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Stave Church? Stabburs?

Started by Oona, September 17, 2017, 05:53:06 PM

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This is not a demand. :)  It's just an idea tossed out. Maybe it's been done.  But if no one's done one of them, how about this for eye candy:

Heddal stave church.That might be too high-poly for Banished but what about

Borgund stave church or Hopperstad stave church? These were, or are still, parish churches and not cathedrals. Borgund and Hopperststad are quite small. Here's a list of the ones still standing. Many were modified after being built.

A stabbur was a storage barn raised off the ground to protect its contents from rodents and dampness. Flour and grain were kept on the lower floor. Dried, stalted and smoked meat hung in the upper floor.

Humble farms had plainer ones.

Prosperous farms had more ornate ones.

Maybe someday someone might be interested...
Some days I'm amazing. Other days I put the laundry in the oven.


I really like... all of them!

The churches are awesome. A challenge, but that would be really fun to make.

The storage are also neat, would fit nicely with the log cabins I'm making at the moment.

Thanks for sharing pics! Oh, but the last link didn't work for me, but that might just be my internet.


I goofed the URL but it's fixed now. The stave churches are ornate, but I wonder if some or a lot of the finer shapes can be faked with clever texturing... And those dragon roof peak caps would be insane to render. Maybe they should be compromised?
Some days I'm amazing. Other days I put the laundry in the oven.

Tom Sawyer

Such stave churches were suggested a few times but nobody made it. I also like them and it would fit in the north mod since it went back to old times. Would be a bigger project and not easy of course. Buildings higher than about 15 m make problems in game because the camera comes too close when zoomed in or even runs through and distorts the model, but basically it is possible.

What I made in this style is a small wooden chapel which is also a stave construction but not comparable with these impressive buildings in your pictures. A storehouse like this I made too. Your photos show some nice bigger and more detailed variants. I saved them in my folder.. Thanks for the old photos. :)


these are certainly something like 10x12 to 12x14 ?
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Tom Sawyer

Wiki says the Heddal stave church from first link is 20 meters long and 26 high. Following the rule that a game tile = a citizens height (I use 1.66.. m) then it is exactly 12 game tiles in length plus 1 or 2 for surrounding area. Have you calculated or guessed it?^^


Quote from: Tom Sawyer on September 18, 2017, 03:21:49 AM
Have you calculated or guessed it?^^

guessed it with its apparance on the pictures :)
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@Tom Sawyer, Do you know It has many types of churches.

Here is their page about Borgund's church.

I'm posting information about Borgund because much of it is original medieval construction. Borgund was the model used to restore or reconstruct other churches like Hopperstad.

The photos are attached for future viewers in case of link rot. Jan-Torre Egge owns the copyright and they are to be used for research only.

I haven't had time yet to run The North. I really want to. I work a lot, so I will when I can. I read many good things about it and am looking forward to that.
Some days I'm amazing. Other days I put the laundry in the oven.

Tom Sawyer

I did not know this church database. Thank you for the link. And for your trip up north I recommend to wait for version 6. Coming soon. :)


Wow, those stave churches are amazing!  I never saw such buildings before, not even in pictures! 


@ Tom, I'm looking forward to version 6, then. And if you hear a funny noise, ignore it. It's just me drumming my fingers on the desk, excited.  ;D

@galensgranny If you were to lay on the floor of Hopperstad stave church this is what you would see.

This is Borgund
. (I prefer Borgund. Most of it, even the dragons, is original. A dry climate and a poor parish there is what saved it.)

Here, there be dragons...

More eye candy.

Carved lion from the 12th century.

I like all this video, but at 2:00 you see something spectacular .

If you like drooling on your keyboard, look at the list in the original post.
Find a church you like and search youtube for videos.

I think Borgund is so beautiful, but I guess I am boring people now.  :-[
Some days I'm amazing. Other days I put the laundry in the oven.

Tom Sawyer

They preserve the wood with tar? Is that a traditional way or why not with something else? Looks like after a fire and I cannot say it looks good.

The Pilgrim

I don't know if it's how it is done in the north but the Japanese have a way of preserving wood by charring the outside called Shou Sugi Ban. It is used alot on the exterior of temples and any unpainted wood.


Quote from: Oona on September 22, 2017, 03:40:27 AM
I think Borgund is so beautiful, but I guess I am boring people now.  :-[   

Thank you so much for the links to more of the churches.  NOT boring at all!!  The craftmanship and designs are wonderful to see.  I really had no idea there were such buildings in real life. 


I second that.
It is interesting with so old buildings kept 'fresh'.
The architecture is not of this world. Bringing a lot of ideas to mind.