

  The settlement in the Dark Forest was there long before I was even born so of the early years I can only tell you what little I learned from old hall of records and church records, and from what I was told by my parents and grandparents and other old timers.

  Five families made up a small fishing village.  They were descendants of the two original couples that built the bigger cottages to raise their families.  There are two sets of gravestones in the cemetery engraved with only the words Ma and Pa.  Their 10 adult children paired up, built 3 more smaller houses, and had families of their own.  Some old inventory records showed they existed mainly on fish and gathered foods.  Several old hedgerows were still providing apples, berries, chestnuts, flax, and firewood when my husband, Bostoney, and I left.  The old anvil was still there but the tailor's rack and wood chopping block had been replaced several times over the years.

There were some old school records where the children signed their names when they learned to read and write.  The school was built a safe distance from the river, the river was a lot swifter before the rivers changed.  The school was built of stone and had a dark stone slate roofs like many other building.  My grandparents and Bostoney's named the village Darkstone after they arrived.

  Yes, the original families knew the rivers had changed, even way back then there was an occasional river boatman who stopped by.  They knew about the tragedy that happened to the village over on the main river and were happy to later learn that some of the children had survived and founded Smallville.  Yes, it was a long time ago, weary traveler.


Chapter 2

  Indeed that river had been dangerous.  Old church records showed that Maniel, the fisherwoman, drowned.  She left behind a husband, a young child, and a newborn.  She was buried in the old cemetery by the new chapel.  The old records consisted of a wooden box of notes that had been posted on the old bulletin board near the storage barn.  The box was kept in the barn before the chapel was built and it was later moved from the chapel to the Hall of Records that was built near the school. 

  The younger generation did a better job keeping records.  There were old inventories and production records stored in the Hall of Records, no doubt recorded by the school teacher next door.  There were records of new houses, and new couples, and new babies.  The records showed there was a variety of foods but perhaps not a steady supply, the overall health of the people was low.  A herbalist began working collecting herbs and healing.  Health slowly began to improve.  Perhaps it was that herbalist that made my ancestors more acceptable to the people here when they arrived.


Chapter 3

  The river boatman not only brought news of droughts and floods in the surrounding area but he brought farm animals that had been abandoned. One of the old timers remembered the day they got the milk cow and laying hens, the rooster did not want to get out of the boat.  They did finally get him into the animal shed they built and he adjust quite well to his new home.  Remiah married Ellene who was the herbalist and he tended the animals.  The following year the boatman brought sheep.  An animal shed was built for them near the storage barn where the tailor could easily get the wool to make warm coat.  The river boatman said people far west of here and east in the swamp needed cooler linen clothes because the weather was so much hotter there.  If a small trading post was built here, he could bring other types of foods grown in nearby small villages like this one to trade for linen clothes.  Inventory records showed there was a lot of flax, then linen clothes, then a wider variety of foods, indicating the trading post was built then, approximately year 15 SVT by my estimate.

  Most of the old records were not dated, if any specific time was mentioned it was the year it snowed in spring, or the year so and so was born, or the year the chickens arrived.  The year the trading post was built there were 2 new houses built and 2 more newlywed couples.  At the end of the year the population was 35, 22 adults, 2 students, and 11 young children.



 :) Deco is such fun  :)

Chapter 4

  After the trading post was built began the times of trouble, or more than likely it was just that the village began hearing about the troubles.  What I know was again recorded on notes from the notice board found in the wooden box.  Millice, the general goods merchant, was waylaid, beaten, and robbed by smugglers.  Mabela, the resource merchant, had not been seen or heard from.   Jeralyn, the seed merchant, threw seeds overboard to escape smugglers.  Neva, the livestock merchant, not wanting to throw animals overboard, won't come this way anymore.  Corne, the food merchant, also threw merchandise overboard.  He spotted a riverboat by the smuggler's cave upriver but saw no sign of the boatman.  There was also several notes of small villages being raided and abandoned.  You can still see the remains of one of those villages across the river and the old smuggler's cave further upriver. 

The information no doubt came from the river boatman but whether any trading was done is hard to say.  I found no early trade records and keep in mind, weary traveler, the old timers I spoke to were only children at that time so there was not much they remembered.  There were records of 2 more houses being built for young newlywed couples and a lighthouse by the river to oversee the approach to the village.

  Smugglers were not the only trouble in those times of trouble. 


Chapter 5

   In those days there were many fears and superstitions.  There were fears of droughts and floods and food shortages and diseases.  There were suspicions of those who could cure those diseases and of those who they blamed for causing the disasters with magic or curses.   Elves in particular were suspect because of their knowledge of nature and herbs and communing with nature and wildlife.  Herbalists were considered to be witches and in some areas were hunted down and even burned at the stake. 

  It was the fear of witch hunters that caused our Elven ancestors to flee into the forest and settle.  There were 2 groups that met at the river, our grandparents came from the areas that soon after would be settle as Monkstown and Haunted Hollow.  There were 23 of them, 15 adults with 8 children and the size of the group made it too dangerous to travel along the river.  They crossed over and entered the forest which consisted mainly of pine trees.  The thick pines caused the forest to be dark and shadowy but it provided good cover.  The group came over the hills and found a clearing near a smaller less traveled river and decided to build a Coven settlement there.  Grandma told me that it was year 20 SVT when they arrived.


Chapter 6

  The elves did not know at first that they had neighbors.  From the hilltop they had seen the smuggler's cave and the abandoned village across the river but they trusted that the thick pine trees would keep them safe and hidden from view.  It was when they began building and collecting resources and wild foods that they discovered the villagers.  Perhaps it was because they were honest and upfront about being hunted elves who knew magic and herbalism that won the villagers' trust, the group was made welcome and told to help themselves to whatever they needed until they were settled.

  The elves gladly began filling their hoarding cart with needed food and supplies while building a large storage barn and houses for their 7 families.  So as not to rely too heavily on their gracious new neighbors, they built a gatherer's hut in the center of the settlement.  They set up a learning tree school and cast a protective spell over their books of knowledge.  A wise owl came from the forest and perched in the tree above, a sign from nature that all was well.  By fall, Grandma had transplanted some of the plants and herbs the students would study.  She also planted other bulbs, seeds, and seedling she had brought with her to their new home.  The elves named their settlement Darkstone Coven after checking with the villagers.  They could not help but notice that the village buildings were built mainly of the dark stone that was abundant in the area.  They agreed to become know as Darkstone Village and Darkstone Coven in the Dark Forest. 

  The elves could not help but notice that their arrival and the villager's generosity took its toll on the supply of food and resources.  They helped collect wild foods but firewood was still very low.  They helped the villagers cut trees and collect branches throughout the cold winter months.


Chapter 7

  Grandma said that first spring was beautiful with many of the plants and tree seedlings she planted blooming.  There were still shortages of food, logs, and firewood, but at least it was spring.  The villagers set up a forester just south of their village and were busy collecting wild foods.  The elves found a hedgerow while cutting trees and their gatherer was doing well but a little extra magical help wouldn't hurt.  A conjurer's workplace was built and Maddie and Magdalian, who were both skilled magic users, began conjuring tools, coats, apples, and walnuts.

    The villager's forester and branch gathering helped to alleviate the log and firewood shortages but the food supply was still low.  They set up a gatherer's workplace by the forester which helped somewhat but what was really needed was the return of the food merchant, Corne.


Chapter 8

Little was seen of the riverboat traders.  The resource merchant was still missing.  The seed merchant came by twice with no trouble, the smugglers were not interested in growing vegetable.  The villagers were no farmers so they were not interested in seeds either. There was a note in the wooden box saying an order for leather was given to Millice, the general good merchant.  Neva, the livestock merchant, returned after being chased by smugglers in a small boat.  She escaped by coming down this river.  She had one cow with her that she gave to the villagers so she could quickly make her way back to Riverboat Junction.  Corne, the food merchant, still had not returned.

  Another animal shed was built for the cow and several hatchling chickens were moved in with it.  Nearby the villagers built another hunting cabin and the elves set up a butcher table to make venison sausages using Grandpa's secret recipe. The elves shared the sausages with the villagers just like the villagers shared the venison and other supplies with the elves.  A 2nd fishing pier was built providing a workplace for 2 more fisherman but still the food supply remained low.  It must have been a relief when the food merchant finally arrived.  A note from the notice board said potatoes, cabbage, and cheese now in storage. 


Chapter 9

  Records showed that by late spring of year 25 the supply of logs, firewood, and food was good.  Records also showed that the health and happiness of the residents of Darkstone Village and Coven was at 100%.  There was some trading done.  The problem with smugglers must have subsided, there was no mention of smugglers other than a notice board note that said "no activity at the smuggler's cave, boat gone". 

Life in Darkstone Village and the Coven must have returned to normal.  The population was 75, 41 adults, 24 students, and 10 young children.  It was around that time that the first elf and villager couple paired up .  Katha, the single female in the small Coven house, had taken up with villager Lymani.  They had 2 children.  When the children were old enough and in school they would not be taught Elven magic, only pure-bred elves are able to learn and use Elven magic. Their parentage was recorded in one of old Elven school record books.  At the time, there were 6 Elven students in the Coven school but they were too young to be taught any Elven magic, dark or otherwise.  The students were only being taught about plants and herbs and combinations used for healing.  Later when they were older they would learn basic spells and conjuring.  At the time the only things being conjured up were tools, coats, apples, wheat, and walnuts.  In year 27 villager Rodolf married elf Magdalian.


Chapter 10

  I found a note in the old wooden box that said "more rain, old pier washed away."   The old timers remembered those years.  There was heavy snow late in spring and early in fall and there was always rain, not just rain but heavy torrential rain.  The river was running fast and high and most of the old fishing pier by the abandoned village across the river broke up and was washed away.  The river boatman were having a hard time navigating the swollen rivers.  The problem was not just here but all over, there was flooding and mudslides and washed out and abandoned towns, farms, and animals.  Wild animals trying to find dry land were attacking. Corne, the food merchant, said he could bring wild boar meat if the villagers wanted some.

  The villagers wanted to build another lighthouse so they could keep an eye on the river and a lookout for wild animals.  The elves did not want one built in their Coven.  The trees by the river kept them secluded and hidden from view, they did not want them cut.  They compromised.  First they planted a oak tree seed and cast a rapid growth spell on it.  They soon had a tall thick oak tree in which to built a haven tree topper house.  The villagers were not happy with the use of a magic spell to build the house and the elves were not happy that young villager, Hobertrude, moved into it.

  Fearing another mixed breed couple, the elves advised the villagers to build more houses on their side of the valley.  The villagers had too many young singles that were not of marriageable age that would move in alone.  More houses needing firewood was not something that was needed, with the cold wet weather firewood was often in short supply.  There seemed to be no solution to the problem.



 :)  Thanks, it was built with a little Elven magic.  :)


Chapter 11

  The problems only worsened in the years 30 to 33.  The elves built another house and young elf Wellyn moved right in and took an elven bride.  Problem was it was his sister Belinor.  Parents, Omarien and Jammi, had no problem with this.  They said at least the babies would be purebred elves, but the villagers and the other Coven elders did have a problem with it.  The villagers were scandalized and the elves then suspected they were behind tree topper villager Hobertrude, suddenly taking a villager bride.  In year 32, my husband, Bostoney, was born to mixed breed couple Rolf and Magdalian in the house next-door to the sibling couple.

  The Coven elders were now concerned not only with half breed children attending their school that taught magic but there would be purebred villager children attending also. The spells and enchantments have been kept secret for hundreds of years.  To make matters worse the river boatman brought news of smugglers operating nearby on the main river near Monkstown and there was again talk of witches and witchcraft and of ghosts and a Haunted Hollow.  The years of rainy weather caused wide-scale flooding and Smallville sent expeditions that established an Animal Refuge and a Refugee Camp.  And in year 33 a mud and rockslide blocked the river north of Smallville causing the course of many rivers themselves to change.  The whole world was changing.

Yes, weary traveler I do know a lot about world history and those times, and I wasn't even born yet. 

(Story Note:  Storyteller, Hilliam, and her husband, Bostoney are not physically on this map.)