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Creamery or Milk House

Started by Abandoned, November 13, 2016, 01:14:11 PM

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I like the Dairy Milk & Creamery mod very much, love the black and white cows.  I recently placed the creamery near Pumpkin Hollow's dairy farm made with red and white barn and fenceless pasture from Colonial House v1.52 and I though it would look really good if the creamery building was also red and white with grey roof.  Then it would also match the Nordic buildings.  So I don't know who to ask (very nicely, please, please, please) @RedKetchup who made the creamery mod, maybe a f-key choice, or @kid1293 who made Colonial Houses or @Tom Sawyer who made the North, but one that is separate from the north also. With black and white cows, please.


happends like 1 or 2 weeks ago to put the hand on a "red" barn (was written barn) ....
but when i look at it, seems to me more a place to get cows and make some milk ^^
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Looks to me like a combination of a towering grain silo(cow feed), barn(milking cows), a two-floor house with a storage under the second floor.

The Pilgrim

I looks like something that we have up in New Hampshire called a connected barn. The main part would actually be the rear of the structure with the side barns and structures being for chickens and storage and firewood and such. The whole thing would actually be attached to a farmhouse on the small side of the long lower barn. I was developed to be able to operate as much of the farm as possible during the harsh New England winters.
I would love to see this as a series of modular buildings as part of the country house mod.


abandon how we goina get the hay up the elevator with no electric or tractors? b wayy to hot for steam power. pilgrim i'm south of you on the pa-ny state border. surprised you connect the house to the barn. i guess to avoid walking out in the deep snow.

The Pilgrim

Brad... It was partly that and partly because it was more efficient for keeping the animals warm in the colder climate.
Not up there anymore, in Florida now but it's beautiful country up there as well as in your neck of the woods.


@RedKetchup Oh Red, that is a beautiful building.  I love the weather vane up on the roof.  I think maybe without the silo it would look more like creamery than cow barn.  Maybe a deco wagon with crates of yellow cheese outside.   Here we have red barns for cows and farm equipment, some have a red milk house attached to the barn to store the milk till it is picked up and taken to the dairy. The milk used to be stored in big metal milk cans, now in big tanks. Older family farms would have made cheese and cream themselves on the farm.  That creamery will look real nice with black and white milky cows and with colonial storage barn or the Nordic one.  Wonderful, thanks.


i will need to fix the textures (which will ask me to redo the walls and roof...) the game translate the infos pretty badly ^^
like it is in these screenshots..  it is 10x10 (with the road included)

this is how it looks without the silo and imagine textures fixed ... ^^
it is still big. i cant scale down, the doors and double doors wont fit and will be too tiny. maybe when i ll redo the roof and walls... maybe i can make it a bit smaller and go 8x8
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It looks like the building needs to scale up seeing the size of the doors and it would look enormous. I don't know what to suggest.


yes, @RedKetchup it looks very nice without the silo.  It is a large building suitable for large farm.  If it could be a bit smaller okay, but not any larger.  I like it very much.

The Pilgrim

It think the only way to make the size managable would be to break it up into modular pieces.


Maybe modular-say 3 pieces with the main barn, the addon wing, and the cover?  I like it and barn doors are huge-we had an old one on our farm that had 2-story double doors where you could open top or bottom or both.



in the process to redoing it now ....

i making it smaller. 6 months ago i did scaled it down from like 14x14 to 11x11 but One: still too big , Two: doors and windows too small to compare the citizens....

So what i am trying to do presently (since anyways the textures arent compatible with the game...) is : to make it stand in a 9x9 (+1 road)

to the bottom left is how it was when i ve put it in game
to the top right is the new one i am making. you can see where i cut it. and 1 of the window that was to the right of the door is now to the left of it, it will be beneath the little shelter (which of course will also be smaller)
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Very nice, I hope it goes well for you. You have been working hard on the pirate cave this week, looking forward to trying it. This creamery will be a wonderful addition to Banish farms.