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RedKetchup work in progress....

Started by RedKetchup, March 01, 2017, 10:37:03 PM

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Quote from: brads3 on March 06, 2017, 09:41:33 AMto bad we can't use a square instead of a circle.

That is very easy to "repair" - draw a square of roads inside the circle, maybe a double road... on the circular segments that are left over, cut the trees and build other structures there to prevent re-planting...

Naturally, you lose some "forest" area (less yield), but with some braining you'll be able to compensate for that, e.g. make two smaller squares and build related structures (barns, stables, housing etc.) on the "wasted" space...  ;)


Something like this -

* Agreed, I'd make the "circle" smaller too...
[i]Heads are round so thoughts can take a turn[/i]
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if i put NECORA'S trapper with this i can hunt foxes and rabbits. how fra do you want to take this chain? you could feed the stable hay and grain and depending on the animals get manure and milk.then manure plus water=food.or even add a decorative pasture to the stable and give more options.


You people have been busy overnight.

The grass forester is a good idea and the green grass looks good. Also, using the forester means you can plant more than one type of grass crop. How about some flowering clover? (you don't have to though - one crop is enough)

The only thing I don't like about using the forester is that the grass will be growing in winter. Unless you can fix that? Normal crops die in the cold. Can you make this crop do that too? How do people feel about this?

In addition to what Paeng wrote about roads, if you want square or rectangular grass fields you can also use INVISIBLE ROADS. They are in megamod. Kral made a set or roads and one of them is an invisible road. It stops plants from growing just like a normal road. - link for people who don't use MM.

Two grass foresters - one small radius and one large radius would be good. Hay barn for a hay forester building is a good idea. I would still love to see a ghost version of this building though. Purely for decoration.  :)

Crop name... If people don't like the name timothy grass (it does sound a bit strange to me, but it doesn't bother me) then Red, you can always make up your own name. Red grass or meadow grass or something like that. It doesn't have to be a real-world plant.


ELEMENTAL,it has been daytime. it is now evening. have you been in the dark?lol you make a very good point about winter.
  yeah,i know i can force it to be square but that limits the production. and won't act the same as if the game had that option.


You could name it "fodder" which is what it is.


Quote from: brads3 on March 06, 2017, 04:39:47 PM
ELEMENTAL,it has been daytime. it is now evening. have you been in the dark?

Are you still in yesterday? Well some of us are from the future. ;D


I built a shed (what else) and put the forester code with changes for herbs instead.
To my surprise the 'forester' planted herbs but did not gather them.
So I contacted Kralyerg (he was awake) :) and he said that I need a separate
gatherer to collect what the 'forester' planted.
How are you managing that with your hay/grass resource?
Do we need two buildings or do you plan for a button on the toolbar to collect?


When you asked me, I was confused and thought you meant a forester that plants trees and the trees spawn the herb. I didn't realize you meant it planted the herbs directly. (Obviously I wasn't awake enough)

I don't see why an herb forester wouldn't work. I'm on mobile right now, so I can't check, but didn't the herbs natural resource file have a pickup profession variable set to herbalist?


Yes, it is herbalist as profession. But you can't have both forester and herbalist.
The foresters default is trees and I don't want mess with default files for either herbs
or trees.


no, my foresters plant grass and collect themselves the hay stacks
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in my template i replaced this :
ForesterDescription forester
//ResourceLimit _resourceLimit = Log;
ComponentDescription _naturalResource = "Template/NaturalResourceGrass.rsc";

and there is my NaturalResourceGrass.rsc :

// layout of the entity
ComponentDescription resource
// how often to update
UpdatePriority _updatePriority = Fifth;

// components that will be used
Description _descriptions

MapDescription map
PathType _pathType = Obstacle;
bool _addOnCreate = true;

bool _addToOverhead = true;
Color _mapColor = 0xFF136932;

ModelDescription model
MeshGroup _meshes
//AnimationGroup _animations = "Models\NaturalResource\Tree\TreeAnims.rsc";
GraphicsMesh _mesh
//AnimationGroup _animations = "Models\NaturalResource\Tree\TreeAnims.rsc";
GraphicsMesh _mesh
//AnimationGroup _animations = "Models\NaturalResource\Tree\TreeAnims.rsc";
GraphicsMesh _mesh
int _displayIndex = 0;
int _subIndex = 0;
bool _randomIndex = true;

NaturalResourceDescription naturalresource
ComponentDescription _rawMaterial = "Template\RawMaterialHayStack.rsc";

// placement
float _noisePersistance = 1.0;
float _noiseOctaves = 40.0;
float _noiseScale = 90.0;
float _noiseCutoff = 0.35;
float _spawnChance = 0.4;

bool _groupModels = true;
float _groupPersistance = 1.0;
float _groupOctaves = 1.0;
float _groupScale = 5.0;
float _groupCutOff = 0.5;
int _groupRandom = 5;

float _minHeight = 0.0f;
float _maxHeight = 1.0f;
float _maxAngle = 0.75f;

bool _animated = false;
//Time _preAnimateTime = 6.0;
//Time _postAnimateTime = 3.0;
ToolType _toolType = Scythe;

float _positionTolerance = 0.4;

GrowthDescription growth
// maximum growth before death, -1 for ever living
float _maxGrowth = -1;

// growth +- some amount
float _maxGrowthTolerance = 1.0;

// length of growth period to maturity
float _growthInMonths = 20;

// temperature dependant growth
bool _temperatureDependent = false;
float _growthTemp = 0.0;
float _growthTempRange = 0.0;

// re-seeding.
bool _autoSeed = true;
int _seedChance = 99;
int _seedDistance = 9;
int _seedTimeMonths = 1;
float _growthForSeeding = 0.5;

// max neighbors when reseeding
int _maxNeighbors = 1000;
int _maxNeighborsSelf = 0;

float _minScale = 0.2f;

SpawnDescription spawn
Spawn _spawn
ComponentDescription _naturalResource = "Template\NaturalResourceHayStack.rsc";
float _minSpawnAge = 1.1;
float _maxSpawnAge = 100.0;

he plants the grass(NaturalResourceHayStack.rsc) and he gets hay or fodder when they cut those (RawMaterialHayStack.rsc)
as i see also about another question asked previously, he can only get 1 output : hay/fodder , you cant ask to get 4-5 different output.
the only time they will give you a different output is when there is a tree, iron or stone at the tile they will go plant your resource.
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Thanks a lot!
This explains why it did not work. The forester needs a modified 'tree' file to make it work.

I just dumped in what I thought was needed and sadly....  :(

You're the best!


Quote from: kid1293 on March 07, 2017, 11:00:16 AM
Thanks a lot!
This explains why it did not work. The forester needs a modified 'tree' file to make it work.

I just dumped in what I thought was needed and sadly....  :(

You're the best!

yup all you need is a modified "tree" file (named into something else as you want) to make it work.
and inside that new file you can put everything you want , all the natural resources you want even if you want to put cabbage, turnips, carrots, berries, strawberries , apple, pear, stone, iron, herb.....

the only thing is the output when they harvest them.... i didnt tested yet if we can have a different output for everything depending what they planted.
(which i strongly doubt about that)
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if you want you can make a new apothecary with a smaller radius, and will have them plant herbs all around its building and when they are mature, they will harvest them and it will give you free RawMaterialHerb all around :)
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I love watching mods unfold, it's really tweaks my geek :)

I think the forester idea is a good one, I use Kral's ones on my map (his require a gatherer), and I am loving the idea of a 'theme building set', so that the forester/harvester building and the storage match :)  (hint, cough, small footprint option too).
And a matching house :)  (hint, cough, please) :D 

keep on coding, this is looking awesome

:D :D :D

ps:  @Paeng I love that screenshot, I have saved it.  What a creative way of building the settlement :D
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