World of Banished

Sightseeing => Village Images => Topic started by: MarkAnthony on June 26, 2019, 12:04:09 PM

Title: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 26, 2019, 12:04:09 PM
Hi  :)

I started a new map and town named Ambertown, one where I will not concern myself with min/maxing numbers; so hopefully it will be less of a spreadsheet and numbers game and more of a do whatever I feel like and go for it game.  So for this experiment I am choosing to disregard building roads for one thing. I'm just building the area up without worrying about lining things up with one another. I want to watch the Banies and see where they go on their own without them being prodded to use a road. Without roads it feels a bit like the frontier to me, it gives me an old-time feeling.

Anyhow *chuckles*

Here are Ambertown's map information and it's stats as of my last save. (
This is an aerial view of the town showing (from the top) the Hunting Cabin's, Gatherers Hut's, and Forester Lodge's area of affect. I am trying not to conform myself to the typical forest setup that I've seen several people in videos use, or have read about in the forums. (

A view from the hillside Chapel overlooking the township. (

Another view from that hill overlooking the Town Hall and the town proper. (

A view from within the town proper (

As seen from beside the Town Hall
The Town Hall would also serve as the Post Office and Telegraph Office,  lol (

Anyways, I am not much of a creative planner and I am definitely incapable of doing the eye-candy stuff; I'm not wired that way anymore.

I was somewhat artistic when I was younger, I was pretty good at drawing and sketching so when I first went to college I enlisted choosing an Arts major. Then I met Apple's new Apple IIe computer. I thought then that I would do my artsy stuff via computers and maybe get into graphic design. Then lo and behold, I met the spreadsheet!!!   :P   hehe  Visicalc back in those days, then the love of my life Excel from Microsoft later on.  The rest was history!!! My brain switched sides and I can no longer draw a circle if my life depended on it.

So all of this is nothing as splendid as what the rest of you build and design but I am going to give it a go anyhow regardless of how it looks or for that matter how efficiently it runs. I'll see if I can get it to a 200-300 population. My previous town was 304 population.

Just thought I'd try a different way of playing. To be honest, I find it hard to play because of all I have read or watched in other videos. Everything I do now I feel is just a copy of someone else's play style. Well, I haven't seen any videos or screenshots of towns and villages with no roads yet; so as far as I am concerned none exist and if any of you ever try it and post photos or write threads about it --- You're copying me!  hehe  ::) :o

'Til next time.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 26, 2019, 12:25:20 PM
Sorry about the buildings showing their "limits" icon.

I am strictly managing my resources at the moment. I have enough of what the town needs right now so I let them reach their limits all the while saving up precious building materials for my next land grab.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: brads3 on June 26, 2019, 12:26:43 PM
do you want suggestions,advice,or can we harrass you with questions? or are your throwing things on the map to sit what sticks as you develop a game plan?   :D   i take it this is a vanilla game with no mods.

as for copying,there are too many mods to do that.everyone finds their own style over time. that wont happen over night and changes as you play more too.different mods cause us to do things different also.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 26, 2019, 12:54:17 PM
Quote from: brads3 on June 26, 2019, 12:26:43 PM
do you want suggestions,advice,or can we harrass you with questions? or are your throwing things on the map to sit what sticks as you develop a game plan?   :D   i take it this is a vanilla game with no mods.
For one thing Obi-Wan, I am still the student! I doubt there is one question anyone can ask me that you all don't already know the answer to, unless you went with personal questions.

And yes, purely Vanilla errr...  (tiny lie) Vanilla-ish...

The mods I have installed are purely for UI modification: for the mods window and toolbars only. (

That's it. So yeah... technically not pure vanilla but vanilla none the less.

Okay, I see I need to start using the one size smaller option on screenshots. Sorry. (fixed)
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: brads3 on June 26, 2019, 01:26:14 PM
what is the plan with 11 laborers? surprised to see than many this early in the game. you said you are saving resources for the next expansion. does that mean you are hoping for nomads not saying it is wrong,just curious why you didnt use the time to build supplies of tools and clothing?
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 26, 2019, 03:54:16 PM
Half of those 11 laborers were a happy accident and surprise for me. I am trying to pause the game as little as possible this time around. So while I am purposely slowing down my pace at which I build and expand and am taking more time to view the goings-on of my Banies from the ground-level and taking the screenshots for this post too, time was unpaused and they rewarded me by multiplying.

I have no plans yet for what's next, I just got back from an hour's nap and have to get ready for work so I haven't really given any thought to my next step forward. That's another thing too that I'd like to try: less planning and more leisurely in the moment spurts forward just doing whatever comes to me at any given time.

Not stressing out about roads going "Omg! my town isn't lining up properly and things are not symmetrical!" and whatever else goes along with that; not racing a self-imposed clock of any kind; slowing my pace down and taking more time to watch the Banies at ground-level has already made the game feel different to me in a positive way I think.

No telling what will happen next. I  guess I will find out after my shift at work this evening.

See you all later.

EDIT: Oh and yes, I plan to take in Nomads this time and see how having a less than perfect education rating changes things. Maybe I will accept Nomads every other time, or every time - I don't know. I got no plans for what I will do in regards to them! :P
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 26, 2019, 04:21:44 PM
Hmmm, I still have ten minutes before I have to leave for work so I got time to make another comment.

I just realized I haven't even opened the game map yet and I think I will try my darnedest not to do so too. Knowing that water has to exist on the map for traders I know there will be water somewhere. I think what I will do is just let the paths through the mountains lead me and my Banies to their next destination. I'll ignore narrow passes and go with the medium to large passes. I think I will also go into the game options and uncheck the option to scroll the map by having the mouse off-screen too this way I don't accidentally see what I don't want to see.

I don't know.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: moonbelf on June 26, 2019, 07:43:59 PM
That's indeed an interesting approach to playing Banished :)

When you check your Bannies' routes, do they not have to go a long way to do whatever they do, such as collection, storage etc? How efficient will your food and resources distribution be? Maybe I'm just one of those who likes to play more efficiently but that isn't a criticism of how you want to play :)

I see you found water already for a trading post .. beside your town hall. Or is it a lake with no outside access?

Why not blog this?
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 26, 2019, 10:17:10 PM
Hi @moonbelf , good evening.  :)

Quote from: moonbelf on June 26, 2019, 07:43:59 PM
That's indeed an interesting approach to playing Banished :)

When you check your Bannies' routes, do they not have to go a long way to do whatever they do, such as collection, storage etc? How efficient will your food and resources distribution be? :)

I see you found water already for a trading post .. beside your town hall. Or is it a lake with no outside access?

Why not blog this?
Now, I know I did say I was watching them from the ground level and I was being more casual in my time and not worrying about queuing up a bunch of stuff, and though I was watching them I don't think I was paying particular attention to their chosen routes but I will make a point of doing so the next time I am in game (very soon now that I am home from work).

I highly expect the efficiency of my township to take a direct hit due to lack of roads and the likelihood that I will be taking in Nomads and my education rating will drop from 100% to who knows what level; and I know the hardships due to those factors will come, but I will try to work within those new constraints and do my best not to stress out about it. There is always the "delete saved-game" button after all LOL.   :o :P

To be honest I don't recall if I noticed the water there or not; I mean I probably saw it but it just didn't "click" in my brain. I was only thinking at the time that I wanted to give the Town Hall a scenic spot somewhere and that was that. I don't remember scrolling the map more than what I needed to position the Town Hall at the edge.

I don't have a blog anymore (WordPress), but if you mean start a dedicated thread for this here in the forums where should I do so? Isn't this already the correct forum location to do so? Besides, I'm not doing a storytelling like others do and I can't really see any of the World of Banished's experienced players and locals really taking an interest in what some newbie player is doing or talking about.  Hehe

In a way, I kind of gave it a stab (a try at being creative in narrative) in another post of mine where I included forum locals and World of Banished bigshots in my story/attempt at being funny but inclusive.  It didn't really get the laugh or attention I will admit I was looking for. So I think I will shy away from the blog side of my Banished playing.

The post I refer to is here:It's All Fun And Games Until... 

AFK for a bit, switching back and forth between here and Ambertown.   :D

Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 26, 2019, 11:12:04 PM
Okay, so I just launched the game and went straight to the options menu and checked/enabled, "Clip mouse to window". I went into the game and I unfortunately was still able to scroll the map by putting my mouse to the screen edges. So what exactly does "Clip mouse to window" do then? I thought it was as I described but it's not working as I had hoped.

Sometimes I am annoyed at the screen/camera moving when I don't want it too, like when placing windows at the top or to the side. I'd like to stop that behavior if I could just for that issue alone, but also for the reason I mentioned further up in this thread - I don't want to see parts of the map accidentally.

Oh well. Ce' la vie!

EDIT: Okay I found "Enable edge scrolling" and turned that off so that should do what I am expecting. So what was the "Clip mouse to window" option then?

Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: Nilla on June 26, 2019, 11:47:36 PM
I would like to see a blog from you. I hope you didn´t believe that I was really offended being mentioned there. I´m the ironic kind of person, but I know it may sometimes be taken wrong. But I´m also a straight forward person, so if you do something I strongly dislike, I would tell you in a way that can´t be mistaken for irony.

Don´t be worried about copying other people. After a while, things will turn their own ways, anyway. But it´s a nice approach to the game to watch the Bannis and follow your instincts. I think it will bring you more knowledge about the game than watching 10 videos. Let us know how it works, in one way or the other.  Just one small advice: if this was my game, I would be a little worried about the food supply, or rather the absence of it. ;)

Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 27, 2019, 12:15:24 AM
Hi @Nilla ,

No I did not take your "offended" remark seriously, I read it in the context of my little narrative attempt as being part of the story line.

My population right now is only 38 citizens and I have four gatherers and one hunter. I think I am producing enough for them and a few extra unexpected births for when I'm just casually strolling through town and chatting with everyone and not watching things more closely, but I will double check to be sure.

Prior to coming here to reply to you I was just placing down a marketplace (though I am not happy with where I located it), a second forester and two more wood cuttters and all their respective homes as well.  The forester and the two extra wood cutters will be downwind from the graveyard at the top of the hill.  LOL  :D   They'll have the job of providing the township with it's initial currency (value) for the future trading posts that will come.  The wood cutter in the town proper is just to provide for the town's need of firewood and for the blacksmith to keep everyone "tooled up". EDIT: And the forester in town is just to help out the wood cutter and for the blacksmith to keep everyone "tooled up".

The market is in the town proper queued up but I really don't like it right there, it's too big and makes the area look too crowded!  I might move it.  I keep fighting with placing it where I want vs. placing it where I know it needs to be (area of affect). I guess that is the point of this exercise of mine though, isn't it? To do what I want instead of what experience/rules/spreadsheets say otherwise?  Forget it, I'm moving it!  8)

I'm still deciding on where I will ask the gatherers and hunters to go next; let me get this other stuff built up first; I just hope the Nomads don't come knocking so soon. I'll take them but I won't exactly be ready for them. I imagine it would only be between three to six of them seeking shelter on the first visit.

Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: brads3 on June 27, 2019, 01:40:16 AM
where you decide to put the market is all part of the learning. not really a right answere. same with players who build houses in forests and others who build outside it.have to learn what works for you. not having roads won't affect production much since you are relying on forests and not farms.bannies take their own shortcuts even when we provide them with roads. try to keep the education above 50%.if it gets too low, you can stop taking nomads. at the vanilla speed you will feel trouble faster. near 40% weould be tuff to keep them supplied.below 30,you would need a huge reserve to keep up and dig out of the hole. main thing with food is to produce more than you use each year. when you do accept the first set of nomads,be sure to find where they are on the map. they may be far off and across a river you may need a bridge.better to know that once you accept them than after they are half dead.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 27, 2019, 07:11:59 AM
Hi @brads3 , good morning.

I'm relying fully on hunters and gatherers now only because I do not have any seeds yet but I do intend to farm eventually.

I cannot imagine my education dropping that low!  :o   Is that really possible? I thought I read somewhere that the number of Nomads that come is based on a percentage of your population total so for example if I have a population of 100 then maybe I get 8 Nomads, my normal population (educated) always being higher than the new (uneducated) Nomads. Yikes! I don't want that many nitwits!  lol

I never thought much about their location on the map prior to clicking the "accept" button. I only had Nomads come once in my other game and they were already in town before I accepted them. Besides, don't they have to go to the Town Hall first to tell the Town Hall that they are here in order for me to be notified? How long do they stick around waiting for me to accept them or not?

Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: brads3 on June 27, 2019, 09:04:15 AM
Gatherer dared me to go un-educated and take it down a long ways.i don't remember which map it was, has been a while ago. i had them down in the 20's before i built a school. i don't think i took it all the way to 0%. i often delay building the school,choosing to have the children become laborers rather than educate them. if i take2 or 3 groups of  nomads it has a huge impact to the %. it's that American expansion playstyle of mine.

     nomads has been modded a lot from vanilla. we can control how often and how much the % is.we also don't need as many buildings as a vanilla are correct that they should be at the TH. often they are not and are far away to the map edge.sometimes they will be so stuck they will not move until you do something to rescue them.most of the time it is just a bridge across a stream or the river. i don't know if it happens to a vanilla game.

        they do give you a few weeks or a month to decide if you want them.good thing to do is save the game before you accept them.then if they are lost,you can go back and not accept them or build a bridge fast.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: brads3 on June 27, 2019, 09:43:03 AM
it was Arnetto that i ran the education down to 0% took til year 68 for the 1st educated couple to die.  i was surprised i had done this with a Nordic climate.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 27, 2019, 12:00:17 PM
"Yo! Adrian.  Make me a sandwich. I'm starving!"
-- "Why don't you wiggle your fingers and make some magic Rocky?; the barn's empty, we got no food!"
"Well go 'git some then! Go to the market woman!"
--"I'm not walking clear across town in the dead of winter just so you can have your stupid sandwich! It's cold out there and you know what? it's cold in here too! Why don't you go chop some more firewood?!"
"I did that last year!"
--"No wood? No market run, suit yourself!"  "Then why don't you go and speak with the Mayor about the condition of things 'round here in these parts?"
"He's AFK and not paying attention!"

Both die in the night due to starvation.

What a fiasco that was!  ;) ::)   When I last spoke with @Nilla I was in year 9 and had a population of 38 and enough food to get by for a short while but Nilla was right I needed more and pronto! I apparently just cruised along not realizing time was passing and no progress towards getting excess food was made on my part. Out of nowhere it was year 16!

In year 16 I had my first group of Nomads come by, there were five of them and I thought I had enough food to cover them, and I did number wise but I didn't factor in the amount of time it takes to build up that food supply again so things started to decline. So anyhow, the Nomads come as I was 75% of the way done with building their Boarding House and Hospital. Things finish up and they move in and raid the market and wipe out the food supply and not long after the great starvation die off begins! I forget what my population was at the time but it was north of 60 Banies I think.

Starvation Deaths:TLDR; (I hate maths?) - 43 starvation deaths from Late Autumn 16 to Winter 20; during this time I had quite a few die of old age too, about 9 maybe?

It's year 24 right now and I finally got things in control again, well maybe not but things are definitely improving and I got a baby boom going on again. My population is back up to 67.

So the gist of it is: I was just cruising by on the food stock I had to feed my 38 population and I got lost at ground-level just watching people and I lost track of time and my duties to the Banies. The first Nomads came and ate up the remainder of the stored food and things started spiraling out of control.

It took forever for a trader to come with seeds, a year and a half (3 visits) before I got some. Then a trader finally came and had two seeds so I bought both corn and wheat. I immediately placed down eight crop fields and I prioritized them all. That was a costly mistake and even though I was watching this mistake happen before my eyes, I did nothing to intervene - I just let it play out! (I don't know why, I just did! All the while shaking my head.)

The mistake was that I was so low on laborers and I prioritized all eight fields at once because of my rush to build up some food stock that it took about two years maybe before all the crop fields were ready for use. I should have just queued up two fields at first. Then of course as I assign each crop I lose a laborer to work that crop - so my current on hand laborers keep at about a constant 4 at all times. AND... they live so damn far away and the storage barn isn't completed yet either so that adds to the hassle of it all!

About year 21 things are on the uptick and I got two pastures built for some cattle and chickens that arrived, the storage barn is built and I got four more homes added near the farms and pastures. The food issue has finally become a small surplus but I'll try to be more diligent this time and stay on top of things.  But yikes!   ???   This lessen learned cost me 43 Banies and about 9 years if not slightly longer to correct.   :'(

Never underestimate the importance of that sandwich!!!   ROFL   :P
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 27, 2019, 12:12:53 PM
I forgot to ask:
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 27, 2019, 01:31:53 PM
It took soooo long to get my second pasture built for the chickens that the six I bought and were waiting for me at the trading post, apparently died. By the time the pasture was ready there were no chickens. I mean there was one but as soon as it got there, it disappeared.  /shrug

How long do we have to get our livestock out of the trading posts? At that cost, it was another expensive lessen learned.  :(

EDIT: Oh and from year 24 when things were getting back to normal, to year 25 - my population jumped by 33 (babies)!   ???   My population is 100 even now! I see trouble on the horizon again if I don't get some laborers soon!  I only have one currently.

Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: moonbelf on June 27, 2019, 01:43:27 PM
It's always a good idea to have a pasture prebuilt and waiting for when the trader arrives with livestock. Learned that the hard way myself lol. So now I always have a pasture ready even if it's a small one because a larger one can always be built for large stock like cattle etc but at least the stock you buy from the trader has a safe place to go in the meantime.

Creating 8 crop fields at a time might be overkill. Make 2 at least 10x10 and get a couple of farmers in there and going. Then add more fields as you go along. If your population is growing as fast as you say, don't let your food production fall behind. You need about 100 food per bannie per year but more is better as you then have a reserve built up.

Maybe you've got too many homes available too quickly?

Why the traders didn't stop .. I have no idea! I've never seen that but maybe someone more knowledgeable has an answer for you.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: Nilla on June 27, 2019, 02:00:33 PM
Don´t feel bad! We´ve all been there! I mean killing a lot of Bannis in starvation. With only some 500 food in store for 38 people, I would have been surprised, if there would have been no starvation. If you always have 100 food in store for each Banni (1 year of consumption) you can feel safe. Safe to get a baby boom, to take nomads, to look at something else than food production for a while...... You say you hate math. I´m a math- person, so I can say that 100*38 is 3800; not 500. ;)

I´m sure you didn´t see the food delivery in your statistic because people´s house stores were so empty, that they grabbed everything immediately.

These cruising traders are a bit harder to explain. There are some possible causes
1. You´ve built a trading port that´s not accessible to the main river. The merchant will still come and just pass but of course not land at a dock.
2 You may have built ports too close across each other that the river is blocked. This may cause weird things. The merchant may visit one port but not the other.
3. Ports on lakes connected to the river are sometimes bugged. Watch carefully if some port never is visited by merchants.
4 Some maps have a weird bug. The merchant visits you as usual but after the trade, he returns from where he came. When he reaches the edge of the map he realizes that he went in the wrong direction, turns and passes the port a second time, now without stopping. If you have this bug,(look at the merchant after the trade) I would change the map. I have had this bug some times and later there was always something else strange on that map.

And yes, if you´re unlucky and need a lot of time to build a pasture, the animals may die.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: Nilla on June 27, 2019, 02:19:41 PM
Just thought of one more thing; if you want to build fields and pastures FAST. Clear the land first. Don´t "build" it until labourers have cleared the ground. If you set the pasture in the woods a limited number of people will work on it, I think it´s 2. If you use the clear ground tool, every available labourer will help; mostly more than 2.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: brads3 on June 27, 2019, 02:40:10 PM
i am impressed.CONGRATS on handling things well. i figured you would hit the domino effect. normally when you run shoprt on 1 item you then run short of the next and so no. in your case you was short of food.the bannies should have went waundering looking for food and neflected to make supplies. then firewood and tools and then clothing would fall short. that would have led to the farmers waundering, and therefore the food would drop even more.a downward spiral that wipes towns out. you handlef it well.

      now that you have a crash course which age speed setting do you prefer?

        i have not seen a trader row by. normally mine have a tendency to bring everything except what i need. the boats are always full of processed items. after the merchant leaves,it takes time for the trader to put the food in barns. while it is being moved between the TP,barns,market,and then houses it is not counted. another the bannies do try to keep extra food in their houses.even thou the rule is 100 per bannie,more food is needed as you build more houses.

       i knew the mother hen would get you for not producing and storing enough food. she always growls at me for that i think she forgets the houses need supplied. i can produce more than the bannies eat but  i expand fast enough to use up the doesn't show to the graph since it is stored in houses. 2 bannies need 200 food when they move into a new house,they will use more than 300.100 each that they eat plus half for each stored to the good inn their house.

         as MOONBELF mentioned,a 10 or 12 square hoding pen near the trade posts helps buy time. 
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on June 27, 2019, 08:11:43 PM
Quote from: moonbelf on June 27, 2019, 01:43:27 PM
It's always a good idea to have a pasture prebuilt and waiting for when the trader arrives with livestock. Learned that the hard way myself lol. So now I always have a pasture ready even if it's a small one because a larger one can always be built for large stock like cattle etc but at least the stock you buy from the trader has a safe place to go in the meantime.

Creating 8 crop fields at a time might be overkill. Make 2 at least 10x10 and get a couple of farmers in there and going.
Maybe you've got too many homes available too quickly?
Hi @moonbelf ,

Generally speaking I would have pre-built the pastures but I wasn't ready for that yet. I was only planning to start out with some crops in the beginning; however my very first trader came with six cattle so I jumped at the chance not sure how long it would be before I saw him again with cattle. Even without the cattle things would have been messed up anyhow because I uhmmm... didn't pre-build the crop fields either lol.  ::) Whoopsie!

Creating eight crop fields were WAS overkill, believe me! Hehe  Let me just call it a knee jerk reaction to when people started dying all over the place. "Feed me, Omg ...I'm so hungry!"  They're all so dramatic, me thinks! rofl  :D MY crop fields were only sized 8x15, that's what I read several places about the optimal crop size/yield for one farmer due to the pathing they take (number of tiles they walk) within the field. And yeah, I should have cleared the land of resources first, which I did not do. Not like I had anyone to do the work anyhow, I only had two laborers and they lived miles away.

Quote from: Nilla on June 27, 2019, 02:00:33 PM
You say you hate math. I´m a math- person, so I can say that 100*38 is 3800; not 500. ;)

I´m sure you didn´t see the food delivery in your statistic because people´s house stores were so empty, that they grabbed everything immediately.

Hi @Nilla

I don't hate math, rather I don't have issues with basic math. When written math starts looking like hieroglyphics and gibberish then my eyes go cross-sided and I start babbling and drooling rofl!  :P But basic math I have no problem with.  I had said, "TLDR; (I hate maths?) " for the readers of my post. TLDR = "Too long, didn't read!" which I'm sure you knew, but the "I hate maths?" part was because I had a long list of deaths and people may not wanted to spend the time adding it all up, so I totaled it up for them.

As far as not seeing the food number increase after purchase, I suspected what you said but wasn't sure. I figured at the very least it would display the increased number even if it was only for a few seconds. When I don't see the numbers change, I wonder if I got gypped and didn't get credit for what I bought.

Quote from: Nilla on June 27, 2019, 02:00:33 PM
These cruising traders are a bit harder to explain. There are some possible causes
1. You´ve built a trading port that´s not accessible to the main river. The merchant will still come and just pass but of course not land at a dock.
2 You may have built ports too close across each other that the river is blocked. This may cause weird things. The merchant may visit one port but not the other.
3. Ports on lakes connected to the river are sometimes bugged. Watch carefully if some port never is visited by merchants.
4 Some maps have a weird bug. The merchant visits you as usual but after the trade, he returns from where he came. When he reaches the edge of the map he realizes that he went in the wrong direction, turns and passes the port a second time, now without stopping. If you have this bug,(look at the merchant after the trade) I would change the map. I have had this bug some times and later there was always something else strange on that map.

Of your four examples, I think my situation may be closer to your 4th one. Though, not. My traders travel from the top of the map, into my port area, do business with me, then leave heading towards the bottom of the map. Not always, but a couple times... I would see traders go from the bottom of the map towards the top.  Whether it's the one that just visited me or not I don't know, I cannot click them like you can a Banie.

The ones whom I was speaking of as just cruising on by me without stopping at my port come like the others, from the top of the map to the bottom -- they just don't stop and do business with me, they just drive right on by. This happened three times while I was desperately waiting for something to happen in my crop fields and wishfully hoping a trader will come by with some food I can buy. They just come, wave as they pass, and keep on going!

Quote from: Nilla on June 27, 2019, 02:19:41 PM
Just thought of one more thing; if you want to build fields and pastures FAST. Clear the land first. Don´t "build" it until labourers have cleared the ground. If you set the pasture in the woods a limited number of people will work on it, I think it´s 2. If you use the clear ground tool, every available labourer will help; mostly more than 2.
Good to know, thanks. I'll start doing that if I am in a rush to build anything.

Quote from: brads3 on June 27, 2019, 02:40:10 PM
i am impressed.CONGRATS on handling things well.

      now that you have a crash course which age speed setting do you prefer?

Thanks @brads3 . It didn't seem like I was handling it well but I did get through it without quitting the town (delete saved game)  LOL.   ;D

Well, for the speed at which the population grows I like vanilla's speed but the benefits to using an aging mod has to be there somewhere. I think because of how slow the aging mod made the game feel to me I disliked it, but there's got to be a good reason to use it though I cannot remember because all I remember was how slow going it all was.  I still intend to try that mod again sometime but not anytime soon because I do like the faster increases in population right now from vanilla.

Quote from: brads3 on June 27, 2019, 02:40:10 PM
         as MOONBELF mentioned,a 10 or 12 square hoding pen near the trade posts helps buy time. 
Yeah, I will build a small pasture to transfer livestock out immediately and I also like your suggestion to build it at the trading post; it's only logical and it makes sense. I'll do that. Every. Game.  LOL

My poor, poor, chickies!  :'(

Thanks everyone for all your help and suggestions.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: brads3 on June 27, 2019, 09:21:14 PM
the big difference between the age mods is the popluation is ar 1 speed and the game play is anther. you grow food and cut firewood on a year to year base.the bannies work from season to season. the population however grows at a different pace. you  grow food at the same pace as a 1 yr mod but need it faster. during the slow time,we are busy stockpiling supplies,clearing more land,setting up soe buildings,etc. plus it gives time to plan ahead. does give a safety cushion to avoid issues or buy time to solve them.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: theonlywanderer on July 13, 2019, 08:42:45 PM
There really is no right or wrong way to play banished until you try and set goals.

However, the basic intent of the game is quite simple....  expand and grow!    You can't really get away from this because you either expand and grow or the population dies from old age.

You can start off placing everything free willy nilly, but eventually you'll have to fill in all that space and this is where the trouble begins.  If you can't make things fit, you will have to start demolishing stuff which doesn't give you back all resources spent to build it, so it becomes wasteful and time consuming.   If you don't try and build somewhat efficient, you will find that bannies don't function very well and you struggle to maintain all forms of production.    If they have to walk too far between their home, getting food, getting supplies and work, it just becomes a disaster.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: MarkAnthony on July 13, 2019, 08:50:30 PM
Hey there @theonlywanderer ,

I have seen and read most of your recent replies lately regarding the aging mods but I don't recall if you ever said whether or not you use them or not. I think, based on some of your replies that you do not use them, right?

Just curious.
Title: Re: Ambertown
Post by: theonlywanderer on July 14, 2019, 01:18:14 PM

I'm one of the fast builders, slowing down aging would drive me bonkers!   When I want to just mess around and not focus on the game aspect, I will use MegaMod with misc single mods that weren't included and Debug.   Build and do whatever I want free from time, aging, or any other game constraints.

And, for the record....  in case it was ever in question, I don't have anything against any mods at all.   Aging mod seems like a good fix for people who like to build slowly.