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Reforestation mostly, a few other questions and comments

Started by gatinho65, June 09, 2014, 09:44:45 AM

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It was in a downloaded game that I saw the children dying when their parents died.  Adults were both starving and freezing to death, so it is possible that the children were also starving and/or freezing, but my impression was that the children were just automatically dying when they no longer had an adult to support them.  They did show up on the log, but I did not save the game after I failed repeatedly to turn around the situation.


I used the map button for the first time, the seed on my town is 381927568. Turns out it is mountain, not valley as I thought I'd chosen. No wonder it had such small workable space! I'll figure out how to take screen shots and see if some are worth posting. Of course it looks good now, I've covered the area with trees, but man was it mostly barren at the beginning.

How do you type in a seed that you read is a great one and want to play? I don't remember noticing anything like that as an option.


@gatinho65  No worries, as I said I understood what was meant by it. The idea of trading for them just made me sad. If there way a way to adopt children, it should be free, like the nomads as the town will still need to educate and feed and clothe them.

I am all for adoption in the actual world; there are so many children who could use someone to love and care for them!

My mother was adopted at birth by my grandma. Her mother was a Russian immigrant whose parents threw her out when she found out she was pregnant. My grandma ran a boarding house back then and took her in and let her help clean the rooms for her board and food. The father of my mother was a Polish immigrant who disappeared once her mother discovered she was pregnant. Without any means of supporting a child, she asked my grandmother if she would adopt the baby. My grandma loved children but was unable to have any of her own so she was happy to. My mother's biological mother disappeared after my mother was born and my grandmother adopted her before she left the hospital.

Back to the game, I have never noticed if the children die when their parents do. The next time I accidently cause a death spiral, I will have to pay attention to the children. Until now, I've always been too horrified to even think about it.

To type in a new seed, start a new game and where the seed number is, just change it to what you want. It is on the same window with the world size, weather, terrain, and such.


Quote from: gatinho65 on June 11, 2014, 03:13:21 PM
Yikes, I feel embarrassed that my first posts to the forum as a noobie made me sound like an idiot, I really should have thought about how my suggestion might be taken. Not a great start...

-- You shouldn't [feel embarrassed]
-- They didn't [make you sound like an idiot]
-- You can't anticipate every possible way someone might take what you say.  I overreacted, pure and simple.

Seems to me like you're fitting in really well, here.  :)


@gatinho65, you're doing fine. We know that you're not an idiot. Now, if you want some serious idiocy, google Toronto mayor Rob Ford. This is a quirky group here, which is why I like it. Every one of us has said something that tends to the odd at one time or another. Most threads end up talking about something completely different from the original post or announced topic. Obviously we can't really have "conversations" since we can't see things like body language, but we come as close as one can come in a forum context. Hopefully we see each other as something more than patterns of electrons on screens.


I agree with @rkelly17, I enjoy the diversity of our group here! If we all thought and acted the same, it would get pretty boring, and our opportunities for growth or to expand out point of views would be pretty low. And as for being embarrassed, don't be! If I had a dollar for every time I have felt embarrassed, been misunderstood, said the wrong thing, or simply been wrong on the internet (or in the actual world!) I'd be a wealthy woman! ;P


Thanks for the kind comments all. I'm no expert on online life, but I have had enough experience to know how brutal and disillusioning it can be, how ugly. Its a pleasant and welcome surprise to find a place where even making a bit of a mistake up front doesn't just lead to more of that, but rather more a feeling of being happy to have found something cool. I hope it stays that way, even as it grows, which of course is also a good thing. Tiny clubs get tedious and claustrophobic, just as being enmeshed in the herd is lonely and frustrating. Balance, so essential, so very hard to achieve, a moving target I guess.