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Other Games / Re: Foundation
Last post by catty-cb - February 02, 2025, 11:52:24 PM
Unlike banished if you don't like where you have stuck something you can just hit the edit button and move something or edit the building if you want to add a more things ie a chimney

Tavern in daylight having adding lantern, walls, seat, tree and well

Tavern at night having moved the tree and added a chimney to the building

Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Barnyards - St...
Last post by Abandoned - February 02, 2025, 06:30:20 AM
Chapter 2

  The rocky ridge extended from the river in the east all the way over to the small stream in the west.  There were 2 large caves suitable for storage, and there were several smaller caves that would serve as housing for the time being.  We found our dog had made himself at home in a small boulder-sized cave among the rocks next to one of the smaller caves.  Small rocks and stones were removed from the caves and by early summer 6 of our 8 families settled into the small dwelling caves, mine included.  My husband Burgeon and I settled into the small cave closest to the river.  My name is Suzettie, and I was expecting our first child.

  Three of the caves already had cook pots set up outside their entrances, and a notice board was built outside the large cave that faced our stockpile and storage carts.  We quickly took an inventory of what supplies we had.  We would have to gather more wild foods and keep a close eye on our food supply.  We had some thatch, and the animals seemed content to graze for the time being.
Mod Discussions 107 / Re: Kid - Tree Topper V1.11
Last post by kid1293 - February 01, 2025, 07:30:39 AM
V1.11 fixed the production menu in the hunter
Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Barnyards - St...
Last post by Abandoned - February 01, 2025, 06:24:02 AM
Chapter 1

  The boatman who operated the cargo ship picked up some farm animals for us from Green Pastures and then picked us up along with the rest of our animals at Riverboat Depot.  We were amazed how quickly and efficiently he loaded all our animals onto the boat and then off again when we arrived here.  That was not the easiest thing to do; the river was quite fast and rough due to the early spring snow melt and there was as yet no dock to moor the boat to.  It was cold, windy, and raining.  Before he left, the boatman unloaded our 3 supply carts, and said he was sure to be back sometime to pick up animals, but he would not take orders for animals from any customer in the far north who did not have a suitable barn built for them.  We were very impressed with the boatman.


  There were 27 of us that the boatman brought here, 16 adults with 11 children.  We had 2 cows, 3 goats, 4 sheep, 2 pigs, 4 chickens, 1 dog, and 2 black cats.  The men quickly put up a rope fence to keep the animals from scattering all over the area.  The rope fence wouldn't keep the chickens from going where they wanted but we hoped a sprinkling of the feed and seeds we brought with us would.  The dog and the 2 cats had already disappeared.

  The men gathered building materials while we women watched the animals, the children, and gathered branches and wild foods.  More materials were added to the stockpile as we cleared the way to a rocky ridge of caves a short distance from our clearing.

Tutorials / Re: Beginner's Guide to Moddin...
Last post by GandAtier - January 31, 2025, 03:24:38 PM
I ended up having to revert back to Blender 4.0 from 4.3 Since I believe how AO is used in this tutorial was changed to Raytracing in 4.2. My issue could have also stemmed from using the incorrect version of Multiply as I used "Mix" or "Math" instead of "Mix Color" the first time around.
Other Games / Re: Foundation
Last post by catty-cb - January 31, 2025, 02:32:23 PM
Playing around with village in the new version

Other Games / Re: Foundation
Last post by catty-cb - January 31, 2025, 12:48:55 PM
Its been released ... not up to building a village just yet, just been playing around with the new menus

Release Video
Village Blogs / Abandoned - Barnyards - Story ...
Last post by Abandoned - January 31, 2025, 07:09:28 AM

  This is the 13th story in the New World Series.  More towns in the north meant more northern trade route customers and more requests for farm animals.  Riverboat Depot did its best to supply the river boatmen and expeditions with farm animals. Green Pastures of story 3 supplies the Depot with sheep, pigs, and an occasional goat or two: their main purpose is producing wool, milk, and meat, not breeding.  Newburg could now trade furs for horses and hardier animal from the western trade merchants.  Northern trade route customers often waited a long time to get the farm animals they ordered.  Hoping to provide more animals and shorten the wait time, Riverboat Depot sent a group of volunteer to establish a settlement whose purpose was to breed barnyard animals.  The chosen area was close by, just upriver north of Seed & Feed of story 9.  The location would be convenient for the river boatment to pick up the needed animals, but the meadow was in a rocky mountainous area; there would not be much room for grazing; the animals would have to be fed.  The settlers would have to feed the animals, which in turn would help feed the settlers who named the town Barnyards.

Map seed# 512771816  Mountain Meadows, Small, fair, Disasters Off, Easy8 Deer,Groose,Bear,Grass

Mods activated for this map and load order:

Map Changing and Starting Mods:   Banished UI Maps, Labor Window, RK Minimized Status, CC Light Rain, Override Map, Jinxie Natural Decorations, Kid Tree Replacer X-Light, Maritimes Riffle, New Flora Edit, Kid More Caves (New), Wildlife Starts

Tweak Mods:   Fishing Dock +25%, Hunting (TS), Increased CC, 1:1 Alternative (Voeille), Override Winter Clothes, Rock Respawn, Tiny Smoke.

Major or Must Have Mods:    An Empty Square, Nomads (Kid), override Uneducated, Storage Crates, Kid Workshop, Jinxie Rabbit Hutch, Jinxie Bitty Village set, Kid Abandoned Places SE, Kid Old Town, Kid Workplace

Supporting Mods: Dwarf Signs, I See Fire (RK), Kid Animal Breeder, Kid Animal Shed Plus, Kid Deco Farm Animals, Kid Deco Mushroom, Kid Deco People, Kid Forest Ponds, Kid Hedgerow, Kid Houseboat, Kid Market Food, Kid Market Puzzle, Kid Some Boats, Kid Wayshrine, Kid Yard Cover, Snowman

Mod Note:  The new Kid More Caves mod has no start conditions, but I placed it with the starting mods in my mod list because I would place them on the map at the start, they are free-to-build.  There are dwelling caves, a storage cave, a mushroom cave, a bear cave, and a mine cave, all in 4 textures, rock and dirt, smooth or rough.  A shelter cave was added to the mod but not in time to include in this story; it is a 4-family boarding house type cave.

  Well, eager explorer, to answer your question, we had a good experience with a river boatman before we even arrived and settled here.  Come sit by the fire and I'll tell you all about it.
Tutorials / Re: Beginner's Guide to Moddin...
Last post by lamenagere - January 30, 2025, 10:22:07 AM
Quote from: GandAtier on January 28, 2025, 01:58:46 PMI've been following the tutorial fine up until now, but my (supposedly newer) version of blender does not have the same functionalities as are in the tutorial. AO features and multiply are the main differences. I used what I presume are equivalent options within blender, but I think that this is causing issues with the fbx file that I'm trying to add into the next part of the tutorial. Any ideas? (Hopefully someone is still poking around this topic)

About the AO, don't forget to change the default render engine (Render tab)... With default EEVEE, you don't have access to AO baking. You have to select "Cycles" engine instead. Took me 3 hours to figure...
Tutorials / Re: Beginner's Guide to Moddin...
Last post by angainor88 - January 29, 2025, 05:47:34 AM
Hmm what are the issues you are having?

I'm not sure I'll be able to help, as I have an older version of Blender, with a different way of doing the AO