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Maritimes Pine Set V105

Started by Necora, February 27, 2017, 04:06:06 PM

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Necora, I tried using the Pine Set, and liked many things about it, but it slowed my game way too much.  On 10 speed, it was like only being 2 speed.   Is there any way you might figure out some fix for this so I can use it with the game speed running normally?


@galensgranny thanks for the feed back, and sorry it slowed the game down so much. The reason is the trees and the detail in them. One quick fix is to disable shadows for general play then turn them on when you want to have a look around/take screen shots. This is how I play, even before I started modding, this is the only way I could get CC working at a decent clip.

A more permanent fix would be to re-do all the trees. I have limited time to mod lately, but I did make some new maple trees for something else I want to do. They are about 1/3 the polys, and look fantastic in Blender. Unfortunately, I can't see how they look in game because it crashes constantly when trying to load them up, something to do with the material used that makes the leaves appear/disappear with the seasons. I don't know why it is crashing, whether I am forgetting something or have done something wrong or perhaps something has changed with the latest mod kit that I am unaware of but extensive searches through code and comparisons with previous files from the trees I made a year ago and the provided example have given me no answers (in fact, all files are pretty much the same apart from new models and textures, I copied both the old trees and example files and changed just the model/texture, which I cannot see any issue with). Anyhow, this and a string of other annoyances/crashes with the mod kit have really put me off modding for the game, at least for the time being while I have little time to spend modding let alone trying to solve issues.


I'll try turning off shadows.  I hope that helps as I do want to use your pine set.   I never thought about making changes in the game options.

That is a real bummer that the game keeps crashing when you are trying to mod the trees.

I hope you don't quit modding altogether.  Maybe do things that don't involve trees.  :)


Necora, your tip to turn off shadows worked!!  :D :D   This is so great!  Now the bannies are zooming all over the place in your Pine world.  The maple trees don't look as good as they did with shadows on, but a lot of them are just being chopped down so it's all good.  Thanks again for that simple tip that made such a big difference.


did you try playing with the other options? you can turn the shadows to medium,change the DirectX,etc. if it worked that well,maybe there is a middle ground that will be better. i think disabling autosaves helps also.


I haven't changed other things, brad3.  I will play around with combinations of the shadow quality and shadow texturing to find one that looks the best while the bannies will still zoom around on 10 speed.  Have you ever changed the antialiasing and texture filtering?


Been playing with this lately.  Read through the whole thread and thought I would add that I ran into the problem of certain gatherables not showing up after a point for years on end.  Ran some tests and found that with 3 workers on the pine and maple foresters (set to cut+plant and not hitting wood limit) it seems to outpace the trees maturing enough to spawn those gathered resources.  Turning it down to 2 workers each seemed to fix the problem with a slight hit to wood production.

Question...I can't for the life of me figure out how the pine tavern works.  I've made both cider and whiskey next to it and both get deposited in storage.  Tavern window shows like a barn...No assignable workers...but nothing seems to go there.  Am I missing something?
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


So I isolated the Pine set and tested the tavern again.  Whiskey goes there and is consumed there.  Couldn't tell that Cider does, so I'm assuming that gets consumed at the press.  Apparently what was happening before was the small barn from one of the other Maritimes modules was nearby and it was going there instead of the Tavern since it accepts luxuries flag.  Which is handy, because there are so few storage options for luxuries but with no worker at the Tavern, not sure how it ever makes it out of there unless you pull it to a tradepost.

Would have tested further except I wound up with back to back years of no maple sap production (along with apples and pine resin at the other node).  I thought I had that lapse figured out with the 2 foresters per tower but apparently not.  Didn't test it but the only thing I can think of to work around that is to have lots of them and alternate cut/plant and just plant till they start producing again.
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


@Maldrick - I've been fighting this problem for months    after a few good years of gathering the maple sap and the pine resin, they stop and no more is found for 10 or more years,  same with Fur and Pelts...   I think the numbers got tweaked in the last update of this and never got fixed.     I stopped trying to use sap and resin and ignore that whole production chain.   I keep hoping Necora will fix it...   
I am not a crazy cat lady...  I'm THE Crazy Cat Lady.


i've not seen that issue since i use 1 worker on each forester normally. in testing this mod i remember it takes a few years to get the trees established and weed out the vanilla trees.takes 5-8 years before the trees are mature enough to get the pine mod items. overcutting would have the same advised, NECORA did up the size of these trees and therefore the wood outputs.yes with less workers you will get less wood but you are still getting more than a vanilla forester. the radius is also smaller than a vanilla forester.


When I ran the tavern test I placed them in in existing forest and was thinking that was the problem.  Just ran another on clear ground and the same thing happens, it's just a bit smoother.  It takes about 5 years for everything to get up and running, runs fine for about 3, then apples, sap, resin, and furs take a vacation for a few years.

Also noticing wood production has a wild variance, too.  With 2 workers the specialized foresters hover around 300 logs per year, occasionally spiking up to around 400, the vanilla version with 3 fluctuates between 300 and 500ish.  Which I guess on the high end is about on par with the actual vanilla forester which gives 700 to 800 with 4 workers. That's a wicked variance though.

Might try it with 1 worker in the specialized ones, since you mention it. Can't help but think the forestry is getting ahead of the gathering.  If that works those nodes could be dedicated to gathering and then just make up for it with more of the vanilla version.  In theory at least.
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


1 worker on the special foresters definitely seems to be the way to go.  The crazy variances are still there and wood production takes a major hit but everything else produces more and haven't seen any years where anything wasn't produced since switching over.  That works.

Noticed the hunter has a wild variance too. Anywhere from 200 to 600 venison per year.
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


are you adding in the extras that they gather too? the forester should be checking traps now and then. same with the gatherer or jst laborers as they clear land as well. i try to get 500 food per worker rather it be farms,hunting,fishing,or gatherers.  the set did that. the trapper doesn't but then you have to figure the higher trade value of the coats.


Hello everybody. @Maldrick apologies the sets were giving you issues, but I think you nailed it with having 1 worker being optimal for each building in the forest areas. Originally, I only allowed 1 worker per building, but people wanted more so I didn't think that would be an issue. But, with the reduced radius, extra items added to the forests and playing around with growth dynamics of different items, this meant that with too much resource extraction (trees) the other items would not work. But, that is kinda what I was going for... if you cut down the forests too much then the mature forest items don't grow there. You are best off making more forest nodes next to each other, rather than increasing the cut rate of trees per node (i.e. more workers per forest tower). Now, with the reduced radius, you also have the benefit of being able to place houses and storage closer to the work buildings making it more efficient. As for the variability, smaller radius will make this more noticeable. I did increase wood per tree compared to vanilla to try to soften the blow on that.

Now, I do want to improve the forest dynamics, which is why I was thinking of re-doing the trapper chain. Moving the trapper chain to another layer rather than in the forest will help in terms of less spawning items. It will take me some time to get it done though.

As for the tavern, it should accept alcohol for consumption and both cider and whiskey should be consumed there. I always thought that a bannie would take alcohol from a storage place and consume it at the tavern? Perhaps I got this wrong and need to add a worker to the tavern. I do remember CC having some issues with luxuries storage but will have to trawl through the forums to find it.