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Off Topic / Re: Hola!
Last post by Maldrick - February 06, 2025, 03:01:34 AM
Great to see you guys!  How are you doing?

I gather everything slowed down a lot.  10+ year game, I guess?  Up to anything new gaming or modding-wise?

Been playing a bit of Medieval Dynasty over the past couple of years.  It would be so great to mod, but there's no mod support for the game, unfortunately.  Reminds of me of Banished, constantly.

I've missed the community, here.
Mod Discussions 107 / Re: Kid - Tree Topper V1.11
Last post by taniu - February 06, 2025, 01:40:12 AM
 :)  :thumbsup
Off Topic / Re: Hola!
Last post by RedKetchup - February 05, 2025, 04:49:58 PM
Hi ! Welcome back !

outside being admin in few spot, here and there, i am not in Banished modding anymore since years.
Off Topic / Re: Hola!
Last post by kid1293 - February 05, 2025, 02:49:54 PM
Well... Some of us are still alive.
I am not active anymore, but I am here to squash bugs and fix errors.
Nice to see old friends returning. :)
Off Topic / Hola!
Last post by Maldrick - February 05, 2025, 02:04:49 PM
I don't have anything to post about, just thought it was weird lurking and not saying hello.  So, hello!

Randomly got the itch to play Banished the other day which, of course, I don't have time for so I've started screwing around with the mod collection.  Longest break I've ever taken from the game, and a little overwhelmed.
 Also got the itch to mod something the other day, too, but one thing at a time.  And some time.

Any of my old friends still around?
Tutorials / Re: Beginner's Guide to Moddin...
Last post by scoutae4 - February 05, 2025, 12:26:07 PM
Hi there! Sorry for the late reply. I made it work in Blender version 4.3.2 and your were on the right track: Ambient Occlusion is no longer in the options list but if you toggle on Raytracing under EEVEE with all the other settings I listed you should get the same result. Also correct about the MIX COLOR node which is the one you need (not the MIX COVERTER node). To make things extra confusing, once you set the MIX COLOR node to "Multiply" the node name transforms itself to MULTIPLY. :o

I also got stuck with the new Unwrap options in this version: ANGLE BASED seemed to work fine.

Happy creating!!  :)
Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Barnyards - St...
Last post by Abandoned - February 05, 2025, 06:20:59 AM
Chapter 5


  We built an animal shed for the pigs and their little newborn piglets down past the waterfall pond and mushroom cave.  We thought the moist soil there would be more to the pig's liking.  We did not have many wild roots so we would feed them potatoes until we could gather more roots.

  The sheep shed was built by the west end of the rocky ridge across from where the dog was still living in the small rock doghouse cave.  Hopefully, he was keeping the bears away.  None had been seen since the first encounter but we still kept the torches lit by the cave entrances just in case the bears returned. 

  We may have to use those bear furs to make warm coats before we got enough wool from our small sheep; are supply of coats was getting low.  A tailor workplace with an awning cover was set up right outside the storage cave entrance.  To keep our tool supply from getting any lower, a blacksmith's anvil with a covering was set up behind the woodcutter next to the stockpile.

  By late winter the last of the farm animals were moved into their own animal shed.  The goat shed was built by the river end of the rocky ridge across from the cave that Bureon and I lived in before we moved to our farmhouse. 
Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Barnyards - St...
Last post by Abandoned - February 04, 2025, 07:13:12 AM
Chapter 4

  There was plenty of room for building in the clearing.  The chickens were roaming around and were in the corn patch.  Our 2 black cats spent their time begging for a saucer of milk in the cow shed.   We decided those chickens needed a chicken shed next and also needed nests if we expected to have eggs and baby chicks.

  The chicken shed was built in the clearing near the corn patch.  They would be fed wild oats and then corn when the wild oats were gone.  It was already autumn; we hoped we would have all the animals housed before winter and be able to provide enough food for them and for ourselves.

  Our food supply got an unexpected increase when bears showed up dangerously close to our dwelling cave; Dentoney and Kiannon who lived in the small cave closest to the bears were terrified.  We were farmers and herdsmen, but we did have a couple of bows; 2 of the men made sure the area was safe from the bears.  Bear meat and furs were added to our storage cave and torches were lit at each cave entrance.

  When the weather continued to get colder, we realized we could use more workers down in the farmyard area.   Burgeon and I built a medium-sized farmhouse by the chicken shed. Our son, Audius, was born in late summer.  By late autumn, Burgeon went to working chopping firewood next to the stockpile.  When the first frost hit in late autumn, we realized we had to work fast to get the remaining farm animals housed and fed.

Mod Discussions 107 / Re: Kid - Tree Topper V1.11
Last post by kid1293 - February 03, 2025, 12:16:40 PM
Oh oh oh
Download the new file again!
The first uploaded V1.11 was corrupt.
Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Barnyards - St...
Last post by Abandoned - February 03, 2025, 10:57:20 AM
Chapter 3

  Another couple who was expecting their first child moved into a small cave in the outcropping by the mountain just southwest of the stockpile and storage carts.  They had been fishing in the forest pond next to their cave and gathering mushrooms in the mushroom cave on the other side of the pond before they stopped to help built the house and barnyard nearby.

  A large stone farmhouse was built by the storage carts for the last couple with 2 children.  They built a large animal shed across from the house for the 2 cows and newborn calf.  More thatch was gathered to feed the cows and a corn patch was quickly planted.  It was already late summer and there were a lot of animals left in the temporary pasture that needed shelter.