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Started by brads3, December 10, 2018, 12:03:33 PM

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        we need to build a CC blacksmith to make the muskets. as we build houses and workplaces,these bannies will work to clear land.a tailor is planned and a multi-mine.we allow the 4 new arrivals to stay.the nomad sign  gave us a smal group.more workers are sent to the sawmills to cut firewood.we will need it to supply the new gunsmith.we increase workers at the stone quarry and send 5 to the multi mine.our production and speed should show progress soon.

pic 1: CC frontier BS
pic 2: multi mine
pic 3: RK tailor uses different flax than the garden produces
pic 4: end yr25 stats


YEAR 26-27

          due to the added trade animals,we get offered trade animals more than  we need.only wanted horse for trade actually.we are getting feathers from the chicken pasture which will be sent to the general TP for food.mod manager helps a lot since thes mod order can be adjusted mid game smoothly.i did an experiment to try the flower gatherer to see if it woud collect RED's berries that might have grown with the luck and the way RED writes the gathering of berries needs the flowers and the flowers spawn from the fodder flowers are growing from the thatch.

       while we wait for stone to finish the RK rowhouse, we start a dock set on the south lake.a lonely couple arrive at the sign post.since they are so lost we alow them to stay.a merchant finally brought us some catle and we take 2 in trade.they took their time, but did find their way to the pasture.the chickens are moved to a larger pasture.

         think that last couple was in cahoots with the bandits. a tailor was murdered.the tailor made linen from the gathered flax not the fax from the garden.there was enough stored already for 170 linen. 

       RED had asked about reeds from the CC  mods so i started the dock set. for now a reed farm to grow the reeds and a fishing pier are completed.ill expand this more once we have extra workers.

pic 1:cattle
pic 2: chickens moved
pic 3: extending the RK row
pic 4: dock set started, to the left is a reed farm


YEAR 28-29

           we have caught the housing singles started to move we stopped building.we stocked more logs and firewood,more lumber and glass has been stored.the muskets have used up iron and we are out of iron ore.our food production has dropped however.while the builders dig a DS iron ore mine,the laborers clear more fields.

          there are some graduates living in the original houses.they will move across the RK forester,tiny hunter and gatherer will be built to the northeast.

          our food production has improved.we take 2 milk cows in trade.normally i dont order from the traders,but i did order the cows and some oat or corn seed to get the mill i take what we are producing or plan to not everything the merchants offer.we turn away tropical fruits and processed meats.this heps to keep them out of the inventory.

pic 1: DS iron ore mine
pic 2: more crop fields
pic 3: fish pond
pic 4: milk cows
pic 5: RK forest



                population 175,91 adults and 34 students in 44 evel is 42%.the city is growing.we now have 2 schools,3 foresters,and a variety of mines.we have chickens,mik cows ,and cattle.we finally have corn seed. there are apples,peaches,and pears.for veggys,carrots and pepperswe also have vegetable help our protien, a granny park produces 700 walnuts.our health has improved.

              with the patrol ship and towers,we keep watch for bandits.we have 85 muskets in storage to use if they made it to town.the ony way woud be if they rowed across the river from the east.

              the new crops will help our food production.we have more meat and as our herds multiply it will improve the mine brings up more iron ore,more tools will be made.

              in the next 10yrs we would like to expand and complete the dock set.hopefully we can increase food production enough to finish the west side of the city. another full row of housing is planned and a bakery.

pic 1: stats
pic 2: production and mine outputs
pic 3: inventory
pic 4:log and construction graphs


YEAR 30-31

         7 new arrivals means we need more muskets.the dock village can expand adding a water scavenger,barn,and more houses.the bakery was finished before the 1st corn crop was harvested. the dairy herd was moved to a bigger pasture and more barns winter another row of RK houses is started.there is a 2 tile grass space between the 2 sets.

       construction of housing slows.we run short on tools. a blacksmith is planned to the forest and 1 to supply the production is not progressing as fast as i hoped.there was an early snow storm.a new beekeeper and a veggy sorter to help.adjustments  have been made to send more workers out to search for food.

      KID's  tiny gatherer does collect wild honey and rose early winterfood shows a +3000 there is 1000 veggys to process yet.

pic 1:1st rowhose completed
pic 2: bakery
pic 3: dairy pasture
pic 4:pond park
pic 5:veggy sorter
pic 6:beekeeper
pic 7: 2nd forest outputs ,the tiny gatherer does collect flora mod items being produced with a RK forester.


thats sad, this row of deliberatly misused multi floor is extremly ugly and ridiculous
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sorry,i didn't want to upset ya,RED. i was trying to fit more bannies into less space. the top roof looks ok,the 2nd floor lacks windows and i had hoped the balcony doors would have showed up. i am working on building a full CC dock set to show you.reeds are also used to make ropes, and ropes were needed to make the tobacco dryer.the dryer hasn't been released in a addon mod so there is no need for ropes at the moment.


LOL!    I thought something was off about those buildings.   Also, you may want to reconsider that windmill location, it's not going to function very well hitting the building.


the windmill barely misses it but it does.i double checked it even.might be windy,watch your hats.



           while we work at extending the dock set,9 bannies arrive to help.while they waited for houses,they cleared land for a greenhouse area.a KID hothouse and a large greenhouse are started.a well and RK greenhouse wil use the fertilizer from the cattle.
a candle maker has been built to supply candles for the mines.they won't be needed will use up beeswax as it is collected.the mines still have 70% before they will need dug deeper.

            we ordered way more rice than we needed so nobody would eat it all. a rice planter was added to the docks.

pic 1:greenhouses
pic 2:growing docks
pic 3: west overview


YEAR 33-34

      18 citizens arrive in late spring.thou we are low on some supplies,there has been improvents.we need dock workers and another forest for more FO forest with a tiny gatherer and herbalist will work to the east of the thatch hut. workers along the river to the east will keep watch for bandits.

       as soon as the boardinghouse emptied,8 more arrived.the dock extends to the river.we double the rice,add a water shrine,and several storage help with firewood,the reed farm and shop have started work.more RK houses are finsihedthe cattle pasture is finally full.more markets have been built and have ful time workers. the gun wharehouse has 150 muskets.several more construction projects have been started. a 2nd RK greenhouse is completed and they both are growing potatoes.

pic 1:forest #5
pic 2:miner market
pic 3: 2nd RK  greenhouse
pic 4: dock TP



          10 nomads arrive just before summer.a few are sent to the mines to bring in more stone and the rest become laborers.a 2nd DS iron ore mine is dug.with fish over 500,we built Old Salty. we continue building on the 2nd rowhouse and extending the dock housing.

    i want to let the dock pieces work for a year or 2 and then do a write up on the set.

pic 1:yr  35 stats and production
pic 2: 2nd DS iron ore mine
pic 3: old salty


How much do the smaller DS mines produce per annum?

When selecting mods for my current map I chose againt them. And now the spot where one would fit perfectly has been taken.
There's never enough deco stuff!!!
Fiat panis.


with 5 workers i am getting 70 iron ore for each.most of the mine options bring in iron. this mountain is angled enough  it was tough to fit into it.i did have to do some terraforming.where an RK iron mine was planned got used with an orchard instead. i had tried EB's over ridemod but it doesn't work on many of the mines nor the multi quarry.


Hmm. That's a bit low for five miners. Kinda glad now I didn't load it.
There's never enough deco stuff!!!
Fiat panis.