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Started by Admin, July 08, 2014, 03:11:10 PM

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Quote from: kid1293 on June 15, 2019, 09:43:54 AM
You have to start a reply to the message and then press the quote button from any old message.

Thanks kid1293, that worked. I look forward to trying your mods as well. There are just so many out there that I have no clue where to begin really lol.  I'll play in Banished "vanilla" for a month or so before I try adding some mods.
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


Welcome MarkAnthony and sarchrmar! Haven't been Banished that long myself, only about 4 months or so and I'm loving it and lve using certain mods to enhance my games. I know you'll find many mods here to try out. Enjoy!


Quote from: moonbelf on June 16, 2019, 05:58:41 AM
Welcome MarkAnthony and sarchrmar! Haven't been Banished that long myself, only about 4 months or so and I'm loving it and lve using certain mods to enhance my games. I know you'll find many mods here to try out. Enjoy!
Thanks moonbelf!  :)  I would have quickly clicked a "like" button for your comment to acknowledge your reply but couldn't find one - so I resorted to the tried and true way of writing one out.  :P Have a great day.
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.

Prester Lewin

Quote from: MarkAnthony on June 14, 2019, 08:53:15 PM
One site I have tried several times to get too because it was recommended a lot was but they are having SSL issues so I cannot connect to their site.

Hi everyone.  Another new player here, just registered.

So that's what happened to Banishedinfo!  I got Banished from GOG a couple of months ago, downloaded a few mods from Banishedinfo, but took a break from the game and deleted the mods while housekeeping on my PC.  Coming back to the game last week, I was surprised to find I could no longer even get to the Banishedinfo site...

I'm on Steam for a few other games but don't think I can get those mods, such as the flatten terrain tool, from Steam because I bought the game from GOG.  If the mods aren't on a site like this, I think they ought to be on Nexus, not Steam.  Oh well!


The Steam Workshop is a convenient tool, but by no means the only source for mods. In fact, many mods hosted here are not available on it.
Have a browse.:)


Hi. I'm Jesse, but in gaming I frequently go by Cian (my middle name) or Abrahms, or variants of both (Cian of Tara, Cian of Eire, MrAbrahms, AbrahmsAdvancedRetailSystems, AbrahmsAdvancedAutomatedRetailSystemsInc, AbrahmsDefenseSystems, LilyAbrahms, etc). I play a wide variety of games, but mainly RPGs, turn-based strategy, first-person and third-person shooters, and adventure games. I also dabble a bit in game development, though I haven't really gotten very far with that apart from writing outlines of about 40 games I want to make.

I've been playing Banished off-and-on for a few years; it's a nice game for relaxing, or when I'm too tired to play other games. I recently came back to it after a year or two break, and got into modding it, and someone recommended I register here. I've released two fairly simple mods so far:

MrAbrahms Climate Extremes: 17 new climates, many of them extremely hot, extremely cold, extremely dry, extremely wet, extremely tornado-y, or extremely mild
MrAbrahms Behavioural Modifications: A few tweaks to citizen AI, making some adjustments for time compression, slightly increasing working and child-bearing age, attempting to reduce incidents of citizens hoarding food while others starve to death, and making roads significantly faster. Unfortunately it also has a bug that causes some citizens to become stuck in out-of-bounds areas on the edges of the map, especially after a major epidemic. I'm working on fixing that, and have managed to reduce it to what I think is a fairly tolerable level, but hope to eventually eliminate it.

Both of those mods are on the Steam Workshop, and Behavioural Modifications is also on Nexus (though I haven't yet updated the version on Nexus).

I'm currently working on a terrain mod and a start condition mod, as well as a big cheaty mod that pretty much takes all the challenge out of the game, but is nice when you just want to relax and build.

Bit about me: I'm currently 43, a photographer and electronic music artist, with multiple disabilities. Used to DJ, have worked as a sound and lighting technician and as a database programmer. I dabble a bit in writing as well, but have only self-published (a sci-fi short story and a work-in-progress walkthrough/guide for Neverwinter Nights). I live in rural Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.


Welcome to the forum. We're all a big happy bunch here. Always great to see new modders on WoB.
There's never enough deco stuff!!!
Fiat panis.


Welcome !

i hope you will find a "little sweet home" in here on WoB :)
> > > Support Mods Creation developments with Donations by Paypal  < < <
Click here to Donate by PayPal .


Welcome Jesse.

I am new as well but for me I only started Banished for the first time a bit more than three weeks ago. I used to be a programmer and a modder for games and website designer years ago but my brain has gone to mush in all those years away from doing any of it that I don't think I could even do modding anymore; wish I could though.

I'm all about building spreadsheets for the games I play, so there's that! I took a few years off of gaming, three and a half years roughly; Banished is my game of choice for coming back.  I look forward to seeing your mods here. You should upload them here as well. The people in these forums seem quite friendly too.

Welcome and enjoy,

Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of
        who do the things no one can imagine.


Hi all you wonderful people!

I'm new here and looking to hoard some mods.

But it's super nice to see this game and community is still going  ^^



......... especially a fellow countryman :)
But also everyone else, of course.


Thanks, all. Not sure how long this modding will hold my interest, but this looks like a good place to be while I'm at it. I've uploaded my two finished(ish) mods here.

@MarkAnthony There isn't a lot of actual coding involved in most of the modding in Banished, just changing the values of various variables and parameters, and sometimes a bit of black-boxing to figure out what a function actually does with its variables, since we only have access to the data files.


welcome on World of Banished @MrAbrahms !!
> > > Support Mods Creation developments with Donations by Paypal  < < <
Click here to Donate by PayPal .


A big thank you for helping me register with WoB.
I'm so impressed with the quality of artwork, animation and hard work of these modders. As someone relatively new to Banished you have so improved the vanilla game... I will be back here often :)