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Started by Admin, July 08, 2014, 03:11:10 PM

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Thanks for helping me with the registration process. Some of the posts are really inspiring, they bring me back to the world of Banished!



I'm Weeberry from Finland! I love Banished and came here for the awesome mods.

Thank you modders for all the great work!



Been a member for a very long time. I also am a member at Black Liquid Forums, but haven't been able to get into it for weeks.. 404 errors constant. Is it going away?


I think it's being rebuilt


Quote from: JD on August 01, 2019, 01:00:17 PM
Been a member for a very long time. I also am a member at Black Liquid Forums, but haven't been able to get into it for weeks.. 404 errors constant. Is it going away?

make sure you have the good address :
> > > Support Mods Creation developments with Donations by Paypal  < < <
Click here to Donate by PayPal .


Hello everyone, this is my first post.
I have returned to the world of banished, literally, and I have started to play again after 2 years remembering my first enthusiasm for this great game, I am doing it without mods to relive that first stage and it has been great, I consider myself an apprentice but save one Small crisis of lack of tools and an aging population, which was saved by the arrival of nomads, everything is going well in the town -Bree-, just need to make some adjustments here and there to avoid in the future a shortage of food due to a demographic explosion.
My sincere thanks to the modders who make something great something extraordinary (many new things!). Maybe one day I will try to do something about it, I hope I am not exceeded from the task
I will publish some ideas that I hope reach the ears of some creator, and I will ask some questions that intrigue me.
It's all for the moment, thanks.
P.S. I use Google translator, English is not my language, an apology if something is not understood.
much food... and more buildings!


Welcome! Your translations are pretty perfect :)


Thanks moonbelf, greetings to you and all the members
much food... and more buildings!


Hello Banished-players!

See you now and then.



Not exactly a newbie, I have been registered for years.. or was until I tried to visit today .. I guess the cleanup caught me, too.  Anyway, I am back for a visit to see what new mods are around.

I play Banished most every day and am always trying to make it harder to play as after 1941 hours in the game (which is, for anyone interested, one year younger than my birth year!  :o) I pretty much have tried every scenario I can think up.

Good luck to the real newbies .. Banished is easy to learn but very hard to master.

Sasha Mkai

Hi. I used to play Banished off and on for the last couple of years. Then Hurricane Micheal hit and I lost everything.  I've finally gotten another (new to me) computer and have been slowly getting back into my games.  I play mostly solo games as I hate it when other players change things on my bases. lol I have some other medical issues but since they won't kill me I'll just skip them. lol I started to really get into Banished again and found this forum.  I think it will really help me a lot.  I can't mod or do anything technical so i just read and play and sometimes use mods. I will try to donate to help out but I can only do it at the beginning of the month as I am on Social Security disability.  I am glad I found this forum.  Thank you for creating it.
