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How was your Day

Started by Glenn, October 25, 2023, 03:05:03 PM

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I have restarted this thread as it appears that due to the recent site upheaval the old thread seems to have been banished never to be found again.


As I sat eating breakfast enjoying the rawhide clip Abandoned posted, I watched in shock, horror, and amazement as a blackbird flew off with one of my strawberries in its beak.  :o

I have been creating a small potted garden under my covered courtyard in the centre of which there is a table filled with strawberry plants.  :)

The pots are covered with bird netting, and I must admit that it's only a temporary job waiting for me to get around to making a better cover.

At first I watched with interest as the bird flew in, landed, then looked up at the table -  my strawberries were safe, or so I thought -  I should have known better as that was why the netting was there in the first place.

..... A slight distraction as the culprit of my story has returned and an outside intervention of the strawberry saving type has been necessary !!!     :-X

Now where was I - having set it's sights on my table of culinary delights the bird came around to the front of the table, looked up again then hopped up onto one of my new potted Clivias.  ???

What, I thought, watching in surprise as it sprung with great dexterity from the pot, up and under the netting onto the table and proceed to gather and eat my long waited for berries.  :o :( ::)

So thinking cap on, off to the garden/hardware centre and reinvent the cover before its too late.  :)

PS -  It would nice if the cry emoji could be fixed as well.
PPS - The scene of the crime -  the upload worked, and so did the camera - I charged it the other day and noticed I haven't used it for twelve years,  and the battery still works  ;D


Quote from: Glenn on October 25, 2023, 03:05:03 PM
I have restarted this thread as it appears that due to the recent site upheaval the old thread seems to have been banished never to be found again.

The site was recovered using a six month old backup, so anything posted between April and the 2nd week of October is gone forever   :(


PS -  It would nice if the cry emoji could be fixed as well.

:)  ;)  :D  ;D  >:(  :(  :o  8)  ???  ::)  :P  :-[  :-X  :-\  :-*  :'(

How strange. I'll look into it.



 :'(  ;D blackbirds and crows are very clever.  :)  Your plants look nice and healthy.  I thought of missing thread as I was rolling my big pots into the garage for winter storage.  Record high temperature for October here yesterday, now cold and rainy. Leaves are falling. Still have some work to do outside. Enjoy your spring and strawberries  :)


Having to move your plants into the garage to keep them alive - what a bother -  :-X

Although we do what we do to make our gardens nice - keeping your plants alive is a small price to pay for the joy a nice garden brings.   :)

At least where I live all we get are a few light frosts in the winter which is a bit of a blessing, although the coming summer will be very hot with 38C days - 100 F will double my water bill if I want to keep my lawn and garden alive.

Now the days are near perfect -  cool mornings, warm afternoons, and clear sunny skies.  :)

Summer will be different -  then I have to keep a cup outside next to the garden tap, otherwise I have to constantly come inside to have a drink of water, and then, finally, it will be back inside to avoid the worst of the heat.

PS    I have been making my own liquid fertiliser and I feed the plants once a month which seems to be working, and when they don't like a particular spot in the garden I move them until I get it right  --  too much sun, not enough sun etc.


 :) Pots rolled into the garage were empty, plants are now compost, seeds have been collected.  ;D  After months of planting, pruning, weeding, watering, watering, watering,  ;D I am glad to see the season end.  Soon we will have snow  :)


Took a week off work last week to try and get the garden ready for summer (NZ time), ran out of holiday .... I also promised kid I would take some pictures which is still on my to-do-list   :)


Finally moved my herbs inside for the winter. Not too soon because it got below freezing last night! My pepper plant was looking decidedly sad last night, but is much improved by this morning.

My tomatoes and peppers are dying off, but I usually wait until spring to compost the rest (mostly because I'm lazy about it lol). We'll see if the strawberries and mint will survive; fingers crossed!

I also took a few days off to help get stuff ready, but there's always so much to do, and not enough time! I'll have to try again on the weekend.


Am on phone, so just seeing if I can add a picture of the tomato plant I added to its summer pot in the weekend  ... here goes


Your tomatoes are coming along nicely Catty -  what type are they?


I wonder how any other people move their pots inside to keep their plants alive during winter?

I'm lucky in not having to do so as I have have so many pot plants now that I would have empty my garage to fit them all in.  ;D


Quote from: Glenn on November 02, 2023, 02:53:26 PM
Your tomatoes are coming along nicely Catty -  what type are they?

The one in the picture is a ponchi, the other three are a campari, Heartbreakers and a sweet 100.

I've also got a raised bed with strawberries and blueberries,  old compost bin has herbs, blackberry and a raspberry in it.

Apples, lemons and more herbs, plus my roses have started to flower


oh, your garden looks good.  :)  I'm not familiar with the first 2 tomatoes you mention but I usually grow one sweet 100 plant, one is enough  ;D  The name suits them.