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Some ideas for mods and some questions about making mods

Started by tanypredator, May 09, 2016, 10:20:47 PM

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Had anybody ever tried to put files of one of conflicting mods, that are modified game files, into "resource" folder before building another mod, to try if they would be compatible?




You mean someone elses modified gamefiles?
Then you should put them in your own folder
and build them together.

Or do you mean the compiled .pkm file?
The game does not have any references to that
so it won't get loaded.

Changing the gamefiles in resource and leave them there
is not to be recommended.


What I mean. For example, if I take the GathererShelter.rsc from Template folder, modified with "Tree of life". Put it into Template folder in resource folder of ModKit (it may be an extra copy, so no problem afterwards). The same way with all other new or modified files. Put my       "Template/NaturalResourceWildOatsGrass.rsc" in that modified GathererShelter.rsc. Then run build.bat of my oats mod. Wouldn't it be the version, compatible with "Tree of life"?

Not that it is necessary for this particular mod, but maybe for some other.


Yes, it should do the trick. But...
...and maybe make your mod incompatible with all other mods
compiled with the ordinary resource files.

Edit: I had to think.
If you reference your new gatherer file in resource then
all other who  change gatherer must have your
file or else they all be incompatible.


Probably, you are right. Although it may be tested. Maybe I'll test it when I have time.


I'm very sorry, but I need help again :( I made that building for oats gatherer, but can't get it to appear on the toolbar. I had already tried dozens of corrections, but nothing helped :(
Here is the source. Can somebody, please, check it?


In  OatsGathererShed.rsc I added the second pointlist
InteractDescription interact
   PointList _pointList = "Models\OatsGathererShedPoints.rsc";

ParticleDescription particle
   PointList _pointList = "Models\OatsGathererShedPoints.rsc";

   ParticleAttachment _systems
         Time _fadeInOutTime = 2.0;
         bool _addOnCreate = false;
         bool _addOnNotify = false;
         Particle _particle = "ParticleSystems\Fire\FireSmall.rsc";

Your new WildOatsVer2.rsc in your main folder:
Toolbar base
   StringTable _stringTable = "UI/WildOatsVer2StringTable.rsc";
   SpriteSheet _spriteSheet = "UI/WildOatsVer2SpriteSheet.rsc";

ExternalList resource
   External _resources



Toolbar WildOatsVer2 : "base"
   Toolbar _parent = "Game\Toolbar.rsc:food";   
   int _sortPriority = 700;

   Action _action = Tool;      
   ComponentDescription _tool = "Template/OatsGathererShed.rsc";         

   bool _autoHotKey = true;

Have to go a while.
I KNOW your people run off the map when building.
I'll check later


OK. There IS a problem with Blender and scale.
You could see that people run away with wood/stone
and place it far off when building.

Edit: the problem seems to be with points!

I isolated all: build01, mesh, points as scale 1.000 (cleaned double references / .001 references)
(I moved all 1 tile to the left because of footprint. You may have to adjust it.)
Then I imported each part in scale 0.010 (don't know, but it looks like centimeters)
saved fbx (and Blender) and it works.

Edit2: Just call it 'Oats Gatherer' because of text limit in house menu.


Quote from: kid1293 on May 24, 2016, 12:45:01 PM
Just call it 'Oats Gatherer' because of text limit in house menu.

It is possible to change the width of the UI box to fit a longer name.

Make a copy of Dialog/StandardDialog.rsc and put it in your mod folder, rename it to something else like OatsStandardDialof.rsc or similar.

Within your gatherers template .rsc file, scroll to the bottom where it lists the UIDescription, change the link to StandardDialog.rsc to that which matches the file you created above.

Go back to that OatsStandardDialog.rsc file and find the TextDescription labelTitle section and increase the int _rightPad= to a higher number, this will change the width of the box.

See this link for more info :


 kid1293, Discrepancy, thank you!

kid1293, I deleted pointlist from that place because I saw in a TownHall Template that it is not necessary if I have no smoke.

Quote from: kid1293 on May 24, 2016, 11:10:18 AM
Toolbar base
   StringTable _stringTable = "UI/WildOatsVer2StringTable.rsc";
   SpriteSheet _spriteSheet = "UI/WildOatsVer2SpriteSheet.rsc";

Toolbar WildOatsVer2 : "base"

What means this "base"? I will use it if it works, thank you, only I want to understand. It is not used in Apiary.

And I was ready to the problems with model, but I have to see it in game to solve them! So, the problem was in WildOatsVer2.rsc.

PS. "I moved all 1 tile to the..." right to have Location (0,0,0) :)


@tanypredator - Just replace my .fbx with your old and you see
people put wood and stone away from the building.

It's Blender and I have had a lot of trouble with points
Ask RedKetchup and Kralyerg, they tell I have been asking
for months.

Why did you scale to 0.040?

The only scale working for me is 0.010 (with the points at least)

I don't know if Blender has some internal measure and I don't
know how to change it.

I have had other 'sub-models' (remember the store I sent you)
and no problems. It's only points giving me headache.


"base" had to be there when I built rowhouses.
Probably because I made a new button on main menu.
I put it in as a safety, it does not harm your code.

Test this if you want it simpler:

ExternalList resource
   External _resources



Toolbar WildOatsVer2
   Toolbar _parent = "Game\Toolbar.rsc:food";   
   int _sortPriority = 700;

   Action _action = Tool;      
   ComponentDescription _tool = "Template/OatsGathererShed.rsc";         

   bool _autoHotKey = true;

Edit: Checked and it's working. :)