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Started by Admin, July 08, 2014, 03:11:10 PM

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I guess I should have introduced myself before posting somewhere else (other threads), my bad.

I'm Silvio, nearly 53, love this kind of games. I had this one under my radar for long time along with some other people from SC4 forums, but then I forgot about it until a month ago when I purchased my copy straight away. No regrets so far. ;)
Long time SC4 player and some people over here know me from Simtropolis or SC4 Devotion as Rayden (same here).

I hope I enjoy this new community as I did/do over at SC4 Devotion.  8)


Welcome on World of Banished  Silvio :)
we have almost same age :) i have 51 :)
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Welcome, Silivio/@rayden! There are a number of SC4 players here and several denizens of both Simtropolis and SC4 Devotion, so you should feel at home.


Hello, my name is sandysan.
I play on the computer since the times of floppy disks (3 1/2 ").
I registered at the beginning, for downloading mods but gradually, after reading on the forum, I see that you are a very friendly group.
I play at a lot of games but I have a preference for any role playing, managements or strategies.
I'm French and i 'm sorry for my very bad English
Good day (night) to all


Quote from: sandysan on March 03, 2015, 09:30:07 AM
I'm French and i 'm sorry for my very bad English
Good day (night) to all

Welcome, @sandysan! There are a number of Francophones on the forums here--and trust me, your English is way, way better than my French. My grandkids, who are in the "French Immersion" program in school, once told their mother, "Mom, Granddad can't even count to un!" Sad, but true.


Bienvenue sur World of Banished @sandysan :)

Je suis québécois et j'habite dans les Laurentides :)
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A Nonny Moose

Alors, mon ami, je parle Français comme un Basque Espaniol.  Canada is supposed to be bilingual, but the dialect spoken in Quebec is nothing like either the Langue d'oui or the Langue d'oc.  I lean more towards Langue d'oc if I must parler Français.  I am just one of those maudit Anglos from Ontario.

Mais, bienvenue.  I think you'll find this is rather an international forum.
Go not to the oracle, for it will say both yea and nay.

[Gone, but not forgotten. Rest easy, you are no longer banished.]


Welcome sandysan!  Nice to have you join us. 
Technology - Home Theater - Astronomy - Pyrotechnics


Thank your for welcome.

@rkelly17  : I can help you count up to 10 if you want. After I don't have enough fingers.  :)

@RedKetchup : Your mods are really great. Beautiful works  :)

@A Nonny Moose & @solarscreen : It's a pleasure to join an international forum ... I hope not to write too much of foolishness  :)


Quote from: sandysan on March 03, 2015, 03:33:07 PM
@rkelly17  : I can help you count up to 10 if you want. After I don't have enough fingers.  :)

Thanks, @sandysan. I did fairly well in math when I was in school. Then when my kids were in school I had to learn it all over again to be of some help. Now my grandkids do math in French and I'm useless.  :'(


Welcome @sandysan

Greetings from faraway Algarve, Portugal.


Don't bash yourself, I had French in school for 8 years and I can barely read and understand the language, and speak none. I'd better off learning by myself like I did with English, never needed a teacher to learn how to read, write and speak, it only took an English girlfriend living with me for 4 years. Darn, she was devilish, she use to hide the subtitles on my TV/Video movies so I could learn English the hard way. :))


Hi all,

I'm a retired programmer.  I don't play a lot of computer games, just a little Caesar III and Pharaoh (with "personal goals" to make the missions more challenging). 

I bought Banished a few months ago (when GOG had a sale) after seeing my daughter play, but didn't try it until recently.  My loss. :( I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a long time.  This site has given me several good ideas such as a vegetarian village.

Has anyone thought of using the Adam and Eve mod and requiring everyone to be educated?  It sounds pleasantly difficult.

A Nonny Moose

Welcome @Brugle :  If you are running Adam and Eve, how do you plan to create a teacher?
Go not to the oracle, for it will say both yea and nay.

[Gone, but not forgotten. Rest easy, you are no longer banished.]


Welcome on World of Banished, @Brugle  :)
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