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Menu issues in mod

Started by Nikki, November 19, 2018, 10:17:07 AM

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Quote from: Nikki on November 28, 2018, 08:43:11 AM
I can't say about package.rsc because I have not tried that, and I don't want to.

but why you dont want to ? thats the command inside the Tools-x64.exe that you are calling. it serves to package everything.

Quote from: Nikki on November 28, 2018, 08:43:11 AM
I know the scripts I use work, and the overall layout works because the other mods I use that don't change the menus build correctly, and work as expected in game.

did your other mods add something on a toolbar ? and working perfectly while adding something on a toolbar ?

Quote from: Nikki on November 28, 2018, 08:43:11 AM
There is not much documentation to how some things need to be for the game, and the examples are lacking in usefulness.

The developper gave us nothing, no documentation out of the README.html file and told us to look at the 3-4 examples he provided and told us to do the same as he did.

Quote from: Nikki on November 28, 2018, 08:43:11 AM
I know some of you will now assume I don't know what I'm doing anywhere, and if that's the case it just shows me that there is no help here.

why you are so mad at us ? we are the only place you can get help on this, we are not working for the game company. we are making tons of free mods for people and we always try to help other people, free. we all started with an absolute 0 knowledge and an absolute 0 experience to make mods for this game. just like you. and gods knows so much we would have loved to have someone to help us in those dark times.
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Almost started a new thread about this but my issue is similar to the OP's so decided to just post here.

Built a chapel and I can't get it to show up on the toolbar.  Have been through everything with a fine tooth comb and, compared against 3 different examples, everything looks as it should do far as I can tell.  Everything compiles and packs, also.  I even rebuilt the template and loaded my custom toolbar and still, nothing.  Loaded and tested my older mods to make sure the modkit is setup correctly and it is.  So I'm kind of in the same situation as the OP in that I can't get it to show up on the bar.  Launching the game in the kit crashes, but aside from that, everything looks as it should be, as far as I can tell.

I'm going to rebuild the whole thing tomorrow, but thought I would see if anyone has any suggestions.
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


my friend, if we dont see your code, we cannot point the thing. show us how you call your mod (package, root resource file, root toolbar file, and maybe later , if we didnt found the thing, your template)

dont get mad at me !
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Haha it's nothing to get mad about.  I'm just hell-bent on fixing this myself, if I can, and wanted to confirm that there isn't another place I should be looking.  I've checked and double checked all of that and it's just weird, but I changed a lot over two separate phases as I was getting my feet wet coding this so I'm sure it's something I did initially and I'm just not finding it.  It's been almost a year since I did the first one so I'm sure thats probably it.

I'm going to rebuild the whole thing first and see if it happens again.  But I'll absolutely post the whole project if not.  This one is just a test, really.  So far, I'm failing! Lol. But it's good as I've finally got my head back in the kit.

Thanks, Red. :)  If you hear screaming from the south around noon today, heads up. :P
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


So I rebuilt the whole project and it compiled on the first try.  But I'm still getting that same problem.  Have no idea what I'm doing wrong or not doing so, mea culpa.

Attached is a zip of the project folder.  C:/BanishedKit/MyMods is the file path for this folder in the bats and my goal here is to stick it on the main bar after the Town Hall and before the Chapel.  This whole thing is a test...Going to need a chapel for what I'm working on so thought I'd take a break from modeling and get the code in order.

If anyone has time and doesn't mind giving it a glance, I would be greatly appreciative.  Completely flamuxed about what the problem might be.  However you spell that. lol
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


first i've look all the root files, they seemed perfect... tried to compile: ERROR at Texture03Texture.rsc

from this .zip you provided, one of the texture has a wrong size. Texture03.png is 1000x1000 instead of 1024x1024.
once i fixed that i ve been able to compile it, and then package it. i dont understand how you could compile it without error.

make sure you always always delete its Bin and Build folders that is creating each time you compile. why that ? to make sure your compiler have all the right info and not some old info coming from an old compiling tentative.

so i compiled it fine after resize, packaged it , placed the .pkm inside game/windata/ folder and launched the game for real. activated your mod, reloaded, and then i asked to build it, supplied the resources, and everything works fine !!
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Just when I clicked 'post' RK was there :) :) :)

Yes it is Texture03


That's fantastic.  Thanks so much, guys!

It's really weird that didn't cause an error.  Glad it wasn't coding related, though.  Yes, Red, I always delete the generated files.  Learned my lesson with that.

Really appreciate the help, gentlemen, as always.
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


Yep, that totally fixed it.  I see there are some things I need to tweak...Like the footprint. LOL  I don't know why I was thinking it was that big.  4x4 not 8x8. lol  And not sure what's up with that one texture at the top.  There's something going on with the build models too, it looks like, so not sure what's up with that.

What's awesome is it runs out of the kit now, which will help with something I wanted to do with this.

Question, which is a little off-topic, but not sure where else I would ask.  This is the first time I've modded anything that actually does something.  Where does the "work" sprite come into play?  Like where is it used in-game, I mean.  Only icon I know of is on the bar.

Thank you again, guys.  I was completely stuck.
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


Work sprite is on the buildings menu where you click to activate/deactivate it. (Work/not work.)


i personally always use only 1 icon for each buildings and i change the name to target my lonely icon. this is the same .png that i link to the toolbar and i link to the work/close button.
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Makes sense, thank you.  Wasn't thinking about that.

Very excited about getting back on track with this.  Thank you very much.
"We are the architects of our actions and we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic."
― Ezio Auditore da Firenze


Quote from: RedKetchup on November 28, 2018, 01:21:37 PM
about the .bat and their path... it depends where you put your .bat. if you put the .bat inside your mod folder you need to add ../ at begining of each line. if your .bat is placed inside a /mods/NMStorage/ folder then you need to add 2 times the ../../ at begining of each line.
I know that ../ tells it to go up on level, and ../../ is two levels.... This kind of thing doesn't help.

Quote from: RedKetchup on November 28, 2018, 01:21:37 PM
..\..\bin\x64\Tools-x64.exe /build Package.rsc:list /pathres ../mods/NM_Storage/source /pathdat ../mods/NM_Storage/bin
..\..\bin\x64\Tools-x64.exe /mod Package.rsc:NM_Storage /pathres ../mods/NM_Storage/source /pathdat ../mods/NM_Storage/bin

If the commands are correct relative vs full paths won't matter.

Quote from: RedKetchup on November 28, 2018, 01:21:37 PM
personally my .bats are never inside the mod. if you go deeper, you need to add commands to comeback less deeper.
the .cmd files are not in the mod.

Quote from: RedKetchup on November 28, 2018, 01:21:37 PM
EDIT: about your line: why there is a /source/ folder ?? and also if you use NM_Storage or NMStorage without _ , make sure it matches your syntax.
and i forsee more problems with that /source/ folder... wont the /bin/ and /build/ folder created in the /source/ folder ? dont need to change also the pathdat.. too ?
What you seem to call the mod folder, I call the source folder. There is more to a mod than it's source. No, the bin and build folder are not created in the source folder. The only thing in the source folder is the source. I don't like keeping things like PSD/MAX files in the same folder as ready to use source.

It looks like

I clean the bin and build folders often.

The bin folder has the complied code before it's packaged. The build folder is where the pkm file is created, and the source is where the source that needs compiling is.

I've recreated it a few times, and it still doesn't show up in game. I know it's that I'm doing something wrong, but it's not the script to make it.