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MOD: Plains and Flat land new maps - TheChucklesStart

Started by RedKetchup, August 26, 2014, 10:32:31 PM

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Downloaded the mod and am working on first map. Very nice! thank you.


Yep, me too, trying a Plains map (with RedKetchup's modified Apiary) and so far I love it. To me the Plains map is what "valleys" should have been.

I had a feeling that once the mod kit was released this game would get even more amazing...and so far I haven't been disappointed. And most of the modders have barely scratched the surface!


Does anyone have a link to an older copy of this mod?  The newest version of Flatland crashes the game for me, and the newest version of Plains just looks like Valley to me.


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If one tries to use even the early version of this mod with the terrain-flattening mod the game crashes on exit or save. I have gotten around that by creating the map with this mod enabled but terrain flattening not enabled, starting the settlement, saving the map,  switching the two mods (this one not enabled and terrain flattening enabled) and then re-loading loading the map. Sometimes it coughs, but usually i can get the map going without any mishaps and continue happily. I discovered this when I was building my silly hospital on an island.

I have also noticed a different map-creating mod, Cooper's terrain Pack ( but I haven't yet tried it.

Addendum: I tried it and crashes ensued. I got crashes when both CTP and Flatten Terrain were loaded and I got crashes when only CTP was loaded (I was creating huge, flat maps). The odd thing was that the Crash.dmp file was a MS Visual Studio C++ error message which said "Invalid license data. Reinstall is required." I did reinstall, but not sure why this particular message appeared.

I'm assuming that the new map generating mods and the flatten terrain mod are modifying the same file or files but in incompatible ways. Now what is needed is a mod that does both and doesn't crash.


Thanks for posting the older version of this mod, I can at least start a game now (and it worked to save a plains large map). It still crashes when I hit Quit to try to generate a new map though, so clearly something is still awry with this mod.

So much flatland though, even on plains, so apart from getting wacko high populations, I'm not sure how much fun it would actually be to use these maps. Something between plains and the default Valleys would perhaps be better.


Quote from: irrelevant on August 27, 2014, 05:27:39 PM
This would make me insane; wall-to-wall farms, you know, like I do.

The mods that people are making are really telling. Huge map. Fishing docks +50% production. No hills, no streams. Coal can't be used for heating fuel.

"Super Easy Mode."

People requesting mods to fix the "broken" taverns, to make the 15x15 farms "work right."

I guess if that's what it takes to keep people interested and playing, go for it. But it makes me unaccountably sad.

Also wanted to comment on this. It's a little sad that so many "make it easier" mods are coming out, which perhaps shows that people really just want an easy ride. Yesterday for example I noticed mods that gave you (I think) 5-7 for topside iron and stone, plus coal. To his credit, the author said pretty bluntly it was in effect a cheat though.

Probably too early now, as people are still trying to figure out the modkit and files and find out what can be done, but what I'm hoping for in the long term is a still balanced game but with more options in terms of produce, buildings, art "style" and so forth.

For instance, I'd absolutely love stone houses that don't look so ugly. But further out, I'd like to see banana plantations for example. There are so many possibilities once people find out how to work with graphics.

Edit: I just came across a new mapgenerator. It still crashes for me sometimes on generation, and so far has crashed every time I try to Quit to create a new map. There is a Swamp map that looks very different from the various others. Basically lakes everywhere, so farming won't be all that great. Fishing however...


I don't consider the flatter maps cheating or making the game easier because they create realistic geography--ever been to Saskatchewan? The other issue with Banished is that you can't farm on "rolling" land that in real life would be covered with fields as it is here in Waterloo County. If a map-generator created something unrealistic then I would not use it.

As for what you can do with these maps, well, that depends on your play style. If you want you can make a grid of market towns with farms all around. Or you could make a community of many forest villages which live by hunting and gathering. Or you could grow thousands of apple trees and make massive amounts of ale to trade. Or you could use @RedKetchup's decorative items to build stunning town centers. Or . . . .

That being said, I wouldn't want to play only on flat land maps. The hills and mountains give one a framework around which to plan and build.

Either kind of map presents a different set of challenges. Maybe in future challenges the Big C needs to specify which mods are acceptable as part of the challenge.

There is, of course, the problem that so far any map-generator mod seems to be especially prone to crashing and seems to generate more than the average number of clashes with other mods. Clearly there is something going on in map creation that is not yet well-understood and resents being messed with.

The only mod I use to "make things easier" are @slink's Eternal Trees and the Better Fields mod--again because I think they actually bring more realism. I can imagine why I would want more productive fishing docks or more logs per tree, but that seems to defeat the point.


The more variety, the better, in my opinion. I don't see anything wrong with building on flat maps. There are flat lands so it would make sense there should be flat land maps.


Don't think I wrote it was a "cheat". When I talked about "make it easier" mods, what I meant were all the mods coming out to increase yields and such, for instance the mods I mentioned that vastly increase what you get from wood, stone and iron and fish.

Think I prefer to play on maps with some features though, not mainly just a huge flatland. Having to take mountains, rivers and lakes into account gives cities a more unique feel to them. Of course you're right @rkelly17 that you can do anything with the area, though I imagine that flatland maps will mainly be used to drive the population up.

A problem I have had with every map mod so far, though, is that they make the game quite unstable.


Personally, I can see no reason for using a modded map. I agree with @Pangaea, the terrain features give a town character.


If we could build on mountains, I would agree. But since we can't, I really like the maps that reduce the mountains without getting too crazy. Plains is just about perfect for me.


I've been having really good luck with Cooper's Terrain Pack. It hasn't crashed on me yet and I've using it since the day it showed up on Banished Nexus. So far my favorite option is the Valleys, More Rivers map. It takes a good while to build the map initially and then it's fine after that. Of course, now that I've said something, it probably start crashing every game.  ???

My current town with that terrain.