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DS TownHouses v3.0.2 (updated 30 July 2019)

Started by Discrepancy, May 17, 2017, 06:26:46 AM

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Will the doctor be like a herbalist or like a hospital? An apothecary would be good.

Some sort of kitchen (as well as a bakery) would be good. Hopefully the bakery makes some sweet treats.  ;D

A hardware store. Stocking tools, construction, etc...

Potter, glassblower, candle maker, tailor/seamstress, furniture workshop.

A homewares or building supplies maker - except that you don't use the CC system of homewares and buildings supplies. (but I'd be very happy if you did, especially for fancy buildings)


@Discrepancy, did I read a couple of suggestions?  Please not all that other far-from-vanilla stuff for the trader to bring and add to inventory like cc.   


Quote from: elemental on May 24, 2017, 07:30:46 AM
A homewares or building supplies maker - except that you don't use the CC system of homewares and buildings supplies. (but I'd be very happy if you did, especially for fancy buildings)

I agree with @Abandoned: I would be unhappy with homeware and building supplies. I'm also no big fan of goods for export only. I like my people to be able to use the things I produce, and to have the possibility to choose to export a surplus, when I get one.


wow another great wonderful set of house !!!!!
i really really love your windows :)
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I don't understand why some people are so allergic to having new things in the game. What is the problem with having stuff in the trading menu? That was a serious question - please explain it to me @Nilla and @Abandoned.

I do personally think the CC system of homewares and building supplies is very good for fancy buildings. It's a bit ridiculous to be building a fancy townhouse out of nothing but stone, iron, and logs. no lumber?? No glass? No furniture? No copperware? Sounds more like a hovel to me.

But of course it's Discrepancy's decision as to how he wants his mods to work. Having core mods for those who want a bland mod diet and add-on mods for those who like variety is another way to go. Difficult to do this with something like homewares and building supplies, but easily done with foods. The more food variety, the better!!  ;D


A few more suggestions:

A butchery.

A cheese shop.

Instead of just a bakery, you could have something more specific like a pie shop or a cake shop.



You are rather rude today, @abandonded. Maybe you need some time out.

I am free to offer suggestions just like anyone else and I will keep doing so. It's discrepancy's choice what he does with his mod. If you don't like the end result you don't have to use the mod.

I asked you why you hate having extra stuff. No answer?


do you 2 need to be separated by more than an ocean?
   i see both sides of this issue so i will try to explain it. the problem people have is too many items clutter the menus.many players only play small towns so they don't need the extra items or building requirements.i also see the desire to be able to have more items.i agree there are times a more fancy house or settlement should have more luxury type items.
   the problem is all those items can not be used by the bannies. we have tried to figure a way off and on. none of the ways to force banies to use extra items like silverware or furniture are practicle. if those extra goods are attached to say firewood. a house could burn those items instead of firewood.if a mod could be made to require houses to use 10% other goods+firewood then that would affect all houses.early in games this could cost you since bannnies would freeze without the goods developed yet. i think most would agree pottery would mamke sence to the game. but it can not be used by the becomes an extra item to clutter up barns. this is a game limit no one yet has solved.
   i do use CC. i like the different building styles,decorations,start settings,etc. there is many good points. one of the biggest points to using CC is having all the seeds and animals.  many options people here ask for, i already have. you also do not have to build the production chain buildings. there are several mods that help overcome have to pick and choose what you try to build though.
     the balance is off on many of the production chains. i find myself having way too much of several items to make a few specific items. and those items are scattered all over the map. we have limited control of markets to try to avoid it. it doesn't make sence to have silverware way over there when you only need it to trade.

        i do hope CC continues to give out smaller mod sets of some of the CC mod. though many here argue against CC,there is much that they would like.
the shipwreck and indian or fort starts need to be broken from the main game so they can be played with the new forest and NAT DIV mods. the huge assortment of crops might also be useful.
     RED's NMT set does bridge both worlds quite well. it brings fancier buildings and the rustic look and options. the dryer to make deer jerky,the smaller salt mine. 2  and 3 story houses,more decorations,a better looking medical clinic,etc. but it also brings some production chains. and TOM expanded on some of those with the NORTH mod. those 2 mods together do give you a variation  similar to CC.
    thing is there is no right or wrong way to play really. we have options and can each make our own game. at the moment we can even choose where on the toolbar some mods appear.  each modder brings their own style too. that makes the game more fun and interesting.


@Discrepancy I am really looking forward to these, and I can see them lining @RedKetchup canal (and Embx Windmill would fit with these too) ...  so, in answer to your question re the lower level shop fronts:

1)  Store:  Tags to store, as a market, an array of goodies, so those that do have CC and more advanced mods, can have these items stocked there, if not at the least made and a suitable manufacturer.  So, those that do have Fancy Furnishings and Building supplies, can be stocked in the city centre, if they are loaded in the game
2)  Manufacture: Blacksmiths to make all your existing smithing items, but also all the tools including basic wood, through to hardened / steel (given you now have the coal mines up & running) (inline with CC & Kid's advanced tools)

Health & Wellbeing: 
1)  Store:  Apothecary (Pharmacist) Market, dispenses all health tags - so, herbs, teas & your ear candles
2)  Manufacture:  all your existing health items that your other mods already create
3)  Service:  Doctors Office, Day Spa, Health Centre:  The ability to treat the Bannies as a hospital would

Food & Nutrition
1)  Store:  Grocery shop front, Little Joe's Deli (what ever ;) ) and it stores all food tags, edibles, fruit, veg, protein, grains etc
2)  Manufacture:  Butcher, Bakery, Fish monger, Gourmet Table, Paddock to Plate etc - a couple of different shop fronts could do this, unless you went with a Paddock to Plate option, and you have a 'menu' and you set it to just what you want. 
Including:  existing meat butchery; chicken recipes (we are lacking in a butcher to dice chicken), bakers using existing recipes, adding things like:  tarts etc, Gourmet table (for @elemental Cheese ;) ) cheese making (we have milk ingame)
Also - adding recipes from your existing food manufacturing buildings, but the 'city version' (at the very least they would be stocked by the Green Grocer in storage anyway).
Oh - and because it suits the style of the building, a must have:  A Cafe!!  Stocks bakery (food tags), and ... water/tea (what tags do they have??)

Other services:  Tailor & Haberdashery, School (Advanced Studies to suit building style), Town Hall / Offices (a JP or Notary Office), Hotel or Hostel for an Inn,

And another ...  Train Station!! 
Acts as a multiple service building:  Decorative so as to fit for the train system you have out at the coal mining area, and a nomad attractor - so that the nomads 'arrive by train' :D

I think for buildings this advanced, design wise you could add things like cafes, haberdashery, day spa as well as a train station - the engineering is there, so why not add a more 'upmarket' feel with the naming of the buildings?

By allowing some of the advanced buildings to stock 1.0.7 flags, it means those of us who do use CC & others, can fill the buildings with items if we make them - without putting pressure on 1.0.6 players, or non CC players, who don't have them - nor want the recipes for the items.

I think it would be a win/win, the mod can contain all of your existing recipes from your other mods, or at the least share them, plus a couple of other advanced ideas (food & tools), but - keeps it Vanilla-ish, to stroke those that don't want to step out. 

Oh, just read back up the thread - Glassblower!  Oh, that would look absolutely sweet in there! 
I used Embx glass chain yesterday and was thrilled :) 

I think I'm done ... lol. 
[color=purple]~ QE, I query because I like learning new things.  [/color]

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Well thanks, Brad, for giving your take on it.

I don't really get the cluttered menus thing. Stuff will only appear in your town hall list after you make it or buy it. Stuff will appear on trade boat inventories but you can tell them to never bring X or to only bring Y. You don't really need to look at their long list of goods very often. So I still don't really understand why some people are so afraid of new things.

Regardless, we could easily have an add-on mod for optional shops or whatever that add new foods etc. We could even keep it fairly restrained and only offer things that are already in CC. They have cheese and sausages and all sorts of stuff already. Anyone who wants to keep it simple can use the base mod with only vanilla stuff in it. And then no one gets hurt.  :)


oh,i am not saying 1 way is right over another. i see both points. the extra items aren't just in the TP or TH menu. they are also in markets and barns scattered.  1 thing i fin awkward is that you need to set the building  menu by each ingredient. say you want to make fruit  jell. is it blueberry,apple,etc. you have to manually change it.on a biig map you have several buildings running out of 1 ingredient and you may not realize it. like RED's butcher or dryer. it runs out of deer but you still have bison. it won't keep change b y itself. over time i have adjusted my play to deal with those issues.
  i like how EMB took the salt another direction. you need it to make saddles that actually fit with KID's wild west mod. the salt mine it uses doesn't fit me but the idea and certain pieces of that chain i did download. it was nice to have the option to pick and choose.i see that with a lot of mods though. each 1
seems to  have something you want. DS has many pieces i wish i had. the  overall building style doesn't fit me. that isn't him, that is me.  i do like the well he made along the brooks. i always liked his split markets. i agree it is good to have options.
   i solve the issue with the TP menus by using certain goods to each 1. that means the more developed a town the more TP's i need. i try to use like coats in 1,candles and furniture in another. in  large towns that works well.after a merchant comes by,the next usually stops at a different TP. so it is stocked and ready.  everyone plays different. if you had 1 TP,the list would be quite long. each time a merchant stops you then have to scroll thru it to decide what to trade.


Oh also:

1)  Storage/Market:  Alehouse, tavern, night spot,
2)  Manufacture:  Alehouse, Brewery, Vintner, Meadmaker, & Kombucha brewer

Maybe I wasn't done after all ;)  haha
[color=purple]~ QE, I query because I like learning new things.  [/color]

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[color=teal](Gently) Please: if you download mods please rate them, this helps & encourages the modders. :) [/color]


Oh, what kind have chaos have i created?

These are townhouses, the mod will predominantly be housing. After reading the many comments (thanks) i am going to limit the production/services that are with it. For this set 5 different buildings.

There will be no other market . Just the basic market supplying neccessities for the bannies homes. A bakery, this is likely to be the only one that is adding new resources. So the other 3? The doctor or herbalist, maybe a tailor and something else.
When i mentioned to keep close to vanilla. I dont really want to add anything with new flags.

The more i mod and see the way things work i dont really want to add building supplies or homewares - not my cup of tea. I would sooner wait and see if luke adds the extra construction requirements. The i will add glass and lumber. But not before.

I mentioned in another post a while ago that I had already made a butcher... i never released because i couldnt find a good production for it. Im not a fan of putting 10 of something in to just suddenly double the qauntity.


don't mind the chaos DS. must been the weather somewheres. it is o'k though. nobody got hit with a rock.....yet.just send us all to our