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Started by Tom Sawyer, December 09, 2017, 01:23:50 PM

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@kid1293  Yes, you must!!  Beat them well - 5 or 6 goals will be good!  From 19:00 til 20:45 on Saturday I will be a Sweden fan!!  I don't expect England to win the Cup so I don't mind WHO wins it..just as long as its not Germany!!
I am not a Gamer because I don't have a life but because I choose to have many.


You can guess how it will be in our family; half German half Swedish! ;) The Bratwurst we had today, the herring tomorrow and on Saturday............. we'll see. But I'm pretty sure @LadyMarmalade Germany will not win the championship this year. They deserved it last time in Brazil, but this year they aren't good enough. If we are good enough to throw them out, I don't know, but we are used to throw the big teams out (Netherlands and Italy aren't even there because of our team) so why not. On Saturday we'll know more.

Tom Sawyer

What's going on in my thread..^^


Iceland is my favorite underdog on the WC ;)

Tom Sawyer

Yeah, Iceland for world champion! Good to sail under their flag.. to not become crucified here. ;D


Yes! beating Sweden in the final!  ;)

Tom Sawyer

Following your talk I have updated my separated tools for hunting and gathering. Pick them from :)


Excellent - thank you, Tom.
I am not a Gamer because I don't have a life but because I choose to have many.

Tom Sawyer

French Translation

Frankish settlers arrived in the North.. The mod can now be played in native French. Fully translated by @Tsar Lyagushka. Merci for the nice cooperation! :)
Download and Steam link on

Tsar Lyagushka

It was a pleasure to provide a French translation for it. If French players here notice some mistakes I made let me know and I will fix it as soon as possible  :)
I'm able to translate your mods in French (Native) and Italian (Level 6 EQF)

[b]Destiny may ride with us today, but there is no reason for it to interfere with lunch. (c) [/b]

Peter the Great


@Tom Sawyer you last update to the Hunting module defines a circle to hunt in and then after assigning hunters they begin to hunt out side of the defined area, and will hunt any available animal first. Your original version would define a circle to hunt in and then any available laborer would hunt within the defined circle. If I was running short on leather I could find a leather producing animal, define the hunting area directly on that area and begin hunting the targeted animals there, and then idle around until the Hunting area was removed.

Was this intended with you latest update?

Tom Sawyer

@Kristahfer, the hunting circle always defines an area to search for animals but does not restrict hunting outside. If they encounter a deer on their way to the spot, they take it too. That also happened with laborers but worse because you could not control where they start.

This attempt with hunting laborers I canceled because of some bad interactions. People from any settled workplaces could stop working to go hunting and the venison and hides were tracked in their blacksmith or gatherer shelter while you could not see it in the hunting spot. Other problems were uncontrolled killing whole herds by laborers who did not carry the prey to storage or the thing that they were immun against the more dangerous hunter death event.

The actual idea of hunting laborers was to make assigning workers unnecessary when using this tool and with the new version it also works with professional hunters. If a hunter is sitting at a campfire roasting venison or working around a cabin and you place a hunting spot, then they will automatically leave their workplace to chase animals at your spot and will back to previous workplaces when you quit hunting their. And this without any side effects from hobby hunting. :)


The combination campfire/hunting tool as very convenient at the beginning of a Nordic game. As you say @Kristahfer, you hunt when you need clothing and parkas are made at the campfire. I use to have a hunter assigned to the campfire, producing parkas. If there's no leather, he works as laborer. If I need clothes, I place an "instant hunter", where I see some deer and this "campfire hunter" will hunt on that spot (or as Tom says, on his way to it) automatically. When I demolish the hunter, he will automatically go back to the campfire, produce his 1-2-3 parkas and go back to laborer's work. Micromanagement with a very small effort.


Thank you for the response. Quite understandable and once explained I agree much better.

Tom Sawyer

Separated Cabins and Cottages

I updated my log cabins and red cottages. The log cabins now include a fourth F variant, storehouses and workshop extensions (making only vanilla clothes to be fully compatible). The cottages got reworked textures of the latest North version and require glass now. You have to make these materials by another mod like CC or Red ones and if added to a vanilla game they can be bought from merchants. Also, I made a no smoke mod for Nordic buildings since the mod by Black Liquid doesnot include my production buildings. If you want to remove only normal house smoke I still recommend the BL mod.

All downloads in my Inventory. I will provide more updated single mods there in future.