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RK Editor Choice MOD 1.3.1 FULL

Started by RedKetchup, March 11, 2019, 08:28:07 AM

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RK Editor Choice MOD Patch 1.3 FULL;sa=view;down=543

RK Editor Choice MOD Patch 1.3 FULL

First: I want to THANKS many people. @kralyerg for his support and all those assets he graciously gave me to complete this mod. Troy who graciously gave me all his animated animals which is making this mod, a superior polished awesome mod. I also want to thanks @Necora who gave me all his trees assets so i can edit and include in this mod. His trees made the forests so beautiful. I also want to thanks @Bartender for his moving water code and transparent windows code. I want to thanks all the modders here on WOB who are doing astonishing work: @kid1293, @Discrepancy, @embx61, and the new generation of modders who are coming along nicely.

RK Editor Choice MOD Patch 1.3 FULL
RKEC 1.3 want to be a complete overwhelming theme mod. It is started as a megamod pack of my own things... but i decided midway to make a theme mod from it so i didnt included everything i did, but i made tons of new things i never made before. This result is awesome. There is nobody in the world that can say this mod is ugly and not beautiful. ^^

Secundo: This mod got over 1,000-2,000 hrs of work inside. I worked on this since over a year. So please considare to maybe give a little if you think this mod, and all the work i've done worth it! This mod is totally free, as all my work. So if you want to give a bit.... it will be greatly appreciated :)

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WIKI: RK Editor Choice MOD Patch 1.3 FULL

This Mod is divided in few categories: Map Generation, Basic vanilla toolbars, Community Icon / RK toolbars. And of course some sub categories like Wild Animals, Livestock, Crops and Orchards, new NMT Resource Chains, NMT Canals, NMT Dock and the new NMT Stone Dock, all Housing, and all Decorations.

Map Generation:
This mod offer 12 new ground Textures, 2 new type of maps, 1 new size of map. 11 new Starting Conditions. New forest trees. New meadows with grass and flowers. New wild Animals. New ore resources.

11 new Ground Textures: Out of vanilla ground texture, there are:
- Vanilla Original Ground texture but with No Dirt: The game usually set some dirt everywhere on the ground, the no dirt version doesnt set dirt. Also as a bonus, if you raise water beds, they will have the same ground color as the simple grass that lies on the ground.
- Peak's Valley ground texture: This is a more darker ground texture which reflect the type of ground we get inside a forest. It was first offered in Peaks' Valley mod.
- Pine Wood ground texture: This is similar to Peak's Valley but has a texture that is more common in pine wood forests. This is new with RKEC.
- Fresh Spring ground texture: This is a more bright grassy texture. It gives an alternate to the vanilla textures. This is new with RKEC.
- Lush Green ground texture: This is a grass texture with a tint a bit more emerald.  This is new with RKEC.
- Entangled ground texture: This is a dark and mysterious ground texture. This is new with RKEC.
- Misty ground texture: This is also a dark texture with some dead chestnut leaves lying on the ground. This is new with RKEC.
- Equinox ground texture: This is also a dark texture with some dead red maple leaves lying on the ground. This texture also use the vanilla dirt texture to turn it down a bit. This is new with RKEC.
- Sunny Autumn ground texture: This also use the same Equinox ground texture but doesnt use the vanilla dirt texture, making the set up much brighter. This is new with RKEC.
- Enchanted ground texture: This one one a much brighter version of the Entangled ground texture. This is new with RKEC.
- Woodland Meadow ground texture: This one is a grassy ground textures with some white flowers on it. This is new with RKEC.
- Efflorescence ground texture: This one is also a grassy ground texture similar to Woodland Meadows but a bit brighter and less white flowers. This is new with RKEC

2 new type of maps: This mod offer:
- Plains : This is a flat map with very few / non existant mountains. it can have some lakes (from 0-1 lakes for small map to 3-4 lakes for the huge map.)
- Lakes : This is a moderated semi mountain map with huge lakes taking a lot of space. it can have from 1-2 lakes for small map to 3-5 big lakes for the huge map.

1 new size of maps: This mod offer:
- Huge : This map has 640x640 tiles. (the original large one is 512x512). So for those who wanted a bigger map, he wil be served adequately.

11 new Starting Conditions: This mod offer from the hardest start possible Jack&Jill to the easy ones. Each Starting condition have their own challenge and start with their own amount of families/resources/buildings at start:
- Jack & Jill : A super hard game with only 1 family. No buildings at all. NO tools and NO Clothing, NO food, NO firewood, no building materials, no seeds, no livestock. Nothing.
- Adam & Eve : A standard very hard game with only 1 family. A Storage Cart, a Stockpile. 6 tools and 6 Clothing, 400 food, 90 firewood, no building materials, no seeds, no livestock.
- Genesis : A standard very hard game with only 2 family. A Storage Cart, a Stockpile. 12 tools and 12 Clothing, 800 food, 120 firewood, no building materials, no seeds, no livestock.
- Hard Alternate : An alternate of standard hard game with 4 families. A Storage Cart. 24 tools and 20 Clothing, 1200 food, 100 firewood, no building materials, 1 seed, no livestock.
- Shepherd : A medium game with 4 families. A Storage Cart, a Stockpile. 32 tools and 24 Clothing, 1600 food, 160 firewood, 100 logs, 50 stones, 30 iron, no seeds, 2 livestocks.
- Farmer : A medium game with 4 families. A Medium Barn, a Stockpile. 32 tools and 24 Clothing, 1600 food, 160 firewood, 100 logs, 50 stones, 30 iron, 3 crop seeds, no livestock.
- Gatherers : A medium game with 4 families. A Gatherer Hut, a Storage Cart, a Stockpile. 32 tools and 24 Clothing, 1600 food, 160 firewood, 80 logs, 40 stone, 30 iron,  no seeds, no livestock.
- Medium : A medium game with 5 families. A Storage Barn, a Stockpile. 40 tools and 30 Clothing, 1800 food, 200 firewood, 120 logs, 60 stone, 40 iron,  2 crop seeds, 1 orchard seed, no livestock.
- Medium 2 : A medium game with 5 families. A Storage Barn, a Stockpile. 40 tools and 30 Clothing, 1800 food, 200 firewood, 120 logs, 60 stone, 40 iron,  1 crop seed, 1 orchard seed, 1 livestock.
- Medium 3 : A medium game with 5 families. A Storage Barn, a Stockpile. 40 tools and 30 Clothing, 1800 food, 200 firewood, 120 logs, 60 stone, 40 iron,  2 crop seeds, 0 orchard seed, 1 livestock.
- Medium 4 : A medium game with 5 families. A Storage Barn, a Stockpile. 40 tools and 30 Clothing, 1800 food, 200 firewood, 120 logs, 60 stone, 40 iron,  0 crop seed, 2 orchard seeds, 1 livestock.

New forest trees: This mod adds a lot of new trees. The game is nice with those 3 trees (pine, birch, oak) but this mod enhances the forest very nicely, adding 6 new type of trees. All trees now also spawn deadwood which are fallen trees and can be harvested as firewood. Trees wont spawn the new wild food though, only the regular ones.
- Copper Beeches : This is a big tree with brown / copper leaves. This is a tree that lose its leaves through the winter. There are 2 models of copper beeches, one more taller than the other.
- Fir : This is an alternated evergreen tree. There is only 1 model of fir.
- Maples: This is a tree that lose its leaves through winters. There are 6 different models with changes of models and changes of color of the leaves.
- Spruces: This is an evergreen tree. It offer more evergreen varieties. There are 4 different models.
- White Pines: This is also an evergreen tree which is more taller than other trees. There are 3 different models.
- Sweetgums: This is similar to maple, they lose leaves in winter. They are sightly different. They have 3 different models.

New meadows with grass and flowers. At the map generation, grass and flowers will also spawn, providing some very nice meadows areas. Grass and Flowers are very important to this mod.
- New Grass: The new grass is the base of the new meadows. It offer another kind of area. The grass will give fodder-thatch resources which is used to build some buildings and also it can be turned into firebundles (considerated as firewood). The grass objects will spawn flowers only.
- New Flowers: These flowers are very beautiful and will give your game another dimension. Flowers are very important in this game, Flowers spawn tons of new wild food. (cranberries, blackberries, mulberries, strawberries, raspberries, bird nests, and seedlings). The flowers can be harvested and transformed at perfumery and apothecary.
- 2 More Flowers: You will also see 2 more flowers, blue ones and white ones. They are wild Flax bushes and wild Cotton bushes.

7 New wild Animals. At the map generation, the game will spawn a lot new animals to be hunted, not just deers. New Elks, Bears, Boars, Ducks, Geese, Bisons, and Pheasants packs will also spawn. All the new animated animal are graciously provided by Troy, an awesome and generous talented person.
- Elks : when hunted by hunters, they will give venison meat and leather as deer. They offer a nice change.
- Bears : when hunted by hunters, they will give bear meat, fur and leather.
- Boars : when hunted by hunters, they will give boar meat and leather.
- Ducks : when hunted by hunters, they will give duck meat only.
- Geese : when hunted by hunters, they will give goose meat only.
- Bisons : when hunted by hunters, they will give bison meat and double quantities of leather.
- Pheasants : when hunted by hunters, they will give pheasant meat only.

New ore resources: First, the iron now is iron ore.  When you will harvest the iron veins now, you will get iron ore. Those need to be smelt in order to get iron. The map generator will also spawn new veins : Copper, Silver and Gold. Although silver and gold are very very rare, copper will be a bit more common.
- Iron veins : Now iron veins are harvested as iron ore, it is providing some kind of challenge. It needs to be smelt in order to get the traditional iron. Blacksmiths and Foundry will take care of that.
- Copper veins : Copper is a less common veins which will be harvested as copper ore. Blacksmiths and Foundry will take care of smelting those into copper.
- Gold and Silver veins : Those are very rare spawns and are very valuable. it can be used to make the most expansive trade items. Foundry will take care to smelt those.

Basic Vanilla Toolbars:
All, almost everything inside the vanilla toolbars have been remade and redesigned. Sometime is just the models, sometime the footprint sizes have been modified. The only thing i didnt edited are the vanilla roads and Wood Bridge. The old big vanilla mine and big vanilla quarry have their models intact, but they are now renewable. Of course, i changed nothing inside the Tools and Reports toolbar.

Vanilla Housing Toolbar:
- Wood House : ALL the different models of the wood houses have been completly redone. Size: 4x5 tiles. Cost: 16 logs, 8 stone. Residence: 5 citizens. Heat EFF%: 60. Models: 6.
Press F to change models. Can be upgraded to Stone House.
- Stone House : ALL the different models of the stone houses have been completly redone. Size: 4x5 tiles. Cost: 24 logs, 40 stone, 10 iron. Residence: 5 citizens. Heat EFF%: 90. Models: 6.  Press F to change models.
- Boarding House : I redid completly the Boarding House model.  Size: 14x7 tiles. Cost: 52 lumber, 46 stone, 16 glass. Residence: 5 appartments of 5 citizens each. Heat EFF%: 70. only 1 model. The size and the appartments have stay as they were, only the Cost has changed and the model.

Vanilla Road Toolbar:
I didn't edited this toolbar. All my new bridges and roads are in the [RK] Icon. I did made sure though we can overwrite the vanilla roads by my new ones.
- Dirt Road : Dirt road stayed the same, only its hierarchy has changed to allow all new roads being able to overwrite the dirt road.
- Stone Road : Stone road stayed the same, only its hierarchy has changed to allow all new roads being able to overwrite the stone road.
- Wood Bridge : The Wood Bridge stayed the same and i don't edited it at all. Same look, same costs.

Vanilla Storage Toolbar:
- Storage Barn : The model of the Storage Barn has been changed. Some of the numbers have changed: A Normal Barn is used to store goods such as food, clothes, textiles, and tools. Size: 5x8. Cost: 48 logs, 16 stone. Capacity: 10000 weight. Accept: Edibles, Tool, Herbs, Clothing, Textile, Grain, Vegetable, Fruit, Protein, Crafted, Forged, Fabrics, Precious, Misc.
- Stockpile : The model of the stockpile has changed of texture. Some of the numbers have changed: Size: from 1x1 to 20x20. Capacity: 250 weight per tiles. Accept: Fuel, Stone, Logs, Iron, Minerals, Materials, Industrial, Construction.
- Market : The model of the market has been remade. Kept same size and look, but is more fresh and beautiful: Size: 14x14. Cost: 48 lumber, 52 stone, 32 iron. Capacity: 15000 weight. Radius: 48 tiles. Storage: Edible, Fuel, Tool, Health, Clothing. Employment: 1-25 vendors. Tips: One of the best to provide goods to citizen homes. It only hold citizens goods now, no raw materials.
- Trading Post : The model of the has been remade. some numbers may have changed like the cost and the capacity. Merchants: Access to all merchants, only the Resources Merchant can sell things from the custom new flags. They all will accept to buy those though: Size: 11x12. Cost: 64 lumber, 12 logs, 48 stone, 16 iron. Capacity: 60000 weight. Employment: 1-20 traders. Tips: The resources merchant and the livestock/seeder merchants dont accept food or herbs as same as before mods.
- TP Livestock & Seeds : This new Icon offer a smaller, cheaper Trading Post. It doesnt have all the merchants a traditional TP has. Merchants:  only the Livestock and Seeder will come to this smaller Trading Post. : Size: 8x11. Cost: 48 logs, 32 stone, 12 iron. Capacity: 30000 weight. Employment: 1-10 traders. Tips: They all will accept to buy all new Flags and resources but dont accept food or herbs as same as before mods though.

Vanilla Food Production Toolbar:
- Crops : The texture of the crops has been changed for a more brown darker texture.  You can now make them bigger. The autopickup icon has been enabled allowing laborers to pickup food instead to have farmer going up and down to empty. Size: 4x4 to 25x25. Cost: Nothing but need crop seeds.
- Orchards : The texture of the orchards has been changed for a more adapted texture. You can now make them bigger. The autopickup icon has been enabled allowing laborers to pickup food instead to have farmer going up and down to empty. Size: 4x4 to 25x25. Cost: Nothing but need orchard seeds.
- Pastures : The model of the pasture has been changed. you can now make them bigger. Size: 7x7 to 30x30. Cost: 1 log per tile. Tips: it is always better to buy livestock with a minimum quantity of 2 animals. More is better overall because the faster it is full, faster you will get a better production.
- Fenceless Pastures : This is an alternate option which model wont have any fence all around. This fenceless pasture allow mountain side tiles. Size: 7x7 to 30x30. Cost: 1 fodder-thatch per tile. Tips: it is always better to buy livestock with a minimum quantity of 2 animals. More is better overall because the faster it is full, faster you will get a better production.
- Fishing Dock : The model of the Fishing Dock has been remade. Although i boosted the number of fish catched, this building will work as it was. Size: 4x9. Cost: 30 logs, 16 stone. Radius: 14 tiles. Employment: 1-4 fishermen. Tips: The production is always based on the pourcentage of water tile in its radius versus the number of land tiles. More water tiles is better.
- Hunting Cabin : The model of Hunting Cabin has been changed and its size has been altered. Now hunters have plenty of new animals to hunt ! Some give good amount, some give less good. it is random. to compensate i gave the permission to the cabin to get a kill every month instead of every 2 months. Size: 6x6. Cost: 34 logs, 12 stone. Employment: 1-4 hunters. Tips: This is totally false the rumor that an hunter cabin needs to be placed in a forest node. In fact, wild animals can also prefer open and watered zones. They often seen on shores.
- Gatherer Hut : The model of Gatherer Hut has been changed. Gatherers are important and they had their resource list extended a lot. They will pickup all the new Wild Food added by RKEC but also all the food that will spawn in the new Orchard Lodges zones. Size: 5x6. Cost: 30 logs, 12 stone. Employment: 1-4 gatherers.

Vanilla Resources Toolbar:
I added a couple of icons in there, the most significant one is the Lumbermill. Lumber is very very important in RKEC and also lumber saves trees ! Did you know if you convert logs into lumber and build lumber housing you will need only 3 trees to build an house ? 3 trees (laborers educated).
- WoodCutter : The model of the wood cutter has been changed. Woodcutter is a workplace where firewood is made. Size: 6x7. Cost: 24 logs, 8 stone. Employs 1-3 woodcutters. Tips: Requires 2 logs or 5 lumber or 5 fodder-thatch. Will create 5-8 firewood per job done. The menu by default is set to fodder-thatch because i want people notice that, you can this.
- Lumbermill : The lubermill is totally new and is an important part of RKEC. You need lumber almost everywhere. Your lumbermill can also make firewood if you need. Thats convenient. Lumbermill is used to make Lumber from Logs. Size: 5x6. Cost: 48 logs, 6 stone. Can make : Lumber, firewood. Employment: 1-3 woodcutters. Tips: The Lumbermill is an early settlement building, all tier 2+ buildings will require lumber. It can also make firewood if needed. Press F for alternate roof colors.
- Forester Lodge : The model of the forester lodge has been remade. Forester Lodge are the main logs production. Their job is to plant trees and harvest them once they are mature. Size: 5x6. Cost: 32 logs, 12 stone. Radius: 30 tiles. Employment: 1-4 foresters. Tips: always clearing its circle of all ores and stones is good. If you clear out all the grass, the grass wont spawn flowers and flowers wont spawn any new wild food. but after a while, when you are sure to have enough flowers, it is probably a good thing.
- Forester Lodge 2 : This icon allow you to plant only the new model of trees i added to this mod. The regular one cannot plant any of the new models of trees. This comes from the fact my new trees dont have the "falling to the ground" animations. So i had to make 2 different layers of trees. Forester Lodge can only plant 1 type of tree. This is the reason why you have 2 Forester Lodges. One for each set of trees.
- Herbalist Hut : The model of the herbalist hut has been remade. It is possible its size has been changed too. Herbalist in RKEC have more utility than previously. They can pickup Cotton and Flax from the wild cotton spawns and wild flax spawns.  Size: 5x6. Cost: 30 logs, 12 stone. Radius: 30 tiles. Employment: 1-2 herbalists. Tips: Since herbalist can pîckup some extra textile. Visit your tailor, he can do things with that!
- Blacksmith : The model of the blacksmith has been remade. RKEC doesnt spawn iron bars anymore but spawn iron ore. For the blacksmith it changed his abilities. Now blacksmiths can smelt iron ore and copper ore into Iron and Copper before using these to make tools. That add an extra step here to make tools. The Blacksmith had his menu expanded by a lot. At you to discover them. Smelting: Foundry is the best building to smelt those but your blacksmith can help you in wait. Size: 5x7. Cost: 32 logs, 36 stone, 30 iron. Employment: 1-2 blacksmiths. Tips: Uneducation is very bad here because the extra step to make tools at start so if you are struggling there, you know why.

<< WIKI: To be edited >>
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Hi, I'm new around here.  Does this play nicely with the Steam version or do I need to wait for a Steam specific version?


Quote from: xhelius on March 11, 2019, 09:54:13 AM
Hi, I'm new around here.  Does this play nicely with the Steam version or do I need to wait for a Steam specific version?

steam is not updated yet.... soon in few hours...

STEAM Workshop has been UPDATED !!
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Can this be added to a saved game, or will it need a new game?  If it can be added to a saved game, would it mess up anything in a saved game?


@ Redketchup ;D ;D ;D Thank you very much for the effort and hard work you put in these 3 segments "RK Editor Choice MOD Patch 1.3" I have not tested them yet - but they are definitely great and fantastic. I am sending you a modest gift. I would also like to thank all moderators @kralyerg, Toy, @Necora, @Bartender, @ kid1293, @Discrepancy, @ embx61 and a new generation of modders who helped @ RedKetchup - I drink for your health - for such wonderful people who still beautify the game and still they add great attractions. Respects :D


Oh Mr. Ketchup, this is just great! I haven't been working on my projects because I've been having so much fun with your update =) Thank you again for the base game texture rocks, they really help make it look like I'm preserving the natural map and encorporating my town into it instead of just looking as though the map was completely cleared XD


Quote from: galensgranny on March 12, 2019, 12:06:27 AM
Can this be added to a saved game, or will it need a new game?  If it can be added to a saved game, would it mess up anything in a saved game?

supposely 100% save compatible. i always do my best to make sure saves are always compatible !!

Quote from: taniu on March 12, 2019, 03:36:54 AM
@ Redketchup ;D ;D ;D Thank you very much for the effort and hard work you put in these 3 segments "RK Editor Choice MOD Patch 1.3" I have not tested them yet - but they are definitely great and fantastic. I am sending you a modest gift. I would also like to thank all moderators @kralyerg, Toy, @Necora, @Bartender, @ kid1293, @Discrepancy, @ embx61 and a new generation of modders who helped @ RedKetchup - I drink for your health - for such wonderful people who still beautify the game and still they add great attractions. Respects :D

Thanks you for the generous donation Taniu !!! Thanks you !!
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@RedKetchup  :D ;D ;D I am very happy . As a modest player, I can contribute to this game in some way - I have sympathy for this game - and thanks to many great moderators and their hard work on creating new mods - this game is so great, fantastic - I hope you will continue to create new fashions - although now this game is very attractive - I highly recommend this game - "Banished" for new players - you will not be disappointed - it is a peaceful game without violence and bloodshed - that's why beauty teaches us that our "Earth" - is the source of nature and so beautiful. Cheers 8)


just WAOW!
the most balanced "full overhaul" Banished's mod, really... new materials/products/building tiers (and beautiful ones) without getting too much. No headache trying to remember what is needed for that damn tier 57 building.
I love your work Ketchup. You even got a thought for the most insane among us... that Jack and Jill start is... OMG!... insane! ^^

Je te réitère ma proposition d'aide pour la trad... à charge pour toi de la publier bien sûr (le but n'est pas de te piquer la vedette... c'est avant tout que ça me soûle de devoir jouer en Anglais lol )


si tu veux les string tables :

you only translate the words and sentences that is between " apostrophe " at the right side of the file.
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Waow! C'est là qu'on voit tout le boulot que ça doit représenter!

Trois questions:
- est-ce que ça se suffit à soi-même ou il faut aussi la traduction française du jeu de base? (parce que dans ce cas-là, je veillerai à avoir une cohérence avec la trad de Dark)
- est-ce qu'il y a une limite pour la longueur des strings? (le Français est souvent plus long que l'Anglais)
- Comment est-ce que je compacte les fichiers pour pouvoir les tester?