How to Decide what The Buildings are Made Out Of (Realistic)

Started by KIM16, December 07, 2018, 03:23:58 AM

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Brad, you keep hinting on the idea of new players having problems not fully understanding things and messing up.

I have to ask, what's the problem with that?   

Banished is not real life and isn't going to start a thermonuclear war if something is placed wrong.  So what, a few resources were wasted trying to figure something out.   I consider myself a pretty advanced player with MM8.01, yet I still stumble around trying to remember all the different buildings and what they do.   That's part of the fun of the game, discovering new things, making mistakes, learning with each new map.

It's not a bad thing that new players struggle, it's fully expected with a game like Banished.


true but we don't want them too overwhelmed so they stop playing.more players the better. they bring new ideas and also the potential for more modders. i think there is room for both advanced and basic building mods.


The problem you describe with sorghum and the mill could be avoided if modders put a bit more info in the building description that we see before we build. For example, " This mill processes wheat, corn, barley, and oats". This is something that has been improving, but there are some mods that say almost nothing about what the building does.

I agree that a situation like this is not a huge problem. We've probably all done something similar without too much drama. Actually I would say having a bit of a challenge and a learning curve is better than everything being too easy and no challenge at all. If there is no challenge and no learning involved - nothing to discover - people will get bored.