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Started by Tom Sawyer, December 09, 2017, 01:23:50 PM

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heathen idols makes me ŵondering : Is the amerindians who copied the vikings or the vikings copied the amerindians

Uh....I can assure you that they didn't "copy" each other at all. Native Americans came from Asia long ago, when the two continents were connected. The Norse people are an entirely different Haplo group.

Beautiful buildings! I think it would be best to call them Pagans rather than "heathens." That gives a Xian spin on things that is irrelevant and unnecessary.

Tom Sawyer

May I ask what is a Xian spin? :)

I guess you mean heathen is a bad word from a christian point of view. In game I call them Wooden Idol. The temple will be Pagan Temple or just Temple. So any "heathen" can be easily avoided.


hmmm should i argue history? who says it was heathen "gods"? a 1000 yrs or so from now, would we be considered heathen also for MT Rushmore or our many statues or monuments? next we'll debate who and why the pyramids got built.or why the Eqyptians came and told the myans how to build them or the Azteks or the people that were here BEFORE the indians and built the mounds in America..........should i go on about the Giants that history doesn't want you to know about? history is repeated statements someone made.we can't prove it was thr truth though.


In regard to the wooden idols, it is also completely possible that both cultures developed the idea independently of each other. There are a few benefits of using a tree trunk instead of stone, for example, wood is easier to carve, for the type of idol they are carving it's easier to find a tree trunk in the right shape than it is to find a rock in the right shape, it's generally easier to transport a tree trunk than it is a large rock and so on.

As for "Xian", it is sometimes used as a short form of "Christian" but it is not very common so it often causes confusion rather than understanding of what the user is trying to say.

Tom Sawyer

Thanks for clarification @TheOtherMicheal. For sure it was independently. The Vikings probably met natives when settling in Newfoundland but could never have contact to the west coast tribes with their idols and so on. Also, at this time around 1000 AD they were probably already Christians.

Wood has some advantages indeed. One is that its floating.. lol  Look what's written on

Landnámabók states that Ingólfr Arnarson (right) was the first settler in Iceland. When he sighted Iceland, he threw his high-seat pillars (öndvegissúlur) overboard and vowed to build his homestead where the pillars were driven ashore. Ingólfr was a deeply religious and circumspect man, and he felt that it was a great test of his luck and fortune to be the first settler in this unoccupied land, where the landvættir populated every hill and mountain. Therefore, he trusted the gods, to whom his high seat pillars were consecrated, to direct him to a farm site that was auspiciously located, and which would not be looked on with disfavor by the landvættir.

Ingólfr lost sight of the pillars as they drifted away from the ship. He landed, and after wintering over, he sent his slaves to find the pillars. Not until three years later were the pillars found. Ingólfr moved his farmstead to this new location where the pillars washed ashore, in the present location of Reykjavík.


it was just fun to notice the fact that vikings were doing the same things as the ameridians ^^
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It's also possible that the idea of carving idols into tree trunks started somewhere else and then when people moved from one part of the world to the next, they took the idea with them. The Chinese had a similar idea but with bronze heads placed on top of poles or tree trunks and there was a similar "pole carving" of idols in Russia (see the Shigir Idol for example) so maybe the idea originated in China and then moved through Russia into the Nordic lands as well as crossing through Alaska to be used by the native Americans?
I really don't know so I'm just guessing but like you said @RedKetchup it is fun to think about  :)


Well, you can't believe that the migration to America stopped once they made the crossing, but, continued through time and in waves. So customs and habits would also transfer to other lands and people. On the other hand, people would acquire new ideas as they moved on to different lands with a new and varied weather, ecology and animals.


Could you add a variation of the stave church with crosses on the top and such? It's not important, but i kind of want to use it as a christian cathedral.

Tom Sawyer

Good idea and possible without much effort. Maybe as separate mod to get the stave church in addition to the included temple. With spire and crosses as in the original instead of fire bowls.


And when we are there, a corner piece of the log house extensions would make my life much easier, since i love making almost gated little villages.

Tom Sawyer

How do you mean exactly? With the door of a workshop to the gable end or from inside of a closed farmstead? I would like to see a picture how you build or want to build it. Btw, you can use the extension also at the back of a cabin around the corner like this..


Something like this, a corner variation.

Tom Sawyer

I played around with some corner options but not satisfying yet. Maybe easier to make a special log cabin (home) working as a corner piece.


I was just wondering if the wicker fence in this pic will become a separate fence type or if it is a part of the pit house model mesh...I would much prefer the former to have as much decorative freedom as possible.

Would you consider adding some models of longboats? After all you can't have viking society without ships. They don't have to be functional -- perhaps you can make some that are floating (like DK's rowboats for his Jetty pack) along with some beached versions.

Also, any ETA on the next update? No rush, I'm just really looking forward to it. Your latest models are exquisite.