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Started by Tom Sawyer, December 09, 2017, 01:23:50 PM

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I´m looking forward on these, too! :)


much appreciated,TOM. sounds like more good ideas are in developement too.


Sounds exciting :) I'm interested to see how the happiness aspect plays out.
It's about time we make the citizens unhappy ;)


but I'm sure that Mead Hall would make any viking happy.

Denis de la Rive

Sweet, great to see you back, I've been gone for a while so I might be wrong. :)


Looks awsome! Gonna be fun playing from Viking, to Medieval to early modern!

Tom Sawyer

Not so wrong, Denis. I did not model much since my last update. Nice to see you active on this board for some interesting discussions. I noticed that "banishedpeople" is abandoned and hope that Paeng is ok so far.

With Vikings I was a bit hesitant first. I thought it could somehow break the consistency of this mod but let's see. Collecting pictures I got a feeling that it can support the time line rather well.. building primitive turf houses or frame constructions without windows in early game. And obviously, those mead halls were still built for happiness even in 21th century.^^

Denis de la Rive

I can't say about Paeng, I've lost contact, as for the site, my content was pretty much destroyed by the cash grab by photobucket, rebuilding would have involved so much work, I would rather discuss interesting subjects her. Happily I have a good relationship with the creators here, hopefully with you also.

I must admit that I have not played your mod, it is simply a bit too close to my climate, we have sub-arctic winters, (-50C windchill), and continental humid summers, (40C humidex). I do think that it is a valid Banished topic.

I think that a Viking context is perfect for your mod, it add a culture, ( in the larger sense) to the game that is absent from many mods. If you find a few things that need to be changed to fit that culture, it is not so much of a problem. The Norse culture has so many features that Banished, and it lasted 6 centuries if you consider Greenland. There was contact from 1000 to 1450 with Norway, they even had a bishop sent from Rome.

I know you have a very clear design concept for your mod, that is something I find very important. I think that many who have made negative comments, just don't understand the interest of a topic specific mod. I have read so many posts by people who want everything to be compatible, or have designers make mods that fit their game style. I am happy to see someone can simply say no.

I have the misfortune of not having any graphic skills, otherwise I might have created mods too, but if you need to discuss anything, I'm happy to help.

Tom Sawyer

So you are living in Greenland.. or wait, Newfoundland. Old Viking territory.^^

I'm always interested in discussing this mod. It's a source of inspiration and improvements. Also in skilled people who like to write wikis and how-to's, especially native English speakers. But I get trouble with Mr. Red if I hire you away from his mod. 8)

Denis de la Rive

Actually I live 250 km north of Quebec city, but we have a many geographic features similar to Norway.

As a historian I know many things, and I have always been interested in Vikings. Many people have a distorted view of when Banished is set, in part because of CC, but it can be anywhere from the beginning of the iron age, (actually the invention of steel) and the introduction of gun powder, its more than 1000 years.

I have a great understanding of Banished, and of game design and am always willing to help those who make mods. When you are a one man team its impossible to see everything, and sometimes discussing problems or choices with someone else can be helpful. I think I understand the basics of Banished coding, (terms, functions, and limits), so my comments can be useful and more easily understood by designers. I am not against learning more of the technical aspects of this subject.

If you are interested in creating documentation for your mod, I must admit I have the skill set that could help. I am also interested in this kind of work, (in part for pain management), its something I enjoy doing, and have the tools to for. When I was at university I was editor of the school newspaper, a small collage, but a professional style paper. I understand how such a task can be difficult for people for whom English is a second language.

You must also know that I am almost an invalid, so I could find the time to help more than one person. My companion is also my boss, so that is not a problem as long as I get my accounting work done on time.

If you want to discuss this some more Just PM your ideas.

Tom Sawyer

I'm sorry about your health problems. It seems many people here are somehow "banished" from normal healthy life. I will write you since I'm really interested in help with my wiki or some other things. For now the roadmap has changed to lead back in time to North 7 "Vikings". :)


Sounds great! :)

Just a question, Is The North 7 a complete revamp of the mod or are the new ítems in addition to what we're already used to?

Tom Sawyer

I want to develop the mod further like the other versions too, constantly improving and expanding. So new items will be included without removing something else. It stretches the timeline or actually just the tech-tree like darnokthemage said but I think (with the models in mind) that it will still be consistent and no need to split something.


Thanks for the clarification. :)


I would love seeing some more timber variations, the storage barn could use a more old-time skin if you get the time. I love making the timber villages and the storage barns feel a bit too 19th century compared to the houses. Something like this would be awsome
Timber things in general is very awesome. The Skansen Museum in Stockholm has some very old and beautiful houses.

Tom Sawyer

Yep, these open air museums are the best source of models. Exactly from there I made the well and was inspired to add workplace extensions. But I did not have a picture from the whole ensemble. Thank you! I can use it to add more variations of log cabins.  The barns in game indeed do not match the cabins. They are made together with the red cottages.