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EMBX61's New Work in Progress Thread

Started by embx61, June 04, 2018, 05:33:53 PM

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Just released a little set of 3 fountains.
The fountains let the bannies use water to put out fires and they have a safety radius.

I added the same fountains as ghosted as well but no safety and fire protection on the ghosted fountains.

Things were a bit slow around the birthday of my wife. Not felt a lot like modding but instead played the game a bit and was more looking for textures and stuff and some reading on the forums.
But today I finished the fountain set and went back to work on a Arch.

The arc the Triomph was very badly modeled so started from scratch a arch with using the arc just for some scaling.
Textures were not too good either so decided to not going to create the Arc but create something similar with different textures.
[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


The fountains are splendid!  Thanks for making them.

Anniversaries and holidays are tough when there was a loss.


Thanks Granny and your welcome :)

Worked quite a bit on the Arch.
Still some stuff to do like do some little tweaking in texture coloring and maybe add a little thing or 2 it is about finished.
It will be the next landmark/monument in the game with a footprint of 6x10 tiles.

Any suggestions the Arch could stand for and a fitting name for it will be very helpful. :)

[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


Looks really nice, EB!

Just getting back to the game and haven't had a chance to play with them yet but loved your other newer ones, too.
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


Wow, that arch came out great!  I love the details.  Maybe the name could have something to do with perseverance and determination, being as the people were either banished, left to start a new colony, or maybe escaped bad conditions and started from mostly what they could find in nature to make a thriving city.


arch of survival,arch of prosperity,arch of balance.....


Thanks @galensgranny  and @brads3
I like the idea of a arch to be a monument to honor the first bannies who were banished from their homeland and found a new land to settle and claimed independence. :)

I follow the Chess Olympiad so modding time is a bit lower but still can squeeze some hours in. :)
[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


Hi embx61. Could you please update the EB Unified Mod. Because your singles and Sets mods again conflict with the EB Unified Mod. Any list to compose in order of activation of mods can be done.


Your new monument buildings look just amazing. ;D New decorative Sets with Mods narrowrowhouses will look stunning. :)


I will update the Unified Mod soon. Just give me a day or 2.

[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


Well, was somewhat bored with modeling so updated the Unified Mod to version 17020.
Everything (If I not forgot something) I made so far is now included in the Unified Mod.

My mods not really have load order issues between them except that I change toolbars a lot so just always put the newest one of my mods on top. The rest not really matter.

And if run the Unified Mod load none of my other mods except overrides and terrain changing mod.
[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]


Thanks embx61 for the update of the EB Unified Mod. All is well. But there is no update of the EB Village Beach Large - Changelog Version 17003-
(September 2 2018-Added a modular 2x3 fishing Dock which can be place on each side at the end of the side BOARDS. Added a ghosted end cap railing to close the railing if no fishing dock is BUILD. Radius of from 34 to 44.).


O yes, you are right. I added the small fishing dock but forgot to update the large beach in the unified mod.
Will do so tomorrow.  :-[

[size=8pt][color=teal]My beloved Kathy
As you were you will always be
Treasured forever in my memory[/color][/size]

[size=10pt]For my list of Mods with download links go here[/size]
