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Please help with mod...

Started by balltongueee, November 29, 2016, 12:07:48 AM

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Hi everyone!

I do not know anything about modding. I and a couple of my friends play Banished and find the game to be just awesome. Small problem though, none of us like how the old people just hog houses by them selves and this causes problems eventually since micro managing this is a must unless you want everyone to die of old age while no kids are being born.

There are a few mods that attempt to address this issue but while they change max age and max child bearing age, they also change other things that I do not like.

I want to make a simple mod where I just change max age, max child bearing age and max tolerance age. Now, I have installed the BanishedKit and set it up without any issues. I have even located the file that needs to be changed (resource/template/citizen.rsc). Problem is, now what? How do I turn that change into a .pkm file that can be shared? Do I need to create a completely separate file where the changes are included or can I simply put everything back together after applying the change? Should that new file contain ALL of which the original "Citizen.rsc" file contains with the addition to my changes?

All the tutorials I can find is "this is how you add this and that", they just go about making complex mods. I dont want to add anything... I just want to change that small thing and then be able to share it with my friends. Can someone please point me in the right direction? I have already spent a few hours trying to do this my self and trying to find tutorial that should cover the very basic of modding... simply changing something that already is... and no luck so far.

I have created a new folder in the "Example" folder called "mymod" and in there I have placed two files. Packages.rsc and BetterAgeing.rsc (which is a copy of Critizen.rsc with modified values). Btw, I am not even sure they should be in there. I have also created a folder there called "Bin".

Now, my Packages.rsc file contains the following:
PackageFile BetterAgeing
String _name = "BetterAgeing";
String _author = "DotarSojat";
String _description = "Mod that changes the max childbearing age, lowers the max age and lowers the max age tolerance";
String _icon = "icon.png";
String _preview = "preview.jpg";
int _userVersion = 1;

// all files in resource directory
String _includeList

// exclude package files, mod files, file used for building packages
String _excludeList

This is it... thats as far as I managed to get and am now stuck. I do not know how to proceed.

Edit: And I have clearly posted this in the wrong section. If its a problem, please move this post or I can delete it and then repost.


Just place your mod folder in 'BanishedKit' folder
Call it BetterAgeing (in the future it's easier to find)

In that folder create a 'Template' folder and copy 'Citizen.rsc' from 'BanishedKit/resource/Template/' to your new folder.

Now create a 'BetterAgeingResources.rsc' in your 'BetterAgeing' folder
like this

ExternalList resource
External _resources

create a Package.rsc like this

PackageFile BetterAgeing
String _name = "BetterAgeing";
String _author = "DotarSojat";
String _description = "Mod that changes the max childbearing age, lowers the max age and lowers the max age tolerance";
String _icon = "icon.png";
int _userVersion = 1;

// all files in resource directory
String _includeList

// exclude package files, mod files, file used for building packages
String _excludeList

And finally a 'build.bat' like this

..\bin\x64\Tools-x64.exe /build BetterAgeingResources.rsc:resource /pathres ../BetterAgeing /pathdat ../BetterAgeing/bin
..\bin\x64\Tools-x64.exe /mod Package.rsc:BetterAgeing /pathres ../BetterAgeing /pathdat ../BetterAgeing/bin

Add an icon 48x48 png-format. I don't use Steam so preview file is not needed.

Now you are free to edit Citizen.rsc under the section
CitizenDescription citizen

that's what you have told the program to compile, in 'BetterAgeingResources.rsc' -
      "Template/Citizen.rsc:citizen"   Right?

When ready, just doubleclick build.bat and you see a new folder 'bin' in your 'BetterAgeing' folder.
That can be deleted. Your new modfile (BetterAgeing.pkm) is in 'BanishedKit/Bin/WinData/'

Copy that file to Banished mod folder. (My folder is 'Banished/Win64/WinData/')
and play!

Here is the code to download. In contains an unaltered 'Citizen.rsc'
You make your own changes.


This worked like a charm. I dont know how I could thank you but I very much appreciate you taking the time to run me trough the process. Not only do I now have my mod but I also now know how to make other ones.

Thank you so very much!