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Random questions about gameplay and game mechanics

Started by Gatherer, September 30, 2018, 10:25:30 AM

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now,now don't overuse the debug. it can become a crutch. it can be a handy tool or a cheat.

      there is no "best configuration."  with so many mods each map is different and has its own personality.  even without changing terrain or climates. the trade merchants bring different stuff. so many random differences from 1 map to the next. everyplayer has their own style. we all use different mods and have different ideas. that too can change over time and varry from map to map. that makes the game more fun since it is always changing.


Quote from: CathyM on April 04, 2019, 08:54:32 AM
I have been enjoying playing Banished as a break from my tasks and worries, so I am glad when I can avoid a failure in the game, and just enjoy watching the little bannies scurry around and live their tiny lives. :-) And having the Debug allows me to learn some of the complexities without having to start over because suddenly everyone starved to death, for example. I'm still trying to figure out the best town configuration... I'm not good at organization and I hate to destroy a building just to build something better, so my towns are still "organic"... but I'm learning!  :)

When I was first playing Banished one of the most helpful things I ever did was watching a "Banished Strategy and Tactics" series by YouTuber Pinstar:

His series is from pre-mod days and so isn't always applicable today. Nonetheless, he gives an excellent way to start any map on hard. Since I began using his startup I have never starved a poor innocent community to death. Run out of tools because I wasn't paying attention, yes. Had a plague because I forgot to build a hospital, yes. Other crises based on not paying attention to everything I needed to, yes. But starved everyone, no.  ::)

My approach is to think of a map as a "county" rather than a town and create several villages and clusters rather than a single town. Each village centers around a market and has a woodcutter, blacksmith, tailor church and cemetery along with a number of houses. Clusters are more specialized--maybe a hunter/gatherer/forester/woodcutter cluster with enough houses to staff all; maybe a farm cluster with fields, barns and houses; maybe a mining cluster, maybe a livestock cluster. I have certain things I try to do, but often one must let the map speak. For my money the most beautiful towns are those by @Paeng. I can only dream of ever being that accomplished at design.


the thing happended at that moment, i lost my saved model i did at some point. I didnt want to redraw new buildings/towers entirely.... i gave up.

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yeah thats sad, i lost many hours of modeling. got bummed
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What is the way to learn about modding? I look and didn't find something online except the Shining Rock stuff for 1.04 which I assume is mostly out of date.


I started by following Discrepancy's tutorial for making a little house- it helps you understand the modelling process and then the code part as well. Its a good "starter" project to work on. When I'd run into issues, I'd do a search on the forums here for like "smoke" or "footprint" (=

There's also threads around for making your own toolbar entry for the Community Toolbar and adding 1.0.7 storage flagging (new limits). Just hop in and get ready to mess up, heh! Being sort of lost is half the fun =)


Thanks Jinxie! I will go down that rabbithole!!!
However I'm actually more interested in working with the rules, for example working with the happiness radius positive and negative and the different types of happiness influencers. Is there a similar training or tutorial for that?
And also how about seeds and infestation and adding seeds to traders.


So Happiness is just a sub-set item you call up in a template, so if you get the Modkit installed, you should look at the Chapel, Trading Post, Tavern, Well & Mine template files. They each have something like this included:

HappinessDescription happiness
HappinessType _happinessType = Spirit;
bool _requireWorker = true;
int _idleRange = 3;

RadiusDescription radius
int _radius = 35;
// MaterialInstance _decalMaterial = "Terrain/TiledDecals/SelectAreaMaterial.rsc";

In this example, from the Chapel, you can see there's a radius of 35 created and it doesn't show its color because the code has the // for the decal of the circle bit that shows in game around some buildings. It gives people Spirit Happiness when there is a worker (Priest) there and people will mill around the building within a range of 3.

Here's what the IronMine's happiness section looks like:

HappinessDescription happiness
HappinessType _happinessType = Detraction;

RadiusDescription radius
int _radius = 30;
// MaterialInstance _decalMaterial = "Terrain/TiledDecals/SelectAreaMaterial.rsc";

Here you can see again that the decal for the radius is hidden, that its 30 tiles and that the Happiness it uses is actually a Happiness Remover. =)

If I wanted to make a new item, like a fountain and I wanted it to add happiness in a tiny circle, then I'd include that same Happiness code that's used in the Chapel code, but maybe make it a bit smaller and maybe change the Happiness type to Entertainment like the Tavern template uses.

Hope this helps, but really, once you get the Modkit installed and start poking around the different Templates and what they all call for (or don't), you'll have a fair idea of how to do things =)


Yes, the important thing IS to have fun! I'm really enjoying the EditorsChoiceLite, RedKetchup - I can't do the bigger version because my computer is too old and small... but I add the Colorful houses mod because I just love them! But they don't really work over the corner stores or other shops - is there a freestanding mod that will allow me second stories for bannies? I tried the NMT30Multistoried housing, but it flashed red when I tried to combine it with EdChoiceLite... I hope there's a compatible mod, because I really enjoyed the Medieval Housing with 2nd and 3rd floors... I LOVE the new foliage, also! So much to learn in your mega-mod, but it's a lot of fun to discover how the chains work! ;D


yes you can still fully use the multifloor with RKEC even if turn red.
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