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Started by brads3, January 29, 2019, 07:49:03 AM

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Quote from: brads3 on February 04, 2019, 10:18:03 AM
only 1 i saw. i didn't build all of the dock buildings or turn them all. i did notice some things with the transition form dock to shore simial to what NILLA mentioned. the shore dock seems a tad higher than the ground and it is a jump up instead of a step up.

i dont want to be too near of the ground, the game doesnt handle well when 2 textures overlapping at the same exact coordonates.
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in your screenshot no2 : you didnt built your road to attach it or didnt put enough coastal dock further into the land.

but i did fix though: the ability to put stairs will be more flexible.
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something totally unrelated... i will maybe have to lower down the "trees" lifespan. i did made them lasting longer as i've strongly been ask to do... but i noticed something : the trees have very hard to die now that they become really too much "thicky" "dense" over time. nothing else can grow (like grass) and they cover the entire map over time like super crazy.

if i fix that, i hope it will be save compatible because if not... i wont be able to do it.
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ok,i noticed in the 1.1 that the fodder doesn't keep spawning over the map. wasn't sure if it was my mod order or not.the stairs will be a big help to the dock situation.

lowering the lifespan of the trees might work. what would  changing how often a tree spawn a new tree do?while you are looking at that,is there a way to make bigger meadiows at the start?

is there stages to the tree growth and do they give the same amount of logs? it appears there is a baby tree,medium,and larger tree.


or they give no wood cause too young... or they give what the rawmateralfile says. you cannot have 2-3 diff amount depending age.
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              TEST year 9-10

     that is a full week of testing.i didn't look at any production buildings. i assume most of those will be the same as before.there might be some adjustments to the fertilizer chain. i didn't look at the tree growth.that would take a very long test.there is some sprouting of new trees where the bannies have cleared and the start meadows. it isn't overpowering.without a fodder meadow,i haven't tested the gathering there either.i didn't test the laborers to see if they clear everything or destroy bird nests. they did bring in some cotton,so i would assume they will collect anything the bannies move from map to map there will be some challenges or surprises along the way. that makes it fun.

       overall the mod works well.there are more items to collect.the flax and oats aren't overpowering.RED added some challenges.i did find 2 minro issues.the transition from dock to shore and the dead zone on 1 side of the blacksmith.i didn't build every piece nor turn every one to see if any more of the dock buildings will leave a gap.

      for now i want to let the 2 foresters plant and seee how the new tree forest looks with some growth.the bannies can clear some more rocks. we aren't getting as many apples as we would hope.the forester seems to be slow at planting.the apple forest has worked for  6 yrs. with 1 educated worker.i do want to note this cause this will mean less logs from the's hard to see what trees the new tree forester is planting.

    the gathering system has 1 drawback,in general not mod there are more items added to collect ,there is less of each item spawned.vanilla game started with 4 plus herbs.with mods there are now 4-5 times that. hence the amount of each is 1/4th what the output was before.if we got 100 onions before,we get 4 items now but only 25 of each.not sure how much modders can control this. i believe it is limited to giving the item a chance to spawn firewood might have less chance of spawing than a food item.

     some of what i say might not be exactly as the game works but is how we players see it work. i think this explains why we get different forests to give different foods.a modded forester and gatherer isn't going to collect all the instead of taking time to collect RED's berries, he will collect more roots. in a pine mod forest it woud collect more pine items,in could be argued that since the modded gatherer skips over the RK items ,he will collect less in total.most modded gatherers have a smaller radius so i think the total output is debatable.

     in the case of the RK,there are several berry we will find less onions,a good the same time we have less this case,we are getting more fruits,but we have less chance of stockpiling roots or a sepcific making rootbeer or cider will be the moment, the items are balanced decently.there are more fruits than veggys in types. there seems to be more fruit per plant than roots or onions.

pic 1:9y apple forest growth
pic 2: new tree forest growth
pic 3:production
pic 4 inventory
pic 5:outputs


you also need to keep in mind, your gatherer window will only show you the first 10 items. there are alot more. and yes the numbers are less bigger but i reassure you, the total amount will be pair if not bigger overall.
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your outputs are fine. a different gatherer from another mod will be you say that the gatherer will collect more items than the menu shows. that is interesting. would a modded gatherer that has say 5 places on the menu actually collect the new items and just not record it? so the mini would pick up the rasberry but not show it in the menu? or am i correct in thinking the mini won't collect the new items at all? i always assumed they wouldn't collect more items than the menu showed.

   i broke your BS today,but fixed it can't slap my hands yet. ;D


no! has i said before, it needs to have the links to the material files to be able to pick them up. if it is not mention... they will ignore those. the same way it ignore trees !
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                 RK CHOICE TEST PHASE 3<adding mods.

      this should be easy.i plan to add mods to it without affecting mods that were below the RK before i can add.mods that i know will affect something i will wait and add later.i am not adding mods above it yet.the only mods that do affect it are the propertime mod <a 1:1 bannie age mod> and the blackliquid rain,so i can see. i will use this chart but skip step 3.

note: step 5 can be bypassed with the mod manager.   

         Step 1 be sure you have the right version.this 1 got me even. the WinData had all the files and patches.the video files were the beta 1.07 not the final cut. if you get a quick crash with your game double check this. the bottom of the game screen must read 
Banished 1.07-Build 170910.

         these will be added below the RK.i won't add CC or NECORA's mods for now.since i didn't delete the game registry from the last game,most of these will enable at the bottom of the mod order even without the mod manager.the registry does have the RK 1.2 moved all the way to the top.that should be the only change from the prior game.     

         this is a list of over 100 mods so i won't go rhu them all. groups of KID's,TOM's, EB's,DS's,RED's mods,plus several individual mods. most are 1.07 but there are a few 1.06 mods.   this should be a simple test.look at all the icons for anything missing. pull the debug, place a TH,and click the star button to check for any double or blank tags.   

        there is an icon issue with EB's markets. it happened after loading the small storage mod.the same got icon shows on a couple of EB decoration mods.has always happened with the irrigation mods.never could fix it.the parts work thou.just something with the toolbar coding.i will try to move the small market mod up in EB's group.

       no blank tags to the feathers added. flax double tagged.sugar double tagged.4 weapon tags.i don't see rough tools.
the extra flax is most likely KID's garden and the sugar from the pirates,1 is refined 1 is not.the RK is blocking the rough tools.the BS tool mod will fix that.

       i do want to test the house jam to be sure it uses the honey.simple test.debug the apiary and the workplace preservist.this makes fruit jam not house jam,so i had to throw a colonial jam shop out.they interpret berries as bueberry, but the jam shop fails to use the honey.the workplace does use it however. this is a simple fix, i could move the colonial resource mod above the RK.the gothic farm addon mod will go above the RK and fix the honey.all buildings should be able to use the honey then. KID fell asleep at his computer while coding and a bee stung him. ever since KID's mods use 2 types of honey.

     the only other item that might cause some issues is leather being cured. the nordic mods are toward the bottom of the mod order to solve those.

pic 1: EB dot icon
pic 2:KID tools
pic 3: RED's mod changes other mods textures,this is the specialized storage mod's general store. several older barn mods switch also.
pic 4: inventory check shows double sugar. no rough tools,no feathers,no blanks
pic 5: honey tested,jam shop fails
pic 6: this map gives a larger meadow,
pic 7 phase 3 test map


Thanks for doing this and the step-by-step list.
It might explain some of the quirks I experience.

I'm still using the Beta 1.0.7 version. I wasn't sure of the full version being the latest.
Can't harm to switch to newer version mid game, I assume?


hmm you can try it. if you scroll over or try to build any RK buildings that need 5 build materials the game would crash now.are you sure you aren't using the latest?

    i've tried to add the mods that don't conflict and slowly add 1's i kow do. there are some minor problems,like the jam not working.1 mod above RK fixes that.let me know if it gets confusing or anyone has questions.


Hm, well, it works. Hovering over and trying to place the RK Cathedral which requires 6 resources was no problem.:)
I'm missing a bunch of toolbar icons, mainly from many of Ds's recently updated mods, but no problems besides that.

Yeah, It'll be good to check my list with your tests to know which mods work fine with each other.


no icons showing usually mean mod is not enabled. EB said i knew what i was doing. today i failed several times. most glitches are found that jam shop not working.i found it before with the Gf farm addon mod. it is an easy fix. some wierd issues are more give and gain this but lose that,type deals.

the mod manager is magic. it saves hours of reloading and restting orders. plus you can move mods while you are in game and then write the changes to the game after you exit. or make changes and the mod order is set for the next game,since the saved game has the mod order for the 1 you are on. 


                       RK TEST phase 4 adding start mods

        is anyone lost yet?  i did put those mods in and test that quick. most is experience.over time ,i have seen issues and noted them.those mods were mostly decoration and building sets that don't change the game play.they do add some items like saddles,boots,corn whiskey. they use similar coding for the basic items with a few exceptions. it is possable that there are subtle differences that i don't see. worktimes will be different from 1 mod to another.hence,moving a mod or 2 around might give some different output totals.i have seen that with water wells. the mods work and there are no crashes.

     i didn't check crops and livestock. i did add some seeds,roots for the rootbeer and KID's veggy seeds.the CC mods will have more piggy-backed or included with some of its mods.they won't cause issues but can confuse you when the merchant brings them.


      there are 40 mods that haven't been moved into the game yet. some will not be.some aren't needed. there are goups of CC and NECORA's mods.most are start condition or tweak mods.

     i want to start with the start mods.since i have the mod profile from the last game,i can go down thru the list.these will have to be moved above the RK.

      bigger wheelbarrows<allows the vendors to carry more>,stop burning coal<might not be needed any longer>,no smoke, safetyhole<less deaths>,RK TH patch<fixes a conflict with NECORA's mods>forget about orchards<only helps with a few orchards,can produce fruit sooner>,seasonFX<plowed fields texture>,and BS tools<adds a variety of tools to some BS's including the rough iron ore tools>.
      i do want to add some mine mods below the RK.hopefully moving these down will increase the mine ouputs.
unlimited mines and 1stop mining<changes the vanilla mine to random>

     open the mod manager and move all these above the RK. write to game and test.mainly want to check the mod order in game to be sure i moved everything.couple of issues. the RK changed the texture of the nordic houses.that mod can be pulled out.the rest of the nordic mods look fine.just affected 1 set of houses.the training camp deco pieces look training camp mods will be moved above the RK.  i broke RED's blacksmith with the BS tool won't process iron.
     i had some saves from these tests.this worked to double check things without the extra mods added.the dock BS was not affected by the BS tool how to fix it.if i move the BS mod below the RK,most likely it won't work.if i leave it,the mini should be moved above the RK with th BS mod.the blacksmith won't smelt ores and i lose some tool options.

     moving the BS tool mod with the mini mod down below the RK worked.that was a surprise.problem solved.the training camp move did not work to fix the texture and caused a toolbar issue to the fence.drop the training camp mods back below the RK. so far RED can't slap my hand cause i didnt break anything or change the RK CHOICE.

pic 1: phase 4 test.note the nordic house is not red like the cottage.the training camp decorations are dark.
pic 2: fixed the BS tools,did not help the training camp,