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EMBX61's New Work in Progress Thread

Started by embx61, June 04, 2018, 05:33:53 PM

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@embx61 the wall looks great.  Kid's bed & breakfast mod has coffee.  Ice cream is cool  8)

Here in northern US back in my parents day, ice was cut from frozen rivers and small lakes.  It was taken by truck to storage building where it was insulated with straw to keep it cold. Chunks were then deliver to neighborhoods.  I vaguely remember an old ice box.  :)

Edit:  Now that I think of it, it was wagons the ice men used.  And I remember my mother saying in the summer the ice men would chop the chunks of ice from the big ice blocks and would throw the small pieces that broke off to the children.  They would all run after the wagon to get a piece.  Summer fun :)

Tom Sawyer

I think for the old Romans, ice was even a valuable trade good, transported from mountains and stocked in cellars, probably from the Alps or so. Making any kind of frozen sorbet or such should have been possible. Maybe as expensive delicacy for the high society when watching gladiator fights.^^

What I know from my barbarian homeland are still existing but mostly ruinous ice cellars or ice houses. Farmsteads usually had it to store food. They are simple constructions dug into the ground with stonewalls and covered with soil and grass. They probably also had ice blocks there from the winter to keep it cold in summer.


I'm just old enough to have vague memories of people who still had ice boxes, and even after people had refrigerators (powered by electricity or gas or, if you were off the grid, propane) everyone in my grandparents' and parents' generations called them "ice boxes." In my original homeland of Southern California all ice had to be manufactured and every town had an ice house--most of the ice was actually used in refrigerator cars on the railroad to ship produce "Back East." An early ice house could be an interesting addition to Banished. In the colder climates it could even have a worker who would cut ice from a lake in the winter (all simulated, of course). Pre-mechanical ice houses were often windowless wooden buildings of one or two stories, either near the wintertime source of ice or near the places where it was used.

Goblin Girl

Quote from: elemental on August 03, 2018, 07:00:03 PM
Yep, ice boxes were used before modern fridges came along. As in a chest with a big chunk of ice in it. Would depend on where you live, I guess.

A banished ice cream cart wouldn't be impossible.
I live in Amish country.  Last year the garden club I belong to visited an Amish homestead.  They have a huge spread, with 100+ acres, with pastures, crop fields, orchards and a pond.  They cut ice from their pond in the winter and put it in an ice house, which is the only refrigeration they have (Amish don't use electricity).  The ice house has walls that are 3' thick, and is a shed that sits under a canopy, to shade it from the sun.  So, I guess that's how it was done all over the world before everyone used electricity.


Just released the Forest Modular Set.
5 houses where 5 work places can be attached to combine residence and work place into 1.

Gatherer, Forester, Hunter, Herbalist, and Wood Cutter and their 5 houses are in.

Now really need to finish the Village Production Addon set 1 what will contain a shoemaker beside some more buildings like sandpit, oil press, tannery, Water well, and salt mine,
It is about 80% finished so should not take too long.
[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


Just released version 17002 of the Forest Modular Set.
Added walls on the back side of the work places so the workplaces can also be freely placed.
Probably save compatible but need to demolish old build workplace buildings before updating the mod.
Houses have no changes so should not have to be demolished.
[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


Ouch, wasted several hours at something so silly from my part.  :-[

I redid a bit the sand part of the Sandpit and after texturing it I looked in game and it was all lines at the edges.
Tried remapping and again the lines.
Several times remapping but the lines stayed. I thought what the hell I do wrong?
I miss something here?

Then after some hours it came to me. The sand texture resource file was still set at clamp instead of repeat so all what went out of the UV square made the lines appear.
Changed the resource file to repeat and all was well. :) Sheesh LOL

Some times silly little things we should know slip through and so lose hours for something so easy.
But anyway, made good progress on the Village Production Set Addon although I lost time. :)

I also got a idea while I was working on the sand pit, not sure if it will work but do some testing this week.
[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


Quote from: embx61 on August 06, 2018, 07:50:35 PM

Then after some hours it came to me. The sand texture resource file was still set at clamp instead of repeat so all what went out of the UV square made the lines appear.
Changed the resource file to repeat and all was well. :) Sheesh LOL

Some times silly little things we should know slip through and so lose hours for something so easy.
But anyway, made good progress on the Village Production Set Addon although I lost time. :)

I also got a idea while I was working on the sand pit, not sure if it will work but do some testing this week.

i really know how you feel bro !!!!
it is keep happening to me too much often
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Just uploaded the EB Village Production Set.

This set can be used together with the EB Village Mod, or with the separate Village Modular Mods, and contains 6 buildings with a F Key texture variant.
Salt Mine, Sandpit, Water Well, Oil Press, Tannery, and Shoemaker.
All buildings are on several toolbars under the Themed Village Set button.
[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


will the shoe maker conflict with the saddle tannery?


No, no conflicts.
the tanneries are both the same but this is just a version more inline with village textures.
Both make cured leather.

The leather worker makes the saddles and pouches in the other mod.
the shoemaker makes three kind of shoes and bannies will use those as clothing.

The boots are the same as the vanilla winter coats (ClothingWarm) so are the best.
[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


Just released version 17001 of the EB Statues of Honour Mod.

While we on it I received some messages why my version numbers are so long and what the reason is.
A fair question. It is very simple. The 170 is the game version from Luke and here I went wrong. I always had 170 in my head while it should be 1.07  :-[
Luke made the version numbers integers only so no dots allowed.
We did not know if there ever would be a 1.08 or even 1.10 version so I did this from my hobby programming background so it would later very easy to see which version of Banished the Mod belonged to.
But I had uploaded so many mods all ready before catching that error I decided to leave it at 170. The 01, 02 etc are the sub numbers with the highest being the newest version.
So it is nothing more then 170 Game version and 01, 02, 03, etc the sub versions. That's all :)

Working currently on a sand beach. I also work on another small market set where I will use the wagon stalls from the Resort Deco Mod.

I also plan before not too long another update of the Unified Mod to cramp more crap into that one. :) .
Further I will look into a overhaul of the ground irrigation system. 

So enough on the plate for the time being :)
[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


The Village Beach in progress. It acts as a Food Market as well and give Entertainment Happiness as long as a vendor is working.
The bannies can go a bit in the water. A bit funny with their clothes on but nothing we can do about it.

Because the sand is lower then 0 z axis I will make a copy of the Quarry resort deco meshes and adapt them so they can be placed lower other wise they will float in the air.
I will include that set with this mod so umbrella's and about all that good stuff can also be placed on the beach.
I will add it to the Village Services toolbar as I think a beach is a sort of public service and enough room on that toolbar.

The two wagons on the wooden ramps I did to make a food market out of the beach resort but also sometimes the corners did not dig well and a 45 degree part was showing.
If this happens, it seem to depend on where the placement is, it will be underneath the ramps so not visible.
[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


it looks strange a bit. the sand should be a lot more down below the ground level. when you look at the ramp, you see it is going down, but when you look where is the water, it looks like a big hill of sand.
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The sand slopes from the sides 1 tile because I did not want a whole wall of wood from the inside to be seen and the middle is flat. Then just before the water line it slopes down again.
On the picture it looks a bit like you explained but it really slopes down from about the waterline till inside the water.

The flat I had to do otherwise the ghosted pieces will look weird because they are level and even when i angle them a bit it still depends where the players places them so they are either partly sink in the sand or are partly floating.

\_______WL and goes down

Just checked and the flat part is -52 so more then half a tile below ground level.

[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]