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How was your Day

Started by Glenn, October 25, 2023, 03:05:03 PM

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Thank you,  :)

I'm happy with how it turned out and are still trying different types of shade/semi shade plants as not all like the location.

The Clivias in the large black pots seem to be doing well, but I have to be careful not to over water them as it will rot the roots and you can easily kill them with kindness.

But best of all it stops the blackbirds from making a mess every day all over the path -  before the pots I had to sweep the path every day or two -  there was leaf litter everywhere.


How do you water or those pots?  With a garden hose or watering can?


When I'm watering the small pots in this section I use a watering can as it only takes a few goes to get the job done -  five minutes or so

However, when the Clivias need to be done as well I use a hose with one of the attachments that have a big round head that you can dial into a variety of sprays.

When the whole garden needs to be done (all in pots) -  vegi garden, fruit trees,  etc  which is about about once a week, I use the hose and it takes about 30 minutes which is fine as I find it relaxing.

It will take some time to get everything how I like it and work out the best locations for my new plants - what they are suppose to like and how they fit into my garden is another thing altogether.  ::)

The Clivias in particular will take years before I know how the spread of colours fall into place, and how they meet the eye. ;D

Attached is a photo of a few of the flower colours you can buy, and as time goes by I'm trying to add to what colours I already have -  I'm even growing some from seed but it takes five years from seed to flowering plant.



they are lovely, unfortunately they are poisonous to cats so can't have them in my garden


Lucky I don't have a cat or dog -  I've had them in the past, but not now, they're long gone, indeed as the years have passed by so have the chickens, goats and pheasants,


I watched Abandon's Thanksgiving clip and wondered if next year it will take on an extra meaning, not only for the United States but for the whole world.

Trump was convicted and sent to prison.
American democracy was saved.
The rise of fascism in the US was stopped.
The world was saved from another wanna-be tyrant
And millions of people who he planned to round up and imprison in concentration camps were saved.

The prospect of a new terror and the prospect of salvation.

I watched a news clip the other day from MSNBC and it included an interview from a man/monster called Mike Davis who aspires to be attorney general in a new Trump administration - he said they were going to round up critics in the media and put them in gulags - gulags, its hard to believe he even used the word. Worse still, he said they planed to use the Nazi practise of going back to a person grandparents to determine who would be rounded up and who would not.

I try to be observant, and try to listen to my intuition -  stopping Trump would be like stopping Hitler at Munich.

And while such comments would have once been called alarmist, today mine is simply another voice among so many others sounding the alarm -  a firestorm is coming and it needs to be stopped.

You should watch the whole clip - with the point I raised starting about two minutes in.

PS    Please forgive my un-Banished comments, but some things need to be said and heads need to be pulled out of the sand.


First Rain. Then snow. Then storm and snow. Then again rain. Then a very cold wind. Then ice droplets and some snow again. Then snow, wind, rain, storm and icy hail all together.

Then all of a sudden no storm anymore. Only rain.

Then finally I was home.

(I used the bycicle today to go to the city).


Sitting here on a warm Spring morning where it's 22C inside the house and the temperature is forecast to reach a high of 33C, my thoughts revolve around getting outside to work on laying a small section of paving before it gets to hot -  then back inside to avoid the worst of the heat.

Images of the type of winter you are describing are, for me, only seen on the news.

And while I can understand what life is like during such weather, the closest I have ever come to living in such cold was years ago when I spent two months in Sweden during what was at the time a mild winter.

Stay warm, stay dry, stay safe.


Spring is in the air

- the fruit trees are blooming, leaves are coming back, the gladioli have broken through the ground, the rhubarb is sprouting, the silverbeet is growing again, and my black Russian tomatoes have been planted.

Life is returning to my garden and the blow flies to my house!!

Such is the never ending cycle of life.,vid:lLtKhGwQRDs,st:0


Ah it's always fun to hear from your side of the globe!

It's late summer here, still very humid, and the season for stone fruits is winding down :(

I didn't get to eat many of my tomatoes this year; most of them got stolen before they even ripened. But I did get a lot of husk tomatoes and peppers. I guess the local wildlife is not as fond of those as I am. My rhubarb is doing its autumn resurgence, so I might actually get to eat some this year (in the spring it put all its energy into flowering).

I hope everyone here is having a lovely time, no matter what season it is!


Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes, I'm still eating last seasons tomatoes!!   ;D

I had so many that I ended up dicing and freezing containers filled with them, and last night I even had some for dinner - again  --  scrambled eggs with tomato and cheese, with salt and pepper to taste.

Half my freezer was filled with frozen tomatoes, silverbeet and rhubarb.

It's not so bad now, the silverbeet and rhubarb has been eaten and in a month or two the tomatoes will be gone

Last year I had three tomato plants which was way too many - this year only two.
The same goes for my silverbeet -  two punnets of seedlings - this year only one.

At least in a few months I will have tastee fresh tomatoes "yum yum" not the tasteless shiny red balls you get in the supermarkets.  ;D

And with luck, a breath of fresh air with,vid:N0Bp5odIZjQ,st:0