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Galensgranny- Unity

Started by galensgranny, February 27, 2019, 09:12:31 AM

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I have enjoyed reading the blogs of others, and also learned some things about the game and various mods from reading them.  I thought I'd write a story blog.  I have been inspired by Abandoned to make up a story while playing, which I am finding more fun than my usual way of just designing a nice looking town that has enough of all supplies for surviving.  It is also helping me chose buildings out of the dozens and dozens of choices, since things will need to fit the scenario.  While I am delighted to have lots of choices in styles and colors, I love them all and have a hard time deciding what to use.  Well, no more of that for now.  The story will put some limits on what building styles and sizes to use.

My blog is a story, but also some telling reality of game play with how the game people (that many refer to as Bannies) behave.  I am also using some buildings that I haven't used before, so it will be a discovery for me.

My map seed is 313477590, the same seed I always use.  I like that map and never "conquered" it because I keep starting new games.  That exact map is not necessary, but it does need to be one with forests, a nearby river and stream.

I decided to try out Kid's Fairy Tale Mod map changes to get wild grouse and bears, along with the usual deer, so that has to be at the above other mods that make map changes.  I still have RK Editor's Choice loaded, but that must now be below Kid's Fairy Tale because Red's mod makes map changes (even my beloved map seed 313477590 looks different, which just won't do.) 

I have a great many mods loaded, and am not sure about all that I will wind up using.  Under the pictures I will post, I will name the mods. For sure, Kid's Fairy Tale mod is necessary.

Terrain : Valleys.  Climate: mild.  Terrain size: Medium.  Disasters:  Off.  Citizens:  Norseman.  Starting Conditions:   Easy Fairy Tale.

I am using Tom Sawyer's Norseman mod mainly due its using Tom's reworked happiness system, making certain things matter to get fully happy people.   Also, girls can't have babies until they are 16, unlike the child mothers in the plain game.  To download the Norseman mod and read more about it, go to Banished Ventures at
I have the Norseman mod above the other mods so it's properties will take effect.


I'm excited to read your story and see your pictures!


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From Bad to Better
The Escape

The loud explosion scared me so much that I nearly dropped baby Valorida as I ran to the door.  "Hurry, Krystene," yelled my husband Gust from outside, "The mob is getting closer!"  We joined the crowd running to the port hoping to get onto a boat to escape the hostiles.  The trading ship that my cousin Reynald captained was still docked, so we all rushed on board, knowing we would be with a friendly crew.  Reynald said he knew of a place that seemed uninhabited were we should be safe, so he would take us there.

[Large sail ship and small sail boat are from Kid's "Some Boats" mod.  The buildings along the shore are trading ports from Discrepency's "DS Thompson Trade Merchants" mod.]

As the ship sailed away, the view of my home town got larger and with horror I saw that many of the buildings in our area were in flames.  Even worse was that we were still being pursued by some of the mob in a small sail boat.  "Oh, no! They are shooting at us!" yelled the man next to me.  Our ship picked up speed due to favorable winds against the large sails, but we didn't get away fast enough before a small explosive hit the side of the ship. 

While things seemed OK at first, after a few hours it was clear that there was serious damage.  I was walking on the deck trying to lull Valorida to sleep in the evening air, when people came rushing up from below deck yelling that it was flooding.   The crew had tried to plug the hole from the explosion, and it seemed to hold at first, but then it burst open and got larger.  As the vessel was maneuvered up a river to find a good place to stop, something went very wrong and we crashed against the shore.


 :)  Good luck with map and story



Dazed, I got to my feet and frantically looked for Valorida.  There was so much shouting and crying, but above the din, I picked out Valorida's distinctive wail and found her safe in Gust's arms.  All members of our group were accounted for, with few injuries.  The chickens someone had in a cage on the ship also fared well.  Unfortunately, some of our supplies were ruined, not that we had much to start with.  We did have some axes, pick axes, saws, fishing gear, some bows and arrows, and some food.

We set about making a camp and were able to quickly put up a few tents made from the ship sails for the injured to rest in.  Mud was used to darken the cloth, to help blend in with the forest.  Someone chopped some wood so that a campfire could be made.  We were glad to be able to warm up and roast some meat that we had with us.

[Shipwreck is from Kid's "Pirates" mod.  If a worker is employed, various items are gifted such as firewood, iron and other things, with the idea of searching the wreck and finding useful things.  Tents are from RedKetchup's "Training Camp" mod. They need fur to build, but I used the Debug for instant build since I could not get fur quickly, and these were needed immediately.  Campfire that makes roast venison when a hunter is employed and there is venison in the inventory is the "Campfire" mod by Tom Sawyer.  Fire wood chopper at stump is Kid1293's "Tiny Chopper".  The piles of logs and cut wood are stockpiles by Discrepancy from his mod "Better Stockpile Storage"; they have the decorative items representing what gets stored even when empty.  The crates in front of the bottom tent are storage from Embx61's "EB Small Storage". ]


welcome to the blog pages. well done on your labeling the pics with the different mods.


Thanks, Brads.  I am using a lot of mods, some old, so it seemed good to tell what they were so others can find them more easily.  There are some good little "gems" all the over the place inside larger mod sets.


Starting Work

After a short rest, which is all we ever need, we divided ourselves into work groups, eager to get enough resources to start building some homes and gather food.  We were amazed at how large the mushrooms grew in this area- the caps were larger than our heads!  A few fished from the riverside, while others went hunting.  Our hunters can skin a deer quickly, and all in one piece, so the skins are ready for being processed into clothing almost immediately. 

[Used to get deer quickly in a small area is Tom Sawyer's "Hunting and Gathering Mod, which sets down a bow and arrow image on the ground.  Riverside fishing, for one person to fish for salmon without needing a building, is Tom Sawyer's "Fly Fishing" mod.  There is nothing visible when placed, other than a person standing in the spot, so I place a storage box next to it to know where it is and also for storage for the fish (other food is stored as well in the box).  Storage box is one of the F variants from Kid's "Storage Crates". ]

The work progressed quickly with so many of us- 32 families with even the youngest children helping.  Our children can walk very soon after birth.  While they usually just play until they start school at age 10, today all hands were needed.  Baby Thelmiracle copied her Mother by also carrying a load of firewood.

[Babies do not usually do work, so I don't what happened here.  The start I chose had storage barns with supplies and I selected to destroy one.  The Bannies were moving things out to another storage area.  Maybe all babies would work in this situation?

Regarding the 32 families to start, I used the Debug menu to add more.  I decided to try out Kid's Fairy Tale start, which only gives 8 families at the most, hence the use of the Debug to add more people.  Kid's Fairy Tale start adds bears and grouse to hunt, instead of only deer.  Otherwise, I use Tikaczar's "Multiple Starts" mod which has a choice of an Exodus with 30 families.]


I was only part way through The Escape when I GOT CHILLS! Your writing is THAT good! Like how people get chills/goosebumps from listening to music sometimes, I get them from reading fabulous writing. Great start! I love your pictures, you've created some really lovely and life-like "scenes" to go with your story!


Thanks, Jinxiewinxie!  :)
It was fun making my picture scenes.  Also, I am wanting to show all sort of mods that people might not know about.


Quote from: galensgranny on February 27, 2019, 10:12:38 AM
Thanks, Brads.  I am using a lot of mods, some old, so it seemed good to tell what they were so others can find them more easily.  There are some good little "gems" all the over the place inside larger mod sets.

those "gems" make it fun to pick and choose which mods to load. every set seems to have at least 1 of those in it.


Preparations for Survival

The teacher set up an area to begin lessons, using tree logs as seats.  Education is very important as educated workers make better workers- faster and less likely to have accidents.  If a child turns 11 before a school is built, they go to work and refuse to attend school after that, so it was important for a school to be set up right away.  This was just a temporary school anyway, so we wouldn't waste supplies and time making a building yet.  The children did not mind when most of the day was spent learning to shoot with bows and arrows.  They thought it was fun, but it is a necessary skill for our survival.

[Targets are from RedKetchup's "Training Camp" mod.  Semi-circle of stumps is the mini school from "Mini Buildings" by Black Liquid Team.  Giant mushrooms are part of the game.]

Because we feared our enemies might look for us, construction was started on watch towers right away.  We set up our first watch tower where the river passed a stream.  We would be using that stream for water and shore fishing, since we wanted to avoid the river for now, so that was a good spot for our first watch tower.  Hunters would stand guard, since they are best with bow and arrows, just in case anyone with hostile intentions came near.  The guards also could shoot any animals passing nearby for our laborers to collect to add to our food supply.

[Watch tower is from RedKetchup's "Training Camp' mod.  The watchtower is actually a kind of hunter station.  A fun thing is watching the hunter go up into the top of the tower- they zoom up that ladder with perfect posture!  This is a "magic" hunter as animals are caught that aren't on the map and it also gives fur.  So this is how one can get fur to make those tents in Red's "Training Camp" mod without building a trading post and hoping a trader has fur if using with a regular start that does not have any animals giving fur. 

One would want to have a regular hunter as well to catch the map animals.  I used to think this watch tower was just decorative.  I am happy it is more.  I wish I knew this a long time ago- this thing is great!]


Welcome to the blog site @galensgranny. It´s about time! Your story is very nice. I´m looking forward to see the next episode! :)


Yay! More stories! I always like seeing how other people play the game, and your writing is very nice!