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Suggestion: Production bldgs should store produced goods

Started by Yandersen, January 27, 2017, 12:51:13 AM

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Quote from: Tom Sawyer on January 31, 2017, 08:28:14 AM
Maybe better to try it with the gatherer shelter where nothing is produced and where storing would make sense. Would be interesting.

I tried but nothing was stored. They ran past it and filled the barn.
There are several flags to experiment with. I guess I didn't test all.


housing for multiple families is a yes and no. the banis don't like to live that way. they try to move out of them.such as a fort with a barracks,inns,boarding houses,etc. there was a 2 story house long ago,looked real nice but very problematic with RED and some others have gone to modular and made 2nd and 3rd floors,houses that stack ,since each piece is separate then they work fine. so trying to make huge apartment buildings doesn't work well. unless you tediously made it in many small pieces.
   now i will throw the modders a thought,thou i doubt it possable. can houses be ghosted in a way to place 2 ghost houses over a single normal houses? say i took the fort barracks and set 3 ghost houses over it inow would have housing for 4 families??


Hold on, why multiple families don't work? I changed the number of citizen in the boarding house to 40, then started on hard and build that one only. People were multiplying in it just fine - I quit testing when the pop get over 25 or so - it was clear they make babies unlike in a BH of vanilla version (5 families and only 5 citizen - they don't multiply if over the number, as I understand). But u stating, they prefer not to go into megahouses if they have choice? Well, why? Maybe they choose by the ratio of citizen per family the house provides, choosing the one they can grow more kids? Or maybe they choose the one that has less peeps in it?..


as you found ,they will breed and live in 1 boarding house.but they prefer to live by themself.there was a nice 2 story wood log type home yrs back. the banis hated it. they would move in and out. you could destroy the home they were in ,they would move to the nicer home.sometimes you might get 2 families in it. the extra family many times would stay homeless even with the soon as you have a couple and need more houses,those banis in the nice home would move out and into any other must be something in the original program that the designer did not give access to. another one of those limits in the game.
  you could build a barracks or even a super nice boarding house and have 5 children,and the banis will move to a tiny house instead.they'll even move way across the map on purpose to be in a house by themself. banis can be strange on some points. they waunder all over the map for no reason sometimes. just to get lost starve and freeze.they'll cross a river with no bridge and then follow it all around the map to find a  way back to town.they will walk by a barn full of food and say they are hungry.i've even seen them kick banis out of town.they like to do that to teachers.


Well, just confirmed: Forester Lodge can get a storage to act as stockpile as well. It does work - foresters do put collected stuff there if the Forester Lodge is closer than stockpile. UI can be adjusted to show the inventory. Reaching the storage limit does not stop the foresters from working. Well, the vanilla model does not suggest storage, but anyway. Can't live with an idea of spending materials on building that just provides a permit for 4 people to work in the circle around it... Here is the modified code if any1 interested (stored goods set to wood, but can be anything):


I think I recently read somewhere that the first family to move into a boarding house will reproduce just fine, but all other families that move in after will not?


Hey, I just got an idea! We say, having multi-family buildings peeps prefer to go into single-family ones, right? So what if we mod all houses to be, let's say, 3 family-buildings, but limit the number of peeps to different numbers in 1- 2- or 3-store buildings? Then they all will have the same priority, right?


In theory they should.

What about procreation though? Don't they have less children when in multi family houses/boarding houses?
There's never enough deco stuff!!!
Fiat panis.


but it would be the most cheating mod ever made. all the houses would hold 3 famillies.

i understand that you hate everything i've been done, and i accept it :)
but when you say you hate my houses... and the little firewood store place because they are cheating....

but i see everything you want to try "in the name of realism??" you are trying to make cheating things that are 3 times more cheating than i ve done ^^

add a free wood storage to forest lodge while in vanilla it hasnt built like that ....
add a barn storage to gatherer huts while it hasnt built like that.....
make all the houses in game hold 3 times more families.....

i dunno. it is strange lol
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lol RED. i sometimes wonder what yandersen is trying to accomplish also. sometimes i think he gets lost himself too. i gather he is really new to this game.  the way he explains things and his bluntness that borders on rudeness, i excuse cause i think  what he says is lost in the translation from 1 lanuguage to another.just like we say things that is ment to be a joke but the other person gets mad or takes it wrong. it does make for an interesting conversation. no offence intended to you at all yandersen. i figure at the rate you is going,you'll be modding in a month and we'll have a whole new game full of ideas then.


Hey, hey, hey! It was just a theoretical question, don't judge me too harsh! ;D I just tried it out to see it does not work. See, I am not unreasonable!  :)

What am I trying to accomplish? I simply play Banished and mention things that could/should be done better and trying to figure out the way how it could be done. No any big idea or a certain goal - just a small things along the way. :)

I just don't understand how that housing works - what exactly makes banies avoid migrating into multi-family houses. Multi-store buildings will add a lot into game, that is why I am concerned. Well, yeah, I don't like the RK' "faky" approach to solve this, true. I think of it as a no-way-out solution. Must admit, it looks good, performs as intended, a smart trick - but it is a trick, and for some reason this makes me feel like cheating when I use it. Just like with that firewood pile mod RK recently made. Yes, if used as intended, nothing bad. But nothing stops from abusing it, right? Will be awesome if devs would spend a minute to fix those strange housing priorities the banies have, so the number of apartments set to more than 1 will not ban people from migrating into such houses.

But since normal housing behavior can be expected from 1-apartment buildings only, then the best way I see to manage multistore houses is to minimize their footprint to increase pops per area value this way. I mean, if normal house takes 5x4 tiles with road included, the multistore townhouse can be 4x4 or 4x3 - smg like this:

I know, it's ugly, but u got the idea of trade "footprintSize<->storeNumber".


"but i see everything you want to try "in the name of realism??" you are trying to make cheating things that are 3 times more cheating than i ve done ^^"
-No, I just suggested a wrong solution. I did not expected it to work cheaty as it did in my test. See, I naively thought that "int _maxOccupants = 5;" will limit the number of occupants no matter what "int _maxApartments = 1;" states, so if all buildings will be multi-appts, then the strange priorities banies show will treat all houses the same way. But it turned to be a cheaty houses instead. Me dumm, I see now.  :P

"while in vanilla it hasnt built like that ...."
-Oh common, RK, what kind of arguments are those? The whole point of modding is to make things different (hopefully different = visually_better/more_realistic/more_practical/more_logical).

"add a free wood storage to forest lodge while in vanilla it hasnt built like that ...."
-And that is what I see illogical in vanilla version: to construct a building no one ever visits or uses in any way. To improve it, I think, a different model should be used. Since foresters cut trees, the FL should have a pile of logs in model - for a sake of logic; and for a sake of realism it should have a storage for log - only then the construction of that building will be justified practically. The other thing the vanilla model does not represent is a small orchard with tree plants to visually reference the source of the plantings the foresters use to grow the forest. Code-wise, my improved version of Forester Lodge with wood stockpile capabilities added to it is in the attachment.

I would be glad if someone will remodel the vanilla building and use the code to make a new mod replacing the original FL.

"add a barn storage to gatherer huts while it hasnt built like that....."
-Again, without it, what purpose does this building serves? Provides radius? Practically, it doesn't make sense to me: why can't I set that radius for Gatherers manually? What do I spend my precious wood and stone for? For a building that does not benefit banies in any way? The gatherers go home to warm up, to eat, they carry resources to the barns - so what do they build GH for? To make it serve as a beacon showing them a radius where they can grab food? Why do u need a special building to show u where to go with your own hoe and basket this morning?
Well, if it will get the food-storage functionality added, it will be practical - building the Hut provides a radius for gatherers to grab stuff and the storage at the center point of that location. Seems practical to me. But yes, slightly illogical (but not cheaty or abusive) from the game point of view, as together with desired Berries/Roots/Mushrooms/Onions that building will also absorb any veggies and fruits from the surrounding crops/orchards. It is illogical since the name of the building is GATHERER Hut. Well, it can be renamed to "Forest Barn", but it is not perfect anyway. Maybe better would be to add a gatherer's profession to the vanilla storage barns? Those are so impractically huge that hardly any1 prefer them over the variety of modded small versions, right? Idk. In my opinion, would be perfect if GH would be a place the gatherers can warm up at and store the collected stuff, but that is not what game mechanic allows... :P

"i figure at the rate you is going,you'll be modding in a month and we'll have a whole new game full of ideas then."
-Oh, I wish to be less lazy! ;D My creativity is driven by sudden inspiration only and does not last long. I see a lot of modders around there, some of them are perfect modellers as I see! I just don't understand why do they create some decorative fences instead of, let's say, huts that can be placed on river banks, or why don't they just remodel the ugly and illogical vanilla buildings to make the game look nicer? ;)


Could it be possible to somehow code a hybrid of Gatherer's hut and a Market? In such a way that it doesn't require a vendor? They both have radius but only the market stores goods.
There's never enough deco stuff!!!
Fiat panis.

Tom Sawyer

@Gatherer. I think that makes no sense. The gatherer function creates workers who go for natural resources and the market function creates workers who go for resources from barns. What you mean can only be a gatherer shelter with a passive storage location like a barn.

@Yandersen If you have a forester lodge combined with a wood storage, you can replace the building by a stockpile as you suggested. I think it should be easy. The stored resources can be made visible by adding the storagedisplay section. But it will always use the whole area of the object. I don't want to try because not my idea of a better forester lodge.

And I have to defend the multi story concept. For me it feels not faky or cheaty. It adds a new aspect to the game in a suitable way and it's more than piling people as we can do it with smaller residences like in other housing mods. It offers a modular solution to combine different functions. A nice workaround of the "one object one function" principle. A residence upstairs a shop or workplace or another residence (interesting building sets), optional boarding housing upstairs the tavern or a second classroom in a school. Almost perfectly solvable in this way. A cheat it becomes only by ghosted floors or extensions. Because then it removes required area and cheats endless stackable game functions. That we should avoid in general and only use it for decorative items, in my opinion.


"What you mean can only be a gatherer shelter with a passive storage location like a barn."
-Actually, I found it easier to add a Gatherer Hut functionality to the storage barn. Combined UI also, see the modified code in the attachment. Feel free to include this in North mod if u like, I don't mind my ideas to be used by others - moreover, I encourage u to do so! :) As I said, I like North mode a lot and I am happy to contribute. U may just mention me somewhere if u want.
So basically, once the barn is built it allows to hire gatherers right away, no need to build GH at all. Therefore it makes it even easier to start on easy and medium difficulties as collecting food becomes possible right away since barn is prebuilt at the game's start. In other words, GH building becomes obsolete - remove or replace with smg else?..

As for a Hunting Cabin - it is always built in cluster with GH and a Barn, which are a single building now, so it makes no sense to give it a storage. It can not be a residence either. Therefore the only purpose it can serve is to define a hunting area. Considering the resent mod made by RedKetchup that adds a ghosted stockpiles, I assume it is possible to modify a GoHunting tool to be placed with no build work requirement, correct? If so, then the Hunting Cabin can be reduced to such thing - just an area definition allowing to hire hunters. However, since those are intended to be placed deep in the forests, I would prefer a 2x2 cheap wooden tower as it was discussed before - just to be able to click on it when needed.

"If you have a forester lodge combined with a wood storage, you can replace the building by a stockpile as you suggested. I think it should be easy. The stored resources can be made visible by adding the storagedisplay section. But it will always use the whole area of the object. I don't want to try because not my idea of a better forester lodge."
-Why does it matter who came up with the idea, I don't understand? I would be glad if any of my ideas will end up as some1's mod, as long as those ideas are concluded to be good. U like it? Make a mod, I will be happy to download and test it for u.  :)
Will see if I can add FL' functionality to the stockpiles - will try.