Brick Tenements and Rowhouses from the Industrial Revolution

Started by AzemOcram, December 08, 2014, 11:20:59 PM

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I like what I see so far. It will be interesting to see how you come along with the textures.

The one building reminds me of these mid 19th century row houses, (the one on the right)  in my hometown of Richmond Va.
These are good examples of mid 19th century Italianate row houses. Both have the basements.

The brick seems to be painted over though.

More images like these can be found here:

Another earlier example from 1790 is the John Marshall House.

More info here:

Another example similar to your model is the Lee House, which is early 19th century Greek Revival and again has the basement  and chimneys.

An 1865 image:

A contemporary view:

More info here:

These houses are on a bit smaller scale then yours though. If these are helpful let me know. I can't help with the technical side of modding but I do know a little bit about colonial and early American architecture.  :)


Thank you everyone for your feedback!

@Kimbolton : I turned one of my building models into a taller, narrower version of the Lee House.

I also made some alterations to my 2nd tier of rowhouses and started work on my 3rd tier of rowhouses.

This is a picture of the 2 second tier rowhouses (the other 2 varieties are mirror images) and an early version of one of the 3rd tier rowhouses (before I made it taller by adding a basement or foundation).

Here is a screenshot of the revised 3rd tier rowhouse:



what you should do @AzemOcram  is :  stop your work on your 3ds and start to do a bit of code. it is important to go check in game what it looks like before working for nothing and lose your time (beleive me i lost alot of times/days). you need to get the feelings on how it looks like in game.

so just make some code and enough for you can see how it looks and see if your model / size are ok.
thats a tips from an experimented moddler :) i think i am ^^
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It seems that I must have done something wrong because when I try to start up the modkit for the first time, it doesn't work. I will delete the current directory and start anew from the zip file I already have, unless I find out my version is out of date.


be sure you dont use any space and less possible strange caracters in your folder name, use a name as /Modkit/ similar format.
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I figured out that the ModKit version I used to use (and tried to use today) doesn't work with the latest version of Banished so I downloaded the latest ModKit version and started successfully modding again; I did the test mod before and a climate mod once so I did the test 'change "New" to "MODDED!!!" mod' to make sure it works. I think I should probably make the "under construction" models for my first tier of rowhouses before I see if the geometry of the final product looks good in the game. I am not sure if I should finish the textures or use a simple texture just to make sure the scale is good.

Thank you Ketchup (and Kralyerg) for the advice for using the modkit!



Will we all catch Haussmania with this mod?
It's looking good, I'm looking forward to try it out.
Kim Erik


Nice job with the Lee House model. Also like the other models particularly the bay windows.

I hope things are still going smoothly.


I have run into a little bit of difficulty. I don't know what files to make differently for housing vs the apiary example. Can someone help me? I made the FBX and most of the files for the Models folder already.



better to go check woodhouse.rsc and stonehouse.rsc (which are in the modkit/resource/template folder).
there is no files different than apiary, even apiary there are more because it calls a new profession (so a profession file) and a new resource (so a new resource file)
an house doesnt need anything from this. i can maybe copy here for you an example of house.rsc file :)
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// layout of the entity
ComponentDescription resource
// how often to update
UpdatePriority _updatePriority = Fourth;

// declare types that will be used
Description _descriptions



AmbientEmitterDescription ambientemitter
bool _addOnCreate = false;
SoundEffect _soundEffects

ClearAreaDescription cleararea { }
StateMachineDescription statemachine { }
ZoneDescription zone { }

DestroyDescription destroy
int _damagedSkin = 1;
int _damagedDecal = 1;

StatusIconDescription statusicon
SpriteSheet _spriteSheet = "StatusIcons\BuildingIconSpriteSheet.rsc";
bool _fixedSize = true;
float _size = 0.04;
float _zoffset = 1.33;

ToolbarDescription toolbar
SpriteSheet _spriteSheet = "Dialog/SpriteSheet.rsc";
String _spriteName = "BuildHouse";

StringTable _stringTable = "Dialog/StringTable.rsc:objects";
String _stringName = "WoodHome";
String _stringNameLwr = "WoodHomeLwr";
String _toolTip = "WoodHomeTip";

String _statusStrings

int _group = 3;

CreatePlacedDescription createplaced
PathBits _placeBits = Normal | Obstacle;

int _width = 4;
int _height = 5;
int _footprintRotation = 0;

PathBits _placeBitArray
Normal | Obstacle,
Normal | Obstacle | Fast | Faster,
String _placeBitmap =

ComponentDescription _allowAndRemove = "Template/Clear.rsc";

MapDescription map
PathType _pathType = Immovable;
String _pathBitmap =

bool _addToOverhead = true;
Color _mapColor = 0xFF545454;

DecalDescription decal
MaterialInstance _materials
bool _tiled = false;
float _initialAlpha = 0.5;
float _mapWidth = 2048.0;

DecalLocation _decalLocations
float _x0 = 0.0;
float _y0 = 0.0;
float _x1 = 256.0;
float _y1 = 320.0;

PickingDescription picking
MaterialInstance _selectMaterial = "Material/SelectionMask/SelectionMask.rsc";
PickingGroup _meshes
PickingMesh _mesh

ModelDescription model
MeshGroup _meshes
GraphicsMesh _mesh

int _displayIndex = 0;
int _subIndex = 0;
bool _randomIndex = false;

HighlightDescription highlight
EdgeGroup _meshes
EdgeMesh _mesh

// materials for drawing selection with no mesh
MaterialInstance _maskMaterial = "Material/SelectionMask/SelectionMask.rsc";
MaterialInstance _edgeMaterial = "Material/SelectionEdge/SelectionEdge.rsc";

InteractDescription interact
PointList _pointList = "Models\Buildings\WoodHouse\WoodHousePoints.rsc";

ParticleDescription particle
ParticleAttachment _systems
Time _fadeInOutTime = 2.0;
bool _addOnCreate = false;
bool _addOnNotify = false;
Particle _particle = "ParticleSystems\Fire\FireSmall.rsc";
bool _addOnCreate = false;
Particle _particle = "ParticleSystems\ChimneySmoke\ChimneySmoke.rsc";
String _attachNode = "smoke";

StorageDescription storage
RawMaterialFlags _storageFlags = Edible | Fuel;
bool _areaBasedLimit = false;
bool _available = false;
int _volumeLimit = 1000;

WorkDescription work
int _defaultWorkers = 3;

WorkPlaceDescription workplace
// no actual work done here once the building is built
//Profession _profession = null;
//Profession _pickupProfession = null;

BuildDescription build
int _workRequired = 30;

BuildRequirement _buildRequirement
ComponentDescription _rawMaterial = "Template/RawMaterialWood.rsc";
int _count = 16;
ComponentDescription _rawMaterial = "Template/RawMaterialStone.rsc";
int _count = 8;

ResidenceDescription residence
int _maxApartments = 1;
int _maxOccupants = 5;
float _temperatureForFuel = 50.0;
float _fuelPerResource = 60.0;

UIDescription ui
int _displayPage = 1; // set to 1 for tab layout
Dialog _dialog = "Dialog/StandardDialog.rsc:entity";

ElementController _controllers
ObjectType _type = ResidenceUI;
ElementDescription _element = "Dialog/Residence.rsc:residence";
String _insertAt = "pageTab";
ElementDescription _tabButton = "Dialog/Residence.rsc:buttonTabResidence";
ObjectType _type = UpgradeUI;
ElementDescription _element = "Dialog/Upgrade.rsc:upgradeButton";
String _insertAt = "pageTabGroup";
DialogControllerConfig _config = "upgradeConfig";
ObjectType _type = StorageUI;
ElementDescription _element = "Dialog/Storage.rsc:storageShort";
String _insertAt = "pageTab";
ElementDescription _tabButton = "Dialog/Storage.rsc:buttonTabStorage";
ObjectType _type = BuildUI;
ElementDescription _element = "Dialog/Build.rsc:build";
String _insertAt = "pageBuild";
ObjectType _type = DestroyUI;
ElementDescription _element = "Dialog/Destroy.rsc:destroy";
String _insertAt = "pageDestroy";
ObjectType _type = WorkPlaceUI;
ElementDescription _element = "Dialog/Work.rsc:workPlace";
String _insertAt = "userTitle0";
ObjectType _type = StatusIconUI;
ElementDescription _element = "Dialog/Building.rsc:icons";
String _insertAt = "userTitle1";

UpgradeUIConfig upgradeConfig
ComponentDescription _upgradeTo = "Template/StoneHouse.rsc";
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Thank you everyone! Especially RedKetchup. I have made all the code and files but now I am having trouble with compiling my mod. It says it "failed to find source node 'dummy' in Modelsd\NarrowHouse.fbx' for point list!" and I have no idea what that means.

I made all the models like I normally do, except for the fact that I made the 3 materials all the same name (because they reference the same picture and I am not sure how to make extra material files).

Thanks again for the help, please continue to help me!



somewhere in your files. rsc you told to search for something called 'dummy' inside your .fbx
as you said in your comment, it looks like it the the dummy usually named 'points'

i think instead to make a dummy called 'points' inside your .fbx, you told in your template (at the point list section) to point a file .rsc
and inside that file you told that the name of the dummy is 'dummy'

you did everything (for that point) backward :)

i made a screenshot to show you what supposed looks like in your 3dsmax
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