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irrelevant - Rickettsville, a vegetarian experiment

Started by irrelevant, June 30, 2014, 05:40:11 PM

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Well, this is different. I'm faced with the bizarre situation that, even with all tailors and blacksmiths turned off, I'm producing too much stuff (mainly food). My barns and markets are full or getting there. I'm building several new markets, and I will turn some farms into housing when harvest is complete. For the first time ever in playing this game I'm planning houses with nothing for the people who move in to them to do. I'm even thinking of slaughtering all my sheep and converting the pastures to chicken farms. At least my guys can eat everything that they produce  ;)

It would be nice if you could just sell stuff for gold.

I guess Ale is the nearest thing we have to gold, 8 trade value for 1 weight. Jeez, do I need to stop making that too, and buy it instead?

Herbs are next at 5 to 1. What a relief, no chance of overproduction there! ;D


no worries, it will go away enough quickly at some point (3500+)
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Yes, I expect you are right. To be replaced by some other imbalance  ;)

So here is the progress on the Final Frontier. Year 104, pop 3094.


Dragged another big slug of construction materials up to the landlocked TP. Going to build a nice row of stone houses out on the fringe there by the hospital. Just going for population now.


Ha! Blew right through pop 3500, and didn't even notice. And right on cue, my food reserve is low (under 50k).


congrats !! on 3500 !!

as you can see , a 3500ish pop is starting to eat like ogres ^^ certainly a 380-420k food per year so 50k reserve... thats 3 weeks lol
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Thank you @RedKetchup ! Yes they are hungry hungry hippos.

Food's back under control (what's next?).

Still chugging along, heading for 4000. :)

If you have enough fruit--and by enough I mean all the houses are full enough of it that citizens aren't going out of their way to grab some--and enough vendors, you can put a tavern at each market, and the ones close to TPs can have 2 or three.

Or four. A market with lots of vendors is mighty mighty.

Forty-two taverns in the town produced 16,740 ale last year, avg just shy of 400. All using plum (could be anything, but it's important to use a single type of fruit).

Town has 137k plum in storage, and houses have another 62k, so supply is not an issue. Most taverns are on markets, like in the screenie. Got 36 markets with 555 vendors. The markets all have 1200-2500 plum. Humming along pretty good.


wow 36 markets with 555 workers.... thats alot :) it s double what i have :)
did you sold ALOT ? to get food back to 500k food ?
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Yes, sold tons of ale and wool coats. Bought plum and walnuts. And some veggies and wheat.

Still have 30k ale and 23k wool coats at the TPs.


what looks like the amount of food eaten vs produced in a year ? like last year ?
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Last year I used 460k produced 280k. I don't know what I bought but it was a lot.

Do I produce enough iron tools, wool coats, firewood, and ale to buy all the food I am short? I'm not really sure, but I'll find out here soon enough I expect.

Still adding farms here and there. That's about done, though. Might squeeze out another 5-10k from farms. No further farms after this, though.


yeah i think you need to produce a bit more. you used 460k food last year but 50k was used to make your 16.7k ale (3 fruits per) so, you're under the 120k 150k but with all you have to sell every year... still can live long time :)
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i was talking about food ^^ not ale hehe :) joking
btw, do you saved and reload often to get food merchants ? (instead of stupid seeds merchants / livestock)
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I did for a couple of years, to get through the crisis; so tedious. Last year I took what came, it wasn't pretty. I really need more TPs but there's no place to put them.