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Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Green Pastures...
Last post by Abandoned - April 06, 2024, 07:06:23 AM
Chapter 6

  Those women knew what to do with cotton and flax, and suggested we build a tailor shop.  It would need lumber to build it, so we built a lumber mill, and then a tailor shop was built.  After taking the inventory we discovered we had a lot less cotton and flax then we had though.  We had plenty of wool but not enough leather.   The tailor made some cloth and linen from what little cotton and flax we had and could use those fabrics and our wool to make some warm coat without leather.  Our gatherer said the flax was just too pretty to pick.

  Our gatherer did supply us with a nice assortment of berries including blackberries, mulberries, raspberries, and strawberries, as well as mushrooms, oats, onions, roots, and firewood.   Our inventory showed we had an awfully lot of mutton and pork.
Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Green Pastures...
Last post by Abandoned - April 05, 2024, 07:00:15 AM
Chapter 5

  Winter came and went and then it was spring again.  With less sheep in the pastures the new grass had a chance to grow, and with more cleaning, the pastures were clean and green in spring.  The leaves on the birch trees were a bright spring green and the wild flax was blooming beautifully. 

  Six northerners with two children arrived that spring.  They were impressed with our pastures but saw we had a lot of fertilizer.  They had been through a town in the northwest that was using their fertilizer in greenhouses to grow grain and vegetable all year long.  They also saw our goats were in our small farmyard; they said the goats would eat less of our crops and give more milk if they were in a barn or animal shed.  They learned a lot about survival and town management in that northern town they came through; it had a survival school.  What?  Your town has greenhouses and a survival school?  Well, maybe it was your town then, eager explorers.  They told me the name, but I don't remember.  Newberg?  That sounds familiar.  You'll have to ask them; they live here in the houses by the hostel.

  They moved into the hostel and built the goat shed across from it.  They left 2 of the goats in the farmyard to keep it from getting overrun with thatch.  They built one house and then another by the new sheep pasture.  That left 2 young single males in the hostel where they could stay for a while.  They built a small storage barn by the stockpile next to the hostel. The women thought we must have a lot of wool from so many sheep.  We agree but didn't know exactly how much; we said we also had cotton and flax we gather from the wild, but we didn't know what to do with it. 

  They told us something important they learned at that school and that was to survive you should know exactly what you have and what you don't.  If you discover too late that you are short of tools, clothes, food, or firewood, you may not survive.  They suggested we build a town hall and keep an inventory of what we have.  We took their advice and built a town hall behind the main storage barn by the new sheep pasture.  They said we should give our town a name especially if we want to be on the trade route those northerners wanted to start, so we named our town Green Pastures.  You don't say?  Well then, it must have been your town those families came through if starting a trade route is what brought you here. 

Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Green Pastures...
Last post by Abandoned - April 04, 2024, 07:17:18 AM
Chapter 4

  As usual, we had a frost in autumn followed by snow shortly after.  We built a covering and 2 coops for the chickens.  We put out some thatch in the sheep pasture; with so many sheep there was less grass to graze and now it was covered with snow.  The pasture needed a good cleaning.  Folks were complaining that the animal fertilizer was being put in the storage barn with the food and other supplies. 

  The goats got a covering and a little thatch too.  They multiplied and we now had 5 goats.  The pigs were doing alright and were given potato peels and cabbage leaves to eat so there was less garden waste to deal with. 

  By spring of year 4, we had cleared land for another sheep pasture and moved half the sheep to it.  We fenced in that pasture so the sheep would not roam off into the forest.  We put a cart near the gate for the fertilizer that was cleaned from the pasture, and we moved the offending manure out of the storage barn and into that cart.  We would have to start a pile somewhere in the forest.

  While clearing the land for the new pasture, several rabbits were spotted.  A small hutch was built and with a little food, the rabbits were soon lured into the hutch.  Our food supply was good but we could certainly use more hides to make the warm coats with.  By the time the rabbits got in the hutch, it was autumn again and it would soon be winter.
Off Topic / Re: Productivity Killers
Last post by MarkJerue - April 03, 2024, 08:15:27 PM
They have good taste!
Off Topic / Re: Productivity Killers
Last post by Abandoned - April 03, 2024, 04:36:57 PM
 :) Cute, two of them  :)
Off Topic / Re: Productivity Killers
Last post by Glenn - April 03, 2024, 02:35:28 PM
We all need a distraction from time to time otherwise life becomes to the same old same old.  ;D
Off Topic / Re: Productivity Killers
Last post by RedKetchup - April 03, 2024, 12:49:43 PM
did they succeeded ?
Off Topic / Productivity Killers
Last post by Freedom - April 03, 2024, 10:13:15 AM
The Productivity Killers really want to download the Creepy Cemetery mod...

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Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Green Pastures...
Last post by Abandoned - April 03, 2024, 06:42:32 AM
Chapter 3

  In early spring of year 3, Therford moved from the hostel to a small workplace cabin that was built by the forester's tower.  We had no worker to spare to become the forester.  We were very happy when 4 more families arrived from the north.  There were 4 couples with 3 adult children and 5 young ones.  They agreed to stay with us.  One couple moved into the workplace cottage that was built near Therford's; they became our 2 foresters and Therford went to work gathering oats, onions, mushrooms, and berries; a gatherer's hut was built next to his cottage.

  Our firewood supply was very low again.  Bertrude took over my job as tailor, and our son, Rooseveland, and I became woodcutters.  We could do nothing about our tool shortage; we had no iron, only iron ore.  A blacksmith was built next to the woodcutter and the smith began making usable iron from the ore.  Basic tools would be made at the anvil once there was iron to be had.

  One of the new couples brought some corn, potato, and cabbage seeds as well as a few chickens.  They built a wooden house at the far end of the sheep pasture and planted a small farmyard across from it.  The pasture was getting pretty full of sheep.

  Another wooden house was built by the other one just past the new blacksmith.  The last couple, with their 4-year-old twins, moved into the small workplace house that was built across from us by the new school that was built there.  They would take turns being the teacher.  So many children already missed starting school.
Village Blogs / Re: Abandoned - Green Pastures...
Last post by Abandoned - April 02, 2024, 08:08:22 AM
Chapter 2

  That 1st winter here was pretty cold; the thatch supply was running low; we had to go to the forest to collected firewood.  Our old clothes were pretty worn, and we did not have any warm coats.  We had some hides and wool and built a tailor workplace next to our house, but it was just too cold and windy to work outside.  I just had a baby girl.  That cold north wind kept the hostel pretty cold too, so the other families were looking forward to their own cozy wooden houses and warm hearths. 

  By early spring of year 2, one family moved into the house that was built by the pig pasture, they also had a newborn daughter. Another family moved into the house built by the fishing pier; they'd only been in the house a few weeks when their oldest child, a boy named Therford, became an adult and moved back into the hostel.  The 4th family moved into the house that was built north of the woodcutter; a forester's tower was planned for that area.  The couple had a daughter who was about to become an adult; we had no school.

  It was autumn before I began making warm coats; our supply of coats was very low by then, so was our supply of tools.  An anvil was set up there by my workplace across from the woodcutter.  We were left with only 1 laborer and 1 builder.