World of Banished

Conversations => General Discussion => Topic started by: MarkAnthony on July 12, 2019, 03:43:34 PM

Title: RE: Apiaries
Post by: MarkAnthony on July 12, 2019, 03:43:34 PM

For the last week or so I would play the game for a day or two and then I would work on my spreadsheet for a few hours, then game some more - rinse, repeat. In my downtime I've been reading the forums here. In my reading I am currently going through every post in the General Discussion category and I am on page nine of eleven. Eleven pages for me because I have my forum settings at 50 posts per page I think. Anyhow...

This far into the General Discussion category the dates on the posts go back to 2015 and 2014. In this time frame I have seen it mentioned a few times that Banished (vanilla) had Apiaries once upon a time? If so, why were they removed?


EDIT: I know there are mods for apiaries, but these posts where they were talking about apiaries - mods weren't discussed so I just assumed since no mention of mods were made that it implied to me that Banished (vanilla) once had them and then were removed later.

I guess I should just let it infer to me rather that apiary mods were implied when people were speaking to one another.
Title: Re: RE: Apiaries
Post by: elemental on July 12, 2019, 06:39:53 PM
You are quite dedicated, reading through all that old stuff. Just be aware that some of that old info won't apply anymore and some of the mods being discussed might not be compatible with the current version of the game, or they might no longer be available to download at all.

I don't think the apiary was ever part of vanilla, but the original apiary was created by Luke (the developer). He added an apiary to the mod kit as an example of a new building. Some people went and released that example apiary on Steam and other sites such as WOB as their own mod, even though they didn't actually make the 3D building model or do the coding, although some of them did fiddle with the coding to change how much food it produced.

There were quite a few versions of the example apiary back then, each released as a separate mod. Some were considered underpowered or overpowered and that might be what some of the discussion was about. There might be mention of a vanilla apiary but that would probably be referring to any of the apiaries that used the original production stats as provided by Luke in the mod kit.

Red can probably say more on this because he was one of the first Banished modders.

Title: Re: RE: Apiaries
Post by: Abandoned on July 12, 2019, 08:18:50 PM
@MarkAnthony Apiary was a 106 mod.  Here is early thread with file.  It may no longer be compatible.