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Started by JM, September 16, 2018, 05:23:20 PM

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Version 0.2 (experimental)

Fixed possible bug when overwriting existing profiles.


When saving profile, it is now possible to add notes, which are then displayed in the "load from file" dialog. I do not  like this implementation, I will be thinking about changing it somehow. So far, I'm going to look for bugs.


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on September 17, 2018, 01:38:20 PM
Also, you can initially try to get the path from C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Banished\Application-steam-x64.exe. It will work in 90% and not everyone knows this path to set it manually.

But what about all the people that didn't buy Banished from Steam?
On my computer, the path to the exe is E:\GoG\Banished\Application-x64.exe (GoG is a directory I created. It wasn't created by installing the GoG version).
Others will have a completely different path. Most folks know how to find their own path, I think.  :)

[color=#800000][i]Yes, I can multitask. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.[/i][/color]


usually when you install a game, it doesnt store its path in the registry ?
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It is certainly possible to try to get a path from the registry. Or, get it by dragging the Banished shortcut into the Modman window. But maybe it's useless.

ModMan has no installer. Its user must be able to download the archive, unzip it somewhere, and make a desktop shortcut.

If he can do this, he will certainly be able to find the Application-XX using the standard file dialog.
If cannot, he is also unable to manually add mods to WinData, so he does not need ModMan.

Tom Sawyer

The idea was to let the app try the known path from Steam users (and also from the default GOG installation) to skip this initial step if possible. If it cannot find the right path then the user has to set it manually of course. Steam users don't deal with mod files. They just subscribe in Steam or grab it directly in game. I doubt they usually know where it's stored on their local machine. Was just a thought to make the app more user-friendly. :)


Quote from: JM on September 18, 2018, 12:27:06 PM
ModMan has no installer. Its user must be able to download the archive, unzip it somewhere, and make a desktop shortcut.

i was not talking about the ModMan install, was talking about the game itself install. in the registry, if you install the game from steam or gog install, there is surely a trace somewhere; where the banished game did installed itself.
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Quote from: RedKetchup on September 18, 2018, 10:59:02 AM
usually when you install a game, it doesnt store its path in the registry ?

It shows in the Registry on my machine at this location.





[color=#800000][i]Yes, I can multitask. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.[/i][/color]


"Steam users don't deal with mod files. They just subscribe in Steam or grab it directly in game"

I did not know this, I do not use Steam. Thx for info.
Okay, I'll try to find out what I can do for Steam users.


It's true that Steam users can do it that way but Steam users can also manually add mods. It doesn't have to be done through Steam.


Well, if the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Banished\Application-steam-x64.exe' or 'x32.exe' exists, I use it as the initial value in the file dialog.

// How does the quote button on the right of the post work? I clicked on it and nothing happened.


The quote button you see when reading posts doesn't work. But if you hit reply, then you can use the Insert Quote button.


Quote from: JM on September 18, 2018, 04:40:12 PM
Well, if the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Banished\Application-steam-x64.exe' or 'x32.exe' exists, I use it as the initial value in the file dialog.

// How does the quote button on the right of the post work? I clicked on it and nothing happened.

for steam users you can get the REG_SZ there : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 242920\
> > > Support Mods Creation developments with Donations by Paypal  < < <
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Quote from: JM on September 18, 2018, 04:40:12 PM

// How does the quote button on the right of the post work? I clicked on it and nothing happened.

Quote from: elemental on September 18, 2018, 04:51:03 PM
The quote button you see when reading posts doesn't work. But if you hit reply, then you can use the Insert Quote button.

Strange! It works for me.

[color=#800000][i]Yes, I can multitask. I can listen, ignore and forget all at the same time.[/i][/color]


Version 0.3

Before using this, backup your existing saves.

It is now possible to add comments to the data stored in the registry. Click on "Description" button to open the comment box. Text can be changed at any time. When submitting data to a game, the text will be written together. When saving to a file, the text can also be changed in the save dialog window before saving it. When reading data from a registry or loading a file, the saved text is also loaded.

ModMan should be able to find the game directory according to the uninstaller data. It works for me, but my game is not from Steam. Please a Steam user to try this: Open ModMan.ini and delete or rename the "ExeName" entry, then run Modman and let me know how it works.

Tom Sawyer

Sorry to say but the auto detection does not work in my Steam installation. May I ask why do you actually need the path of the game exe?