Help with making maps (AO) and textures for my WIP mod (Colonial Rowhouses)

Started by AzemOcram, January 20, 2015, 07:45:47 PM

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Hello! I have been progressing slowly on my mod for colonial era rowhouses. I have found the base textures I wanted to use, applied them to 2 different models, unwrapped the UV, and rendered 2 texture variations each for both the 2 models I did (so now I have 4 diffuse maps). My next step are to make the diffuse maps look more old, worn, dirty, grungy, and used because currently the textures are perfectly clean and bright (so the buildings would look out of place in the colonial era and would only look realistic as new, fancy developments that had just finished construction in an upscale neighborhood in modern times). The step after that would be to apply an AO map (which I am pretty sure it stands for Ambient Occlusion). I honestly know next to nothing about AO maps and had not even heard of them before last week. I also want to make sure that the snow does not collect on the sides of the walls, on top of the chimney, or by the windows.

If you want to see the renders (from 3DsMax) of my work-in-progress buildings, they are the last 4 images in my Imgur album (the earlier images are earlier versions, some improperly textured, most before they got textured; the image with 16 house models is outdated because I changed the 2nd and 3rd tier rowhouse models so that all the T2 rowhouses had the same roof pitch/height and so that none of the T3 rowhouses had more than 1 chimney and the 2 models with 2 chimneys have pitched roofs now). Here is the link:

In short, I want help understanding AO maps, help understanding how to alter textures to make the buildings look "used" (old and grungy), and help understanding how snow works.

Thank you,



unfortunatly, i cannot help at all about those AO since nobody were able to teach me.

Slink was the only person i ve saw in my life to be able to get snow on the walls and none on the roof ^^

i personally always used a total white AO.png and i know it wasnt perfect, but it was always almost perfect :)
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i am looking for that too
i found a way to make working AO.png with Cinema 4D

AO is for ambiant occlusion, so after making my uv i go in render on "bake object" to build ambiant occlusion map ex:

uv mapping before "baking"

uv mapping after "baking"

AO :

but ao dont works this way, i must invert it with gimp or photoshop :

maybe the snow uses the mesh too :
when i modelise something from one cube like the test house in my screenshots, the snow seems to fall normaly exept for window and door,
when i connect many objects to make one mesh its all black or very dark when snowing

cinema 4D uses tags on objects and i found that the "phong"(smooth) tag changes the ingame look of my house (bad shadows without)
an other tag on some polygons may remove the snow ?

maybe that for 3ds :