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Started by Glenn, March 06, 2022, 08:23:55 PM

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bah me i did read everything, Glenn.

but here my thoughts:

Putin has only 1 goal : nuke the planet entirely, thats his only goal. he has a big brain disorder but a part of his disorder needs an enough valuable excuse or reason to do it. He cannot resolve to just do it, thats part of his disorder. His obcession is stuck in a loop. Ukraine has absolutely no meaning for him (nor the other countries where he makes war all around), he use presently Ukraine as a detonator, he wants his excuse be faufilled.

and once he will get it... then he will nuke the planet with all the bombs he has gathered.

and i think NATO reconize it. Dont take for granted that people are stupid, they see it. He has been profiled a lot. Of course they are freaking scared to death, they know what is his ultimate goal. He wants only to do it if he gets his justification, he doesnt want to be the one who started that WW3, so he will never attack first a NATO country. He wants they start it first so his obcessional blockage is lifted.

Mental disorder are weird sometime.

Ukraine has no signification, he wants his blockage go away and have his excuse. After Ukraine , if it didnt work to get his excuse, he will attack another country, near, around there, that is not a NATO country ... he will attack the ones which arent part of Nato. and he will continue to do this till the declick happends.

he will continue around till NATO do the error to react military.
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edited some sentences cause.... i m bad in english lol
and some sentences didnt got any sense ^^
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what i m scared, one day NATO will react, will do that error he is waiting for ...

and then the apocalypse (doomsday) will happend.
it is just a matter of time, unfortunatly.
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Twice before the world faced a fanatical leader. Now is a chance to put a stop to this one. Or do we have to wait until more die before the world realizes that this maniac needs to be stopped?


Thank you Abandoned, thank you Red.

The last month has been difficult for me as I tried to place my thoughts in order.

It is very hard to be academic and observant at the sight of such suffering.

To be restrained by distance and age, knowing that if I lived in Poland I could be doing something far more practical to help.

Red, I understand your frustration over inaccurate translations, indeed I was wondering how well my words were being translated.

As for Stoltenberg, he is obviously an intelligent man – how could he not be to hold such an office.

I imagine the same would have been true for Neville Chamberlaine.

And yes, I sure you are correct when you say Stoltenberg is scared, they are all scared – the whole world is scared of nuclear escalation.

But history shows scared people can and do make stupid mistakes.

Chamberlaine would have been scared silly, and did not want a repeat of the Great War
Stoltenberg's level of fear would be even greater - how could it not.

But I would say this - there may be more to his words than meets the eye – NATO is not yet ready to strike.

As to whether Putin is a suicidal psychopath of Armageddon proportions, while possible, I think it is unlikely - and I imagine even if he tried to issue any such order someone in his inner circle would stop it from happening, one way or another.

Everything he has said and done, however, speaks to him having a warped and delusional outlook to life.

Can you imagine what people would say if any British Prime Minister tried to take back, by force, the USA, Canada, Australia or any other of their historical territories?

We would say the same – they have warped and delusional outlook to life and Britain's place in the world order.

Putin may be a psychopath, and an evil monster, but he is not necessarily completely insane.

At least, I hope not.


QuoteIt is very hard to be academic and observant at the sight of such suffering.

That is the whole situation we are sitting in. We expect the world to behave and when it does not,
we try our best to adjust. Manic leaders will always keep us at the edge of our seats.

Talking like this, I risk making an error. There are no good or evil, only wise and fools.
It is the fools who decide on war against their enemy. Maybe the enemy is themselves?


The thing in Russia, the orthodox church is very strong there. In fact Putin (and people around) thinks he is "THE" Messiah came back at the end of time, back for fighting the antichrist.
His mental blockage is from the fact he doesnt want to start the armageddon, he wants to be the martyrs so his people go straight to heaven as martyrs at the side of Christ, at the throne of God.

here a citation of what Putin said one day (in Nov 2017?) :

"An aggressor should know that vengeance is inevitable, that he will be annihilated, and we would be the victims of the aggression. We will go to heaven as martyrs, and they will just drop dead. They will not even have time to repent for this."

This is why he doesnt want to be the agressor in the nuclear war. So his biggest desire is NATO finally do the error. if NATO really want to take military actions, they need to make sure that all single nuclear bomb they have are being destroyed simultaneously, not allowing a single one to be launch (and target each warheads by 3-4 different ways to be sure not a single one survive)

In the event of a nuclear war, Russia will suffer damage but the United States will be destroyed. This land will no longer exist! Just like Europe.
Russia will remain, while for a thousand years nothing will grow on the territory of the United States!
"2021 was the last peaceful year for Europe. The Europeans are celebrating for the last time... champagne, whiskey... A great tragedy awaits humanity, Europe. After the beginning of an armed conflict in Europe, the number of victims will be in the millions. There will be no time to count unfortunatly."
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We can only thank God that enough people in my country had the good sense to vote Trump out of office.  I cannot believe so many people were that stupid and ignorant that he was elected to begin with. It was a disgrace.  He wanted to be dictator, (and still does) he would probably be helping Russia  ??? until it suited him to take Russia out.

Putin must be stopped.


If one day the warheads will start flying, there is another one you need to not forget : and it is not China, but Kim Jong north korea. this guy will take the opportunity and the distraction to send everything he has to USA, hypocritly (if the word exist ^^ in an hypocrit way) attacking for the back. he will send all his Hwasong missiles he can to USA and Japan. and he will start to invade South Korea by land.

Dark ages draws near. i hope i m totally wrong.
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also, when i read about Putin did made built a church at every sites which hold warheads.... and seeing they may be switching to idolate warheads...

i ve got an old image in my mind: anyone saw the very old Planet of the Apes movies ?
When Charlton Heston discovered the Liberty statue and he said , "YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP! OH, DAMN YOU! GODDAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!"
And later, he discovered in a cave many religious priests (with masks cause they are were totally disfigured by the radioactive clouds from the nuclear war) they were idolating a warhead ...

when i've got this image back in my mind i told myself " the human priests survivors were in fact russians!" LOL

anyone remember this movie ?
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Vaguely remember movie.  I don't think you are wrong about dark ages.  Perhaps we have reached "the end of days" the "time of troubles like the world has never known" And if all the evil ones do not finish off the planet, we can do it ourselves with all the damage we continue to do to the environment.

What will be, will be.


Trump and his gang of conspirators need to be brought to justice and I can only speculate why the leader and instigator of attack on the Capitol – namely Mr Trump has not been arrested.

Surely the video of him inciting the mob and launching the attack would have been enough to arrest him, let alone the growing mountain of evidence against him and his co-conspirators.

Perhaps they are scared Trump will be seen by his supporters as a political prisoner rather than the criminal and traitor that he is.

Perhaps they believe they need to convict a smaller fish from his inner circle of conspirators before they go after him.

If they do, they better be quick, before Trump makes an official announcement that he will be a candidate in the Republican 2024 nomination process.

At the same time I cannot help but wonder why the word insurrection is still being used in regard what happened on 6 January 2021.

From what I can see the US media now realise a wider conspiracy was at work to undermine if not destroy American democracy.

When I say media I mean moderate – not the right wing extremists some of whom even now are supporting Putin and doing their best to undermine America's and NATO's response to protect the world from tyranny.

For me the facts speak for themselves – if the people who stormed the Capitol were armed it should have officially/legally been called an attempted coup.

If they were soldiers instead of civilians it would have definitely been called a coup.

If the insurrectionists had won the day it would have been a rebellion – an extremist right wing attempt to overthrow a free and fair election and install a de-facto dictator - a dictator who as you already suspect would have either done nothing in support of freedom in Europe, or would have been supporting Putin instead.

What could have then followed would have been called a revolution, civil war.

Democracy in America would have fallen, and the whole world not just Europe would now be at risk from the forces of tyranny and evil.

It is time the American justice system called the Capitol attack what it was and acted accordingly.


Red, I understand what you are saying about Putin's level of support in Russia.

But we should also recall that Adolf Hitler was elected to power and by 1938 he too had the majority of the German population behind him.

Perhaps this is something Trump's supporters should care to remember – but then, I imagine many them are not sufficiently educated to know as much, let alone understand the consequences of giving such levels of support to a dictator.

At one stage Hitler was even regarded to be the greatest German who had ever lived.

For decades after WWII Germany suffered from a collective guilt; guilt that even now lingers and affects their foreign and defence policy.

But decades have passed, and now Germany is a strong, proud nation, a pillar of European culture and democracy.

I have no doubt that given the opportunity, without Putin and people like him; that Russia will achieve the same ideals, and the wider population will come to understand what Putin and his evil ways did in their name.


When writing these posts I have been using names like Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin who were two of the most evil men/monsters who ever existed, two men who were on the opposite ends of the political spectrum.

So I thought I would attempt to give my interpretation to this spectrum as it is not strictly in line with widely accepted views as to how this spectrum actually works.

People tend to regard politics as being either right or left wing - which is correct.

They visualise this difference as being a flat line with a moderate centre - this too is correct.

The moderate centre is where, peace, stability and prosperity is achieved - again correct.

Here you have the moderate right and the moderate left, views that can be so close you will hear people say that they see no difference between left and right wing politics – again this is correct, but there is a subtle, undetected difference that these people cannot see, nor do they understand.

The easiest way to understand this difference is this.

For a person of the left, people are more important than money, whereas for people of the right, the opposite is true, money is more important than people.

When you grasp this difference everything falls into place and you will see this reflected in the policies of each side, be it on the environment, or in health and education etc.

From the moderate centre political views gradually move away until they meet the end of their respective sides of either right or left wing politics.

This is where you hear the word extremist being used, and it is here that the concept of a flat line fails.

In my opinion the political spectrum is not a flat line, rather it is a circle.

The moderate centre is at the top of the circle, whereas the two political extremes are at the bottom.

A right wing extremist is a NAZI whereas a left wing extremist is a communist, but a person of the moderate centre is not, and by and large, detests both.

It is at the bottom of the circle where the two extremes of the political spectrum meet, and it is here where the monster are to be found - it is here where you will find your Hitlers', and your Stalins.'

Two political opposites who detest and hate one another, yet each uses exactly the same tactics to get their way and to hold on to power – secret police, concentration camps, the big lie, re-education, false and misleading propaganda, all designed to maintain Orwellian control over the population.

The two extremes are as such identical in the basis of their evil – it is where the spectrums overlap.

You will see this in what Putin is now doing, and where in one of his recent press conferences he hinted at bringing back the gulags.