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General Discussion / Re: Welcome New Members!
Last post by CleverSmoke - May 09, 2024, 07:07:48 AM
Hello! Thanks so much for all your work on this  :heart
Suggestions and Mod Ideas / Re: Aquaponics Mod
Last post by kid1293 - May 08, 2024, 07:41:59 AM
This is a good example if you don't require a massive production.
Maybe there is a way to make it for a smaller settlement. It would
fit into my Out of This World mod, which only has a fisherman and
some greenhouses.

It looks complicated in the picture, but all things are a one-time
investment. You do not have to specifically build an air pump or
a sediment tank. There are resource chains in CC or RKEC that can
be used. (MM is even better)

Good Luck with planning. :)
Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Fisherman's Co...
Last post by Abandoned - May 08, 2024, 06:56:48 AM
Chapter 8

  Clean-up continued in the old part of town.  The cleaned potato field produced a fair amount of potatoes.  The field was smaller than ours, 4'x9' compared to ours that was 5'x9'.  As usual, we would save some of the potatoes for next year's planting, but because of that old field, we would have more potatoes to eat the coming winter. 

  When the first snow of the season began to fall, we tallied up how many fish were caught since the first of the year.   The cove proved to be the best fishing spot with 408 fish caught, the river came in 2nd with 399, while the old town lake pier brought in only 300 fish.  We had a good amount of food and firewood for the coming winter, but as the weather got colder, we were again out in the forest gathering branches for firewood.  We only had 7 laborers and it took a while to go back and forth from the old part of town and the newer.  Weather permitting, we began paving the roads with stone; it would make it easy to clear away the snow and make traveling easier and faster.

  One of the laborers went to work clearing usable materials from the ruined house by the stockpile in old town.  That left us with only 6 laborers.  Before spring arrived, the ruined house between Alizabette's house and the chapel, was demolished.  The 2 empty vacant houses were repaired and cleaned.
Suggestions and Mod Ideas / Underground City Mod
Last post by Ocean - May 07, 2024, 10:36:35 AM
Besides the aquaponics project that I'm working on right now, I'm also experimenting with "underground" homes taking inspiration from games like Dwarf fortress and Rimworld. I've got a couple models I'm working with right now that I'm not really satisfied with, so I'll post the updated models later. These homes have placement similiar to mines where the majority of the structure besides the entrance, needs to be in the side of a mountain.

It's a bit stressful dealing with the game's mechanics of mine placement, and the models are really causing me some pain right now. However, functionally, I have a relatively good base. If you've used multifloor home mods, you know that you can "stack" homes in a certain format where it makes sense. That's currently what I'm using to not just build but "Upgrade" the underground cities.

In the span(size) of a single vanilla mine, I'm hoping to be able to allot atleast 10 homes each with capacity for 6 citizens. In addition, after getting the models for the "homes" finished, I want to work on other "upgrades" for the underground city, including taverns, apothecaries, underground farms (primarily fungi), synergistic mines for stone, coal, iron, etc... in hopes of creating not just homes for the underground city but an entire economy in a small space that banished usually doesn't allow building in.

I'm open to more ideas on this. And, admittedly, this likely won't be finished within the month.
Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Fisherman's Co...
Last post by Abandoned - May 07, 2024, 09:39:54 AM
Chapter 7

  So, eager explorers, you think there would be a market for our linen clothes once we got wool to make warmer clothes for ourselves.  We would have plenty of flax that would not be used otherwise.  There are sure to be settlements to the south where it is warmer who would appreciate the cooler clothes.  That is something to think about.  Our builders sure wanted warmer clothes last autumn and winter with all that building they were doing.  There were only a few very old hide coats in storage, we don't know where they came from.  Perhaps there was a hunter or two among the old folks, or maybe they were goat hides.

  Our coat and tool supply held up over the winter but our firewood supply did not.  We were all out in the woods gathering branches.  Matticus got busy cutting firewood by the stockpile on our side of town and an old woodcutting stump was set up by the stockpile in the old part of town.

 While out gathering firewood, we gathered whatever wild foods we could find too, especially wild oats.  Our overall health was low and there were quite a few illnesses over the winter.  We drank plenty of hot rose hip tea with wild honey.  We thought to build an herbalist halfway between the two parts of town.  We planted a patch like our small patch of hazelnuts, asparagus, mushrooms, and wild oats over on the old side of town.  Yes, the old folks said the same thing, eager explorers, that a variety of foods help keep folks healthy. 

  The herbalist got built not far from the forester and the asparagus that grew wild along the roadside.  Our overall health had improved, whether because of the extra wild oats we were growing or because of the herbalist, I don't know.  Probably a combination of the two. 

  On that same road, by the old brick chapel, we built a school.  A few of us knew how to read and write and cypher; we were taught how to keep the records in the clerk's office by our parents.  We could teach those things to the children.  Three of the children became adults before the school got built.   There were 15 young children left.

Suggestions and Mod Ideas / Aquaponics Mod
Last post by Ocean - May 07, 2024, 09:39:32 AM
Aquaponics is a food production system that couples aquaculture with hydroponics whereby the nutrient-rich aquaculture water is fed to hydroponically grown plants.

This is an amazingly efficient method to grow crops and farm fish. Of course, modern tractors and farm equipment give rural farming a pertinent edge. However, without these tools, there's a very strong argument that this would be the most productive possible food source. However, needless to say, it requires a lot of work to build. There would be a slight production chain in order to make this.

This would be a strong late-game method of gathering vegetables and fish. Especially in modpacks like MM9, fishing is lackluster compared to other food collection methods. So, it's hard to roleplay a seafood-based society like Japan or Norway.
Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Fisherman's Co...
Last post by Abandoned - May 06, 2024, 05:39:39 AM
Chapter 6

  The damaged storage barn had been demolished and rebuilt also.  What little was stored in it was removed and put in crates out front.  When the barn was completed with sturdy new doors, the items were moved back in and harvesting in the hedgerow and fishing from the old pier began.

  The fish dryer was also demolished.  Although we stopped drying fish and the drying racks were used as firewood, the bears still returned.  The dryer shack where the fish were cleaned, smelled like fish and still attracted the bears.  They damaged the door and badly scratched up the front of the building where the racks had been.  We hoped our meager food supply would last over the winter.  Our potato harvest was small; most would have to be saved to use to seed the 2 potato fields the following spring.  The field in the old part of town was weeded and prepared for spring planting.  Our small patch yielded some wild oats, mushrooms, and asparagus.

  Our tool supply was getting low.  The anvil in old town was put to use and the worker in the workshop began making iron tools instead of linen clothes.

  It was late winter before all the families were settling into warm rebuilt houses.  Roosevelyn and Suellar's cottage by the small stream was rebuilt and they moved in with their twins who recently turned 5.  Gerhardin and Moriane in the house next to the fishing pier moved into the vacant house where Moriane's daughter, Alizabette, still remained.  The house by the fishing pier and the one across from it were both demolished.  Gerhardin and Moriane moved in just in time for their daughter, Thelenor, to be born.  Alizabette moved into the house across from them when it was rebuilt.  Although she was not happy her mother married someone not much older than she herself was, she was thrilled to have a half-sister.
Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Fisherman's Co...
Last post by taniu - May 05, 2024, 12:51:20 PM
  :thumbsup  ;D
Mod Discussions 107 / Re: Central Park
Last post by taniu - May 05, 2024, 12:49:01 PM
@kid1293  :thumbsup I'm very glad that you still think about Banished, because there are a lot of city building games now. Regards
Mod Discussions 107 / Re: Central Park
Last post by kid1293 - May 05, 2024, 08:16:31 AM
Hi @taniu
No, I am not bored. I have many games to play and I still think about Banished now and then. :)