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irrelevant - Sink Mill: trying for 5000, got 6000 instead

Started by irrelevant, August 15, 2014, 05:49:45 PM

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Quote from: rkelly17 on September 22, 2014, 09:35:27 AM
Congratulations, @irrelevant on achieving 5000, a number I can only dream of. Not only excellent work, but dogged persistence as well.
@rkelly17 Thanks very much! Lacking the amazing creativity that some of you here have, and lacking the brilliance of some others, dogged persistence is pretty much all I've got  ;)
Quote from: Pangaea on September 22, 2014, 10:42:12 AM
Fantastic achievement and congratulations. 10,000 next? :D
@Pangaea Thank you! 10,000? Not in this life. ;)


just need to post it in the challenge thread :)
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With size of the largest size map, would it even be possible to make 10,000?  Just wondering.


Quote from: salamander on September 22, 2014, 12:22:22 PM
With size of the largest size map, would it even be possible to make 10,000?  Just wondering.

Think those are 784 vs 512 for large maps. If that represents squares in each direction, the huge map will actually be more than twice the size of large maps. About 614 000 vs 262 000. So in that case it should be possible. It's a big ask though, and the lag must be unbearable. There is also the flatten tool, or the total flatland maps, so there one could just farm the lot really.

e: It's actually 768, not 784, but still, over twice as large, provided it's ^2.



Quote from: irrelevant on September 22, 2014, 10:51:13 AM
@rkelly17 Thanks very much! Lacking the amazing creativity that some of you here have, and lacking the brilliance of some others, dogged persistence is pretty much all I've got  ;)

One should understand one's strengths and go with them.  ;D


Okay, here we go! One way or another, this is almost over! ;D

Summer 74 - accepted 661 nomads; perfect!


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Yes, well, it looks that way, but assuming that I do, you are still the Banished master. You have single-handedly made this game 100% better than it would have been. No one can beat that.


Also, now I may have to let this run and see if I can get 6k! 8)


This is fascinating; they swarmed into the nearby markets, grabbing up tools and coats.


Of course it would be smallpox; I foresee many sick bannies.

Screen 2 - Autumn 74 -  first smallpox death, 60 current cases. I knew I was skimping on hospitals, but I don't think any number of hospitals would have made a difference here. Too many bannies wandering around. At least the harvest hasn't been disrupted (so far); I expect it's the last one there will be for Sink Mill.

Students, children, teachers, and laborers (half of my town), there's nothing you can do.

Screen 3 - 10 deaths, 143 cases. I've shut down half my markets, TPs, and breweries. Not much else to do. I'd feel bad, except I know I only have to get through 9 more months. I have enough food, and that's all that matters.


Late Autumn 74 - pop 5787 - I think this is going to be as high as my pop gets  ;)

1005 cases, 31 deaths

2006 cases, 86 deaths

3028 cases, 186 deaths - you know what this feels like? Like when you were thirteen and you built that model plane that you put all those hours into, and it sat on your shelf for awhile, and then one day you were bored and tired of it, and you took it out into the vacant lot next door, and you and your buds shot it up with BB guns. ;D

Winter 74 - 2991 cases, 400 deaths

No more screenshots, it's all the same - 2814 cases, 500 deaths

2384 cases, 600 deaths

2194 cases, 700 deaths

Still Winter 74 - 2048 cases, 760 deaths; all the nomads are in houses now, though  :D

1255 cases, 900 deaths

822 cases, 984 deaths, pop now back under 5000

Early Spring 75 - 118 cases, 1100 deaths


Early Spring - 12 cases, 1112 deaths - planting has begun, merchants are waiting at TPs

Pop 4903  :o


so ... you lost double people than you ve got from the nomad pack.... pretty Deadly :S
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