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Started by Rezulm, May 10, 2014, 04:11:06 PM

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This is where I've been lately.  Its pretty difficult if you don't use a cheat tactic like just walling yourself in.  And TONS of micromanagement options.  I love how every little gnome ends up with his or her own story.  Still cranking up Banished some but I think I'll wait for the patch dust to settle, or maybe even another patch.


I took a look at it and it looked like fun! Thanks for posting about it!
Technology - Home Theater - Astronomy - Pyrotechnics


Like Banished, one major key is don't build too fast.  Let your gnomes train up their combat while you plan out your build and set up resource collection.  The more you have, the more they come after you!


My cook gnome lost her leg in battle with goblins but she survived, so she just drags herself around everywhere really slow.  So I had to build a nice kitchen with stockpiles set up real good so she doesn't have to scoot far.  She's a really good cook after all!  I had to make a new profession called "Quartermaster" that has hauling as a priority with the food related stockpiles ranked highest.  So she has a little bus boy guy to make sure everything is close for her.


Quote from: Rezulm on May 12, 2014, 08:03:53 PM
My cook gnome lost her leg in battle with goblins but she survived, so she just drags herself around everywhere really slow.  So I had to build a nice kitchen with stockpiles set up real good so she doesn't have to scoot far.  She's a really good cook after all!  I had to make a new profession called "Quartermaster" that has hauling as a priority with the food related stockpiles ranked highest.  So she has a little bus boy guy to make sure everything is close for her.

Wow, that is a lot of control in a game. Interesting!
Technology - Home Theater - Astronomy - Pyrotechnics


wow,,. thanks for the promising hint.


And another necro.. Bring out the Fire torches and Diseases.
Bring out the NOMADS!

(Copying from my other reply)
On the other hand, I purchased Gnomoria's version and I disliked the pixelated view + the graphical sluggishness in the UI to such an extent, that I didn't play more than 10 mins. 8 of those were spent in creating the 2 maps and checking the ingame message iirc.
I'm pretty sure it's just a biased opinion and my laptop or I've must have messed up on some settings, but with so many tasty games this year, I didn't have the time or inclination to do some trouble shooting.
I'll try it again when they come out with a beta and see if those 7-10 odd dollars were worth it or not :p.


Damn you Robert, ... no I don't mean that  {he is a really nice guy} and the man behind robotronics: The dev behind Gnomoria.

Forget about how the graphics look, turn on peaceful mode, and check out how deep this game is, the first town I built encompassed the entire map, which was the largest generated in game, was all under ground and two levels deep.

You can mine 100 levels down in search of precious metals and ores, and build 25 levels above the base terrain.

Highly recommended ;)