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Abandoned - Lookout Point - Story 95

Started by Abandoned, October 08, 2023, 02:16:18 PM

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This Story was originally posted June 30, 2023


  This is the 95th story in the Smallville Series.  It tells the fate of the couple mentioned in chapter 14 of Riverview Resort story 17, near the center of the world map southeast of Smallville.  The couple arrived there but did not stay; they were on their way to Smallville but never made it there.  Like the other swamp dwellers who were helped by pirates as mentions in Swamp Haven story 94, so too was this couple helped a few years earlier.  It was year 58 SVT, when they left the swamp and arrived in Riverview, 4 years before the giant frog invasion in the swamp in year 62.  As fate would have it, they avoided one disaster only to fall victim to another.  Actually, it was the river they fell into, Lookout Point is south of Riverview Resort.  This is their story.

Map seed # 406994515     Valley One River,   Small,   No Snow,   Disasters Off, Lookout Point Start

Mods activated for this map and load order are:

Map Changing and Starting Mods:   Banished UI Maps, Labor Window, RK Minimized Status, CC Light Rain, climate No Snow, Lush and Green, override Map, Jinxie Natural Decorations, Kid New Flora Edit, Lookout Point Start (made for this story- 3 couples, no children, cart of supplies, wheat and potato seeds).

Tweak Mods:  Better Fields, Fishing Dock +25%, Hunting, Increased CC,  1:1 Alternative (Voeille), Rock Respawn, Tiny Smoke

Major or Must Have Mods:    An Empty Square, Nomads (Kid), override Uneducated, Storage Crates,  Jinxie Bitty Village, Kid Abandoned Places SE, Kid Gypsy Fantasy, Kid Old Town, Kid Old Town Ports & Pirates, Kid Stone House Addon, Kid Tropical Huts, Kid WorkPlace, NMT3.0 Pond, Mini Warehouse (Kid)

Supporting Mods:   Campfire, Deco Sunflower, I See Fire, Kid Deco Farm Animals, Kid Deco People, Kid Deco Plants, Kid Farmyards, Kid Hedgerow, Kid Jam & Wine, Kid Washing Mod, Kid Workshop, Tiny Chopper

Yes, weary traveler, we had gotten so close to Smallville before we were swept away to a different life than what we planned.  I'll tell you all about it.


Chapter 1

   We were swamp dwellers in Summerset Swamp.  I'm Norina and my husband is Derris.  We had just been married when an outbreak of swamp fever claimed what little family we each had except for 1 cousin who had recently gone to Smallville.  There was nothing to keep us in the swamp; there was no future for us there.  We decided to go to Smallville, look up that cousin, and start a new life away from the heat and humidity of the swamp.  Smallville was the place to go to learn how to survive.

  We found an old abandoned houseboat that we claim as our own.  The owners were probably victims of the fever.  We loaded what little we had, and we were off.   When we arrived in Riverview Resort it was very cold, or so it seemed to us swamp dwellers.  They said it was a lot warmer than usual for this time of year, but there was still a lot of snow up north. The snow would be gone in Smallville; it was only a short distance up the stream that used to be their main river; we might have trouble getting there with the houseboat.  We left the houseboat in Riverview and were given a cart of supplies in exchange.  We were told to head north along the stream, we would find a sign saying Smallville; it was a bit farther north.  We would have to cross the stream, but that would be no problem this time of year.  It was a problem.

  We saw the sign on the other side of the stream in the morning.  By mid-morning dark clouds moved in and it began to rain.  We saw the water was rising and thought we better cross while we could but the cart got stuck on the muddy bank and we fell into the water trying to free it.  It had warmed up and it was raining heavier by the time we freed the cart and began crossing the stream, and then we heard the sound of rushing water.  The heavy rain must have melted the snow upstream and caused a flash flood.   Before we could react, a huge wave of water and debris hit us.  We were swept away.  I went under but Derris pulled me up before we were pulled apart.  I saw him go under but resurface farther downstream, he struggled to get back to me.  We were swept past Riverview Resort and the junction of the main river.

  Out of nowhere a pirate ship appeared and we were caught up in a huge net and pulled aboard ship where we were dumped on deck.  There was a lot of yelling as the sails were adjusted.  Visibility was poor because of the heavy rain but looking back toward that main river I saw an Imperial Ship was not far behind us; we were making a run for it.  The Imperial Fleet often patrolled these waters to protect the shipping interests of the merchant ships from pirate activity.   A short time later we were dumped off on shore as unceremoniously as we had been dumped on deck.  We were told to get out of sight; we could stay here or go but if we go, we should keep our mouths shut or they'd hunt us down.  They'd be back.  We should tell "them" to get the lookout flags down.  Then the ship was gone.

Chapter 2

  We found ourselves on a winding path in the rain.  We were cold, wet, battered, bruised, and exhausted.  We came to a duck pond before the path wound in a different direction.  We finally emerged from the forest path into a clearing with a well-hidden cluster of old buildings.  To the right was another pond.  The whole area was very lush and green from all the spring rain.  We saw several hammocks in the shade of the trees and a still, but the residents must do some work because the stockpile was full of wood, stone, iron, and firewood. 

  We met the 2 families who were not very friendly or welcoming.  They wanted to know what we wanted and how we got here.  Was it Captain Johnny who brought us?  We didn't know but he said he'd be back and that they should get the flags down.  He said we should stay.  We asked for dry clothes and food; we hadn't eaten all day.  They said help yourselves to whatever supplies we could find, the booty ship brought supplies at regular intervals.  The rum was gone. 

  We found some towels and dry clothes among their stash.  There were apples, berries, mushrooms, roots, wild oats, potatoes, and wheat.  We took some fruit and headed to the stash's small shed; we moved a few things out just to be able to have room to sit down inside.  Derris said we would leave here first thing in the morning.  I said I wanted to stay; I couldn't go any further; I was expecting our first child.  I didn't tell him sooner because I was afraid he would not want to leave the swamp. He said we'd wait for the captain to return to hear what he had to say; maybe he'd take us closer to Smallville.

Chapter 3

  By morning it had stopped raining.  Derris put up some poles and used rope he found in the stash to add lines for me to hang our wet clothes on.  He built a campfire and I cooked some oatmeal using the wild oats that were in the wagon.  When the pirate couples finally emerged, they were interested in what I was cooking.  There was enough for everyone; they liked it.

  They were originally from the swamp and like many others had turned to piracy to survive.  They were given the job of raising and lowering the signal flags on the lookout towers.  Both were well hidden from view but the flags when raised could be seen for the crow's nest and the pirate ships would know there were no Imperial patrols in the area and it was safe to dock.  The pirates said if we were staying, Derris could start taking his turn.  They'd show him the way.  We could picked any spot to build ourselves a cabin.

  We picked the spot by the pretty pond.  By late summer our daughter Jocely was born.  In autumn, the pirate captain returned.  He was very impressed with what had been done since we arrived.  A tailor workplace was built by the wood chopping block and a blacksmith forge was built there too.  The less supplies we needed, the more there would be to help those who really needed them.  Since that last outbreak of swamp fever there were more in need than there were before.  He saw we also had a billboard to check off who was working the lookout towers.  This was a good location and well hidden, it was important to keep it protected. 

  The captain would like this location to become a place the supply ships could pick up goods rather than leaving them. Just being self-sufficient would be a big help.  He thought with our help that would be possible; we would be in charge.  He assured us that his men do not attack and plunder villages, nor do they rob the river boatmen, only rich merchant ships.  He would see we got more supplies and workers to get us started.  We could build any type of settlement we wanted.  I said I wish we could have tall stone houses just like we saw in Riverview Resort; I'd like one with the retreat up on the roof.  The captain said we could have those as long as they weren't tall enough to be seen from the river.  Derris said we would stay.

Chapter 4

  There were only 6 of us to do all that had to be done, more like 2 of us; we would welcome more workers.  We seemed to be always short of logs and firewood.  We had to be careful not to cut nearby trees that kept us hidden.  In early spring of year 3, we chose a spot to the northwest that had a lot of pine trees along the shore to build a forester, but we had no worker.  We used most of our logs to build a boarding house near the settlement so the workers would have a place to stay when they arrived. The stash's shed was just too small.  In spring we got more workers.

  The booty ship arrived and brought 5 adults with 1 child.  Our resident pirates said be sure we get sugar for the still from the ship.  The new workers were from Riverview Resort and the middle-aged man was a builder and knew how to built the stone houses we wanted.  We were amazed at that and were told it pays for the pirates to have eyes and ears in the major port settlements; their contact in Riverview Resort knew these families were wanting to leave the crowded resort town.  When approached, they agreed to come here. 

  The 2 families gratefully moved into the boarding house.  The younger couple moved into the shack that was built to the northwest; they would be our foresters.  Our resident pirates were put in charge of the lookout towers.  The other couple and their adult son were happy to help unload the booty ship and clear 2 farm fields for the wheat and potato seeds they brought with them. 

Chapter 5

  We now had a worker for the hedgerow and one for the duck pond.  We would have flax from the hedgerow and down from the duck pond to make warm coats for the winter.  It did not snow in Lookout Point but the winter temperatures got down into the lower 40Fs.  Our coat supply had been rather low.

Our food supply was not low but our food variety was.  We would now have apples, chestnuts, duck meat and eggs.  The booty ship did not stay long but they left us with walnuts and sea biscuits which kept well; we needed more grain in our diet.  We also got a few hide coats, sugar, and 2 barrels of rum.  Our pirate residents helped themselves to the rum and were soon napping in the hammocks. 

  We had time over the winter to decide where we wanted to build stone houses.  There was a large forested area behind our cabin and another in front of the boarding house.  The older couple was happy to remain there where they were until spring.  When the potatoes and wheat were planted in spring, the couple said they would like a stone house with a bakery on the ground level and their house above.  There by the boarding house would be a good location; it was just down the road from the wheat field.  So it was decided, the stone houses would be built in the front forest area.  By summer a grinder with a covering was built next to the wheat field, and one of the men got a deer so we had venison and hides for coats.  By late summer, Derris finally had a chance to do a little fishing in the pretty pond in front of our cabin.

  By winter of year 4, the stone bakery with the house above was completed and the family with their young daughter and adult son moved in.  There was soon fresh bread baking.  The boarding house was empty.


Chapter 6

  The boarding house was empty but not for long.  We had just finished building the market square in front of the bakery when the booty ship returned.  The captain sent it with news and a request.  The news was that last summer the swamp was invaded by a massive horde of giant frogs.  The request was that we accept 14 homeless swamp survivors.  We had been swamp-dwellers ourselves; how could we say no.  There were 14 of them; 10 adults with 4 young children; some were orphans, some had lost children or spouses.  The booty ship could not help us with supplies; it left all it had in the swamp.  We had more than enough food but our clothing supply was still low but sufficient.  We accepted the survivors.

  Having survived the swamp fever and suffering the loss of family and friends, we knew how difficult it was for these survivors.  We thought it best to get them interested in their new homes and keep them busy with work.  A ground level house was built next to the bakery for a couple with a toddler and a newborn.   On the other side of the bakery, a tailor was built.  A single male moved into the house on the 2nd level; he would be the market vendor.  On the level above him was an older adult male who lost his wife and child to the frogs.  He was now a laborer and whenever someone saw him just standing staring off into space, someone would ask him to go fetch something for them.  We hoped he would show interest in working at the blacksmith that was built next to his 3-story house tower.  There was a lot of iron in the area and we could use a few more tools.  A couple with 2 young children, and a single young adult girl moved into the 2-story house across from the blacksmith next to the market.

   The new tailor would need material.  The last family of 4 and a young single male moved into the 2 stone houses that were built behind the potato field.  A row of flax was planted along the field's fence; there were also eggs from some birds that decided to nest in the shrubbery in that row.  A hunting tower was built by the 2 houses.  There were 2 deer herds in that area that would provide hides for the tailor as well as venison.  It was the following year before everyone was housed and the boarding house was again empty.

Chapter 7

  There was one last shop added to the market area; a butcher shop was built across from the blacksmith.  There would be venison sausages at the market.

  A school, chapel, and cemetery were built on the other side of the market.  Citizens could stop at the market after going to the chapel or taking their children to school.  There were several children about to reach school age including our daughter Jocely.  She picked the name for her baby brother, Lion, who was now 4.

  A stone house was built next to the cemetery for one of the families from the boarding house.  A health spa was built next to them and another stone house next to that for the couple's adult son.  That left one family in the boarding house; they had an adult daughter and a newborn one.  A cabin was built for the daughter at the end of the road by the pirates, and another cabin behind her for the parents and newborn.  One parent would be a forester and the other would farm the new potato field next to the wheat.   By the end of our 7th summer, the last of our survivors were all housed and working.   

Chapter 8

  A stone town hall was built across from the potato field so we could record birth records and other Lookout Point town information.   It was year 65 SVT, 3 years after the giant frog invasion.  News from the booty ship was that things had improved slightly in the swamp; there were others there helping now but riverboat trade routes were still behind schedule; many river boatmen were still missing.  If we had any extra grain, a shipment of sea biscuits would be appreciated.  Our food surplus was good and we had a good variety but were told the sea biscuits had the best keeping quality for the hot and humid swamp.  We did not hesitate to build a bakehouse with its own mill to begin sea biscuit production.  We chose a location near the forester tower; it would be kept from view by the hills and thick growth of trees.  We built a mini warehouse next to the blacksmith; it was closer to the path leading to the river where the booty ship would pick up the shipment.  Next spring we would plant 2 fields of wheat and only 1 of potatoes.

   I thought that Derris would have been pleased with how well the town was doing, so well we were even helping those back in the swamp.  The market square section of town looked especially nice and everyone was healthy and happy, except for Derris.  He seemed to be brooding about something and was gone for long periods of time.  Little did I know that it was the same thing that had been bothering me. I finally told him that as much as I like the Riverview stone houses and had wanted a rooftop retreat, I really did not want to move.  I liked our little wood cabin in our secluded clearing with the pretty pond out front.  Derris confessed that he had been dreading to tell me that I could not have the tall tower house with the rooftop retreat.  He'd been all over the area and could not find a location where it would not be seen above the treetops.  He was glad to hear I did not want to move; he liked our little cabin with the pond too, but now he had an idea.

Chapter 9

  We did not have to move from our cozy little cabin to have a rooftop retreat.  The solution was simple.  The old boarding house was torn down and a 2-story one was built in its place.  It had a 3rd floor rooftop level.  It may not have been as high above it all as we would have liked but we could see over the whole town and we had a good view of our cabin and the pretty pond.  There were also a lot less stairs to climb than a higher one.  The rooftop retreat was ours to enjoy as long as the boarding house remained empty.  It was right in the middle of town but it was as peaceful as can be.  We went up on the roof many times just to look at the stars.   

  It was from our vantage point up on the roof that we saw what was coming.

Chapter 10

  From up on our roof we saw in the distance, 6 wagons come through the northeast pass through the hills.  As the wagons got closer we could see they were colorful gypsy wagons.  This could be trouble for our peaceful little town.  We watched as they parked their wagons in the clearing not far behind our cabin and the boarding house.  They unhitched their horses and led them to a small area they roped off for them.

  Then a few of the gypsies approached the town on foot.  Derris and I went to meet them.   A gypsy woman was the spokesperson.  She said she saw our plight in her crystal ball, and that the pirates helped us, and now we help them.  Like the pirates they too did what they had to do to survive. She told us her story.   

She said they were not tramps and thieves; just because some gypsies are, the towns think they all are.  They wished only to brighten our days and our nights with music and dance and make a small living selling us a few potions and trinkets.  They will only stay until the end of summer, then they will be on their way south for the winter.  If we wanted our fortunes told, we could find her in the purple wagon with the moon and the stars.  We were all welcome to visit the camp, day or night. 

Chapter 11

  We did visit the gypsy camp many time that summer and found it to be neat and clean.  The first wagon we came to when we went up the path, was that of the gypsy woman.  A sign out front proclaimed her to be a fortune teller.  Farther back across from the horse pasture was a healer's wagon.  There were many herbs growing in the area and there were pots of herbs growing in the wagon's window boxes.  The healer was selling bottles of doctor good elixir.  The orange wagon had an anvil in front of it; we assumed this was the camp's tinker.  The gypsies set up stands in the market square selling their elixirs, trinkets, and love potions.

There were 3 more colorful wagons in the camp; one of them had pots of grapevines and a half-barrel for grape stomping.  They were making gypsy wine.  Nearby was a large bonfire that was lit every night.  There was music and gypsy girls dancing around the fire, and wine drinking and laughter but not too loud as to disturb those sleeping in town.  Many of the townswomen visited the camp during the day, and many of the townsmen visited at night.  Derris was with me up on the roof with a bottle of gypsy wine, watching the stars above and the festivities down below. 

  The gypsy women came to say goodbye when summer neared its end.  She said she could tell our fortune again before they go but she could see we have made our own fortune.  They would return to our Lookout Point when summer came again.

Chapter 12

  Yes, weary traveler, we were feeling very fortunate that we were helped by the pirates and that we agreed to stay at Lookout Point.  We did not disappoint them with the improvements we made.  The old part of town is still home to our 2 families of resident pirates, and because of our bakehouse we have 500 sea biscuits in the mini warehouse waiting to be picked up and delivered to those in need in the swamp.

  We took in 21 swamp dwellers who survived the giant frog invasion.  They now live in sturdy stone houses in the newer part of town with its market square, spa, chapel, and school which we built with the help of 2 families from Riverview Resort.  We were thankful for the 5 gypsy families that came to add music and fun to our summer.  Altogether, Lookout Point had a total of 71 healthy happy citizens in the summer of year 10.

We are glad you were one of them, weary traveler.  Enjoy the rest of your summer. 

The End