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Playing around with smoke

Started by Necora, April 11, 2017, 06:47:53 PM

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when you said riffle, i thought you ment rifle and was goina shoot us here we say ripples.we ain't too far from canada. the water looks awesome. if it can have curves and make for some nice lakes,looks super.the map always gives lakes that are huge.
i would hate to label all those different icons. are they clickable and then have a delete button??? this game looks totally different than the vanilla by now.


@brads3 I was reading how to fish trout in a fast moving river because the one at the end of the garden is flowing pretty hard and I have no idea what to do in a river like that, and the internet kept calling it a riffle. It gave me a chuckle so I used the name.

I also hate icons. So annoying and time consuming, but good icons do make a big difference to the overall presentation of the mod. I'm learning things about modding/gaming that I never thought were important, like icons and UI layouts etc. In Banished also, good icons and effort in building the meshes for consistent raw materials within sets, they just make the whole thing look smarter and whole.

All ghosted pieces are clickable and have a delete icon in the UI. The particles, if you click where they are originating from you'll find an invisible square.


Quote from: Necora on April 18, 2017, 07:47:59 PM
@brads3 I was reading how to fish trout in a fast moving river because the one at the end of the garden is flowing pretty hard and I have no idea what to do in a river like that, and the internet kept calling it a riffle. It gave me a chuckle so I used the name.


You know, you now have to make a little fishing spot ;)  We have the little trout spot & Discrepancy has a little fishing spot, but, a @Necora one has to now be done :D  Lounge chair, fish bucket, basket/hamper :)  Small, 1 x X land/water placeable to can be 'used' properly at a stream, or placed as decorative at the new pond area.  :D :D :D 
[color=purple]~ QE, I query because I like learning new things.  [/color]

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I wish there was a terrain tool that could push down the terrain that automatically fills up with real water so that we could make our own little fishing ponds and park areas.

Too bad Luke never came up with something like that... just imagine the fun we could have playing around with terrains.

By the way Necora, I love all the plants, trees, and bushes you have around your pond.  Is that a seperate stand alone ghosted plant decor mod ?  If so, where can I find it ?  I'd love to have all the different ghosted plant varieties that you've got showing in your pics, they look gorgeous !


@ancientmuse let's see, the plants are a mash up of some maritimes stuff and mostly stuff from CC Journey.

The trees are maritimes, and the low red and blue bushes are maritimes also, blueberry and cranberry. I do have them as ghost decorations, but for some reason have yet to share them. I'll go over the mod tomorrow and make sure everything is in order then release it. The fences can be found in the Crystal Cliffs set, although I might move them to the general maritimes decorations pack instead so that all decorations are under one roof.

The others, the rocks, reeds, green bushes, and ground coverings are all from the latest CC Journey. The new flora they added there are just stunning. I believe all of the CC ghost decorations are also in the Mega Mod Decoration Pack as well, along with things from most people here, if you are looking for decorations and not the full mega mod experience.



I never even thought of adding CC's Mega Mod Decor pack as a seperate mod to my regular 1.0.7 game, because I do love all the ghosted plants and stuff from it but don't play CC very much since I just prefer the regular game with all my favourite stand alone mods instead. 

Why the heck didn't I think of that before ??

Duh !

Oh, and your Crystal Cliffs fences I use all over the bloody place all the time.... love those !



Well, so much for that idea.

The CC Mega Deco pack doesn't work as a stand alone for 1.0.6 or 1.0.7.... it just crashes the game as soon as you try to click on the "decor" menu button.

I tried both game versions with other mods as well as all by itself with no other mods (totally vanilla) and it just won't work.

I guess it's somehow coded with CC Journey.  Too bad, I'd love to have some of that stuff for regular Banished, especially all the different ghosted trees and plants.




these pieces can be tough fun to move around and takes some getting use to.i notice some don't seem to go right where the pointer shows too. i tried making some waterfalls with those slopes and it never looked right.  the center pieces at various  ground levels combined with the shovels to remove and slope the land is super. those alone would have been a big improvement to the game without you having to make it harder on yourself.
we would have been happy with simple mods. this is lots better than the ponds with rocks all around them.they are more decorative for city parks.
can the center pieces be made to stretch like we make roads??
  QUERY, we need to see if TOMSAWYER can remake his trout fisherman into a bass fisherman that isn't tied to the streams.then we can place him with these ponds and lakes.
ANCIENTMUSE, did you try RED's decoration pack?? there is a lot in it that might be what you are looking for.


Quote from: brads3 on April 18, 2017, 10:18:18 PM
ANCIENTMUSE, did you try RED's decoration pack?? there is a lot in it that might be what you are looking for.

Oh yes, I have Red's and Kid's deco stuff... I've been using them both for ages.

Unfortunately for Red's deco pack nothing is ghosted so you're limited to where you can put things... my favourite is the scarecrow, but you can't plunk it down in the middle of a field where scarecrows usually go.  That's why I was hoping that the CC mega mod would work in the regular game so I could take advantage of all the deco items that have been ghosted in that pack.

Oh well, I'm still happy with all the great decor items we do have for regular Banished, so no big deal !



Quote from: ancientmuse on April 18, 2017, 09:46:16 PM
Well, so much for that idea.

The CC Mega Deco pack doesn't work as a stand alone for 1.0.6 or 1.0.7.... it just crashes the game as soon as you try to click on the "decor" menu button.

I tried both game versions with other mods as well as all by itself with no other mods (totally vanilla) and it just won't work.

I guess it's somehow coded with CC Journey.  Too bad, I'd love to have some of that stuff for regular Banished, especially all the different ghosted trees and plants.



You know I was getting that problem as well but I figured I had messed something up in my coding. I didn't try it vanilla on its own though. I am surprised it has not been mentioned on the BL site yet, perhaps not many people have tried it stand alone.


There is a very pretty fishing pond in @RedKetchup Medieval Town.  I asked nicely if he could separate it from the mod for me. Still waiting.  I don't know how it was made for the fishing but maybe that would be of some help here.


Quote from: Abandoned on April 19, 2017, 07:16:01 AM
There is a very pretty fishing pond in @RedKetchup Medieval Town.  I asked nicely if he could separate it from the mod for me. Still waiting.  I don't know how it was made for the fishing but maybe that would be of some help here.

sorry i did nothing yet about NMT and NMT 3.0 for 1.0.7
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@RedKetchup oh, no problem, Medieval Town will be a big project for you to update.  Is the fisherman added to the pond like a fishing pier or is it made different?


Quote from: Bartender on April 16, 2017, 11:18:49 AM
Reeds are already in development, and I've been thinking about some nice submerged rocks to make the waters more interesting indeed. I'll see what I can come up with ;)!
@Bartender would love to see!  If you could use the BL reed resource as a base, even better that way they will both be used together in further resource manufacturing, CC introduced the Survival Coat (feathers & reeds) & Firebundles with reeds.
I have no issues with introing new content, but if there is one in game, if possible, at least make the resource work the same.  (IMHO)

Quote from: brads3 on April 18, 2017, 10:18:18 PM
  QUERY, we need to see if TOMSAWYER can remake his trout fisherman into a bass fisherman that isn't tied to the streams.then we can place him with these ponds and lakes.

Ahaha, you could @brads3 but they aren't my type of fish :)  Where I live, the river where I get the most beautiful fish is the Murray, fish include:  Cod, Callop, Catfish etc  (  I've not been a huge bass fan.  Although the wall mounted singing bass, that was a hoot!! :D

[color=purple]~ QE, I query because I like learning new things.  [/color]

Banished pinterest & Banished mod ideas
[color=teal](Gently) Please: if you download mods please rate them, this helps & encourages the modders. :) [/color]


oh, @brads3 , bass fishing  :)  Need a couple of deco dead tree branches hanging out over the water, that's were they like to hide in the shadows.