World of Banished

MODS Garage => Mod Discussions 107 => Topic started by: galensgranny on February 05, 2024, 06:31:18 AM

Title: MegaMod 07 DecoPack
Post by: galensgranny on February 05, 2024, 06:31:18 AM
@kralyerg You wrote in another thread:  " While it's true that MegaMod 07 DecoPack does have the decorative animals, I can't get it to work anymore.  When I load it in game, it crashes every time I click on the Decorations toolbar. (

You're welcome to try, but I would load it in a new game to test it because I don't think it will work anymore, and I don't know why.  It's also pretty large, 746MB, and it includes a lot of things that I wouldn't put in a decorations pack if I did one now. Like whole CC Dock set is in there."

I have that MegaMod DecoPack and it runs fine in my game.  I had it from a download previously.  There are a few items I use all the time, such as the ground squares to put over road sections or around buildings; some of the fences, in particular the "Tall Wood Fence"; the hedges, trees and bushes; some of the town decorations and Red's clothes washing line and outhouse if I am not using RKEC.  I wouldn't be happy to play Banished without it anymore.  That oak tree is wonderful!

There is one icon area that just has a dot and if clicked on, the game crashes, but otherwise, all is well. I almost always just used the ghosted versions.

Something that is important is to also have the mod "1.0.7 Compatibly" by BlackLiquid Team.  The description says, "A compatibility mod for MegaMod 07".  The pkm file is named  "Compatibily 107".    I attached in in case you or anyone wants it.  You cannot view this attachment.
Title: Re: MegaMod 07 DecoPack
Post by: Abandoned on February 05, 2024, 09:55:46 AM
Thanks for the info @galensgranny

Kralyerg has made a separate mod of deco animals from MegaMod, which includes animals from CC, Kid, and Jinxie.

The MegaMod Deco Animal mod can be found here in Bog Abandoned -Newburg-Story 1:
Title: Re: MegaMod 07 DecoPack
Post by: galensgranny on February 05, 2024, 05:02:00 PM
@Abandoned You are welcome. Yes, I saw the separate animal mod Kralyerg made.  That' great and very good of him.  But, in regards to all the other deco that I and maybe other people love from MegaMod 07 DecoPack, I want him and others to know it can work, but it needs that compatibility mod as well.
Title: Re: MegaMod 07 DecoPack
Post by: Abandoned on February 05, 2024, 08:50:54 PM
@galensgranny I found I have Mega Mod DecoPack and compatibility mod in my "Mods Not Installed" folder.

 I just installed CC Journey.  Oh, my gosh there is so much in there. I only looked at the menus so don't know how good it will run. A lot was added since I had the earlier version installed. I don't remember which earlier version of CC that I had but that is where I saw the deco animals. I have a lot of the separate CC mods that I've used quite often. 

I may give Mega Mod DecoPack a try sometime.
Title: Re: MegaMod 07 DecoPack
Post by: galensgranny on February 05, 2024, 10:11:09 PM
@Abandoned On my old, not at all powerful computer with a not so good graphics card, I couldn't run the current Colonial Charter, Journey, along with most of all of Kid's, EB's, Discrepancy's, Jinxie's and a bunch of Red's mods, some of Tom's  a few of Necora's, with the MegaMod )& DecoPack all at the same time.  But, I was able to use the earlier CC version, New Frontier.  Mostly I wanted the houses, and a few other buildings.

While Kid has very good trees, plants and flowers, that DecoPack has some other really good ones.

I got a new computer and wow, things run great without waiting forever for the heavily modded game to load!

Yes, Colonial Charter Journey is jammed packed!
Title: Re: MegaMod 07 DecoPack
Post by: Abandoned on February 06, 2024, 07:50:12 AM
I could not even install Banished on my old desktop that had windows XP.  Got the windows 7 laptop, and installed Banished, which ran great except for CC and RKEC. I had no long load times with my pick & chose mod list system. I replaced the old desktop with a new one a few years ago and had nothing but problems with windows 10 and with Banished, the only program that wouldn't run good and display was too dark.  Got a better video card and then a new monitor.

 I already had a lot of CC's separate mods including the Frontier set so I stuck with those, I downloaded Journey but never installed it here on the desktop, same with RKEC full. Tried it last night but bannies starved and froze before I discovered if I would have lag.  ;D 

I will use both and the North occasionally but will stick with my mod selection system.