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My personal extreme mod list

Started by john_doe101274, July 11, 2024, 12:47:50 PM

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This is my personal, highly tested, extreme mod list. I see many posts about people struggling with mod compatibility, load order, etc. I feel this list represents a lot of time and testing so perhaps others might find it useful.

This list is not for everyone. My goal was the have access to nearly all mod content available during every playthrough. It is built on the back of MegaMod 8.01 (which has a massive amount of content already) with a lot of additional content. There are a number of downsides when using this method. Firstly, it takes an extreme amount of time to load the game initially. If you try this approach, you will experience a black screen for an extended period when launching the game and might think it has crashed. A tip to help with this is to run the game in DirectX 11 mode vs. 9. Eventually it should load. If you have a very weak PC, you may not want to try this. I play on an Intel 3570K with 16GB RAM, but I have loaded this on a weak 4GB laptop and experienced obscene loading times. Secondly, while organized, the in game content is so vast that some might find it overwhelming. Simply finding something you know you saw can be a challenge.

Some other notes: Some mod versions listed are not the latest and likely is intentional. There also is a small amount of available mod content I skipped for various reasons. For me this list is highly stable, has a toolbar that isn't filled with blank icons and bugs, and has nearly every mod released available. There are a few small quirks with this method like multiple types of flax which is common when mixing mod authors. Note that I have also tested various versions of MegaMod 9 and still continue using this list.


Mod:            Friendly Name:          Modder:      Notes:

EBDecoFountains         Fountain Set V17001      embx61      Requires this mod order for UI
EBMarketSet         Markets Set V17003      embx61      Upgrades MM: removes market text, fixes community toolbar, requires this mod order for UI

KidAbandonedPlaces      Abandoned Places V1.1      Kid      Upgrades MM: new houses, barn, deco, etc.
KidColonialHousing      Colonial Housing V2.1      Kid      Upgrades MM: angled homes
KidGothicFarm         Gothic Farm V1.11      Kid      Upgrades MM: additional textures
KidGrannyPark         Granny Park V1.1      Kid      Upgrades MM: additional textures
KidYardCover         Yard Cover V1.4         Kid      Upgrades MM: additional textures

MDOldCourthouse         Old Courthouse V1.0      Maldrick   Requires this mod order for UI

MegaMod1         MegaMod 8.01, Part 1      Black Liquid   Requires this mod order

KidAlotofseeds         Alotofseeds V1.5      Kid      Upgrades MM: additional textures, requires this mod order for UI
KidAmongTrees         Among Trees V1.4      Kid      Upgrades MM: additional textures, requires this mod order for UI
KidBedBreakfast         Bed and Breakfast V1.21      Kid      Upgrades MM: new buildings, requires this mod order, includes RK Pigs as Livestock (no fertilizer)
KidWorkPlace         Workplace V2.05         Kid      Upgrades MM, requires this mod order for UI
KidWorkPlaceVillage      Workplace Village V1.16      Kid      Requires this mod order for UI

MegaMod2         MegaMod 8.01, Part 2      Black Liquid   Requires this mod order
MegaMod3         MegaMod 8.01, Part 3      Black Liquid   Requires this mod order

NotreDameCathedral      Notre Dame Cathedral V1.0   Dolbadarn

GatherersWarehouseAndBarn   Gatherer's Warehouse & Barn V1   Gatherer & Discrepancy

DSFulbertWrightHousing      Fulbert Wright Housing V1.0   Discrepancy
DSFulbertWrightSchool      Fulbert Wright School V1.0   Discrepancy

EBDecoHedges         Deco HedgesV17001      embx61
EBSmallStorage         Small Storage V17003      embx61
EBSVHouseAddonSet      Village House Addon Set V17001   embx61

JinxieArtisanForester      Artisan Forester V1.0      Jinxie
JinxieBittyChickenCoop      Bitty Chicken Coop V1.0      Jinxie
JinxieBittyHousing      Bitty Housing V1.1      Jinxie
JinxieBittyRabbitHutchV2   Bitty Rabbit Hutch V2.0      Jinxie
JinxieBittyVillageSet      Bitty Village Set V1.1      Jinxie
JinxieBittyWallsAndFences   Bitty Walls & Fences V1.0   Jinxie
JinxieFestivalParkV2      Festival Park & Deco Set V2.1   Jinxie
JinxieHousingAddOn      Bitty Housing Add-On V1.0   Jinxie
JinxieNaturalDecorations   Natural Decorations V1.1   Jinxie

KidColonialCityCenter      Colonial City Center V1.01   Kid
KidFarmyard         Farmyard V1.2         Kid
KidFishShips         Fish n Ships V1.11      Kid      Includes additional fish smoker
KidForestTrader         Forest Trader V1.1c      Kid      Includes tiny market cart
KidFriendlyPumpkin      Friendly Pumpkin V1.11      Kid
KidGhostFlowers         Ghost Flowers V1.1      Kid
KidGrannyNeighborhood      Granny Neighborhood V1.01   Kid
KidMarketCarts         Market Carts V1.0      Kid
KidMoreHavens         More Havens V1.02      Kid
KidMoreHousesVanilla      More House V1.3 Vanilla      Kid
KidOldHovels         Old Hovels V1.1         Kid
KidOldTown         Old Town V1.03         Kid
KidPortableMine         Portable Mine V1.0      Kid
KidSettlers         Settlers V1.01         Kid
KidSmallTownHall      Small Town Hall V1.0      Kid
KidSomeBoats         Some Boats V1.1         Kid
KidStorageYacht         Storage Yacht V1.0      Kid
KidTinyBuilders         Tiny Builders V1.01      Kid
KidTinyDowntown         Tiny Downtown V1.0      Kid
KidWorkshop         Workshop V1.0         Kid
MiniWarehouse         Mini Warehouse         Kid

MaritimesCoverings      Maritimes Coverings Addon V100   Necora
MaritimesCrystalCliffs      Maritimes Crystal Cliffs V102   Necora
MaritimesDecorations      Maritimes Decorations V100   Necora
MaritimesRiffle         Maritimes Riffle V100      Necora      Includes terrain tools
MaritimesSherbrooke      Maritimes Sherbrooke Village V101Necora
MaritimesStorage      Maritimes Storage V100      Necora
NECEmptySquare         An Empty Square V102      Necora

NMT30RowHouses         NMT3.0 Rowhouses V1.1 updated   RedKetchup   New Medieval Town series
NMTLittleHousing2      NMT Little Housing 2 V1.0   RedKetchup   New Medieval Town series
RKFarmstand         RK Farmstand Version V1.1   RedKetchup   Duplicates Elfecutioner version except trees actually work
RKBisonLivestock      Bison as Livestock (no fertilizer)   RedKetchup   RKEC series, better models from Troy
RKDucksLivestock      Ducks as Livestock (with feathers)   RedKetchup   RKEC series, better models from Troy
RKGoatLivestock         Goats as Livestock (with generic milk)   Redketchup   RKEC series, models from Troy
RKLonghornLivestock      Longhorn Cows as Livestock   RedKetchup   RKEC series, models from Troy

NordicLogCabin         Nordic Log Cabin      Tom Sawyer   Separated from The North
RedCottage         Red Cottage         Tom Sawyer   Separated from The North

fountainlite         The Fountain Mod Lite V1.52   Mathieuso   Made for Banished 1.0.4B; very minor UI issues using same F2 and F4 as MM

Miscellaneous Notes:
-Additional mods can be added on a per-needed basis for individual towns (e.g. Other mods separated from The North)
-It is possible to include NMT31 Multi-Floor Housing Version 4 for additional corner buildings, but it causes UI issues

I also often use a variety of small tweak mods in addition to the above (loaded at the top) like:

LushAndGreenHD         Lush and Green HD V1.0      Voeille      Retextures vanilla terrain
BLNoSmoke         No Smoke V12.0         Black Liquid   No smoke from houses and other buildings
NorthNoSmoke         North No Smoke V1.0      Tom Sawyer   Affects buildings from The North
OldMarket          Old Market V1.0         Black Liquid   Reverts market to vanilla textures
QuietPastures         Quiet Pastures V2.0      Black Liquid   Affects vanilla, CC, and RKEC animals
RealisticAging         Realistic Aging V1.1      John Doe (me)   Modifies citizen aging parameters
RealisticCrops         Realistic Crops V1.0      John Doe (me)   Modifies select crop values to more closely match real world numbers
SaferMining         Safer Mining V1.0      John Doe (me)   Modifies stonecutter and mining professions to make them safer
vBetterRainSound      Better Rain Sound FX V1.0   Verteiron   Audio replacement for default rain sound


I know the above formatting isn't ideal. Sorry about that.

Feel free to use this list as you will, but I likely can't help make mod X, Y, and Z work together outside of what is listed above.


Thanks for the mod list, am pretty certain my computer would melt if I ever tried it, but its still interesting to see how someone else has put together the mods they are using  :thumbsup